Shades of Dark and Wild

Mr. Kim Junmyeon had to choose me of all people?
I don't like the attention.
I don't even want a little of it.
This is frustrating.

As I stood up and read the text
in my English book
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

I can't even hear her
Dude, she is defective by nature

Ya! Isn't that a little harsh? You guys are her classmates, put yourself in her shoes

I think Mr. Kim is such a nice guy.
I guess, a gentleman.
As I sat down, I saw a piece of folded paper
on my table.

It says:
I've been holding on to
that mother and child
on the back of the map you drew

What mother and child?
Oh my goodness


As my classmates started looking at me,
even Mr. Kim

Haera, is there something wrong?

Yeah, a rat was over there
Taehyung lied and adverted their attention to him.
Frankly, I'm grateful he did that

Aahh! No way

As they began to search for the imaginary rat

See, you can be loud
I never wanted his attention


When the class ended,
he kept on talking to me.
It had caused me trouble

Look, Haera's talking to a guy
With the guy, Tae, no less
It's the first time I have seen her talk to a guy
Or to anyone

I can't believe this

You drew it, didn't you? Did you use a model?

Uhm, no one specific. It was because I was always in the park. I can see moms with their kids.

Jeongmal? Really?

Why did you hold onto it, instead of throwing it?

Because I find the drawing beautiful

It is weird.
Even though I don't like him.
His words has left an impression on me

Hey Haera, are you going home already?

That simple drawing,
it turned him from someone
I don't like to someone

No, I'll be going to the art studio

Oh, are you in the art club?

As I saw him hold a basketball ball
Are you on the basketball team?

This? This is work


Oh, do you got any money? I'll double it for you

As he took my scrunchy
Let me borrow this too

He has no manners at all,
but I don't mind now

Check her out blushing
Hey Irene, what's wrong with Tae?
Why is he with Haera of all people?

Typical gossips.
What I hate the most in school

Basketball is a passion,
a favorite leisure activity

Who is that guy?
That is Kim Taehyung
He got some great skills

I don't get boys

Look outside, the boys are playing basketball for money
I guess that what they do when they see an empty court
They have brought in other kids from other schools
Oh my, isn't that Zi Tao?

Ah, maybe that's what he meant
when he said,
Oh, do you got any money? I'll double it for you

My scrunchy.
He doesn't have to take it
What a weirdo

Oh Haera, you're still here

Mr. Junmyeon?

It's great that you're a dedicated student, but class has ended hours ago
But wait a moment

As he closed the door.
I got nervous.
What is he going to do?

Is drawing a hobby of yours?
Let me see what you draw

As he walk closer to me,
he bent down over
to see what I have drawn.
His had touch my shoulders,
the other touched my thigh.

I wanted to scream,
but my voice,
nothing's coming out!

He slowly reached my s,
Mr. Junmyeon,

When suddenly,
Taehyung opened the door.
Thank goodness

Mr. Junmyeon

With that,
Mr. Junmyeon hurriedly
took his hands off me

I was just, uh, making my rounds
You're not even in the art club, what are you doing here?

Oh I get it, you can't come to the studio unless you're a member?
I should join the art club too

There's no way you can possibly draw, Taehyung

You never know, I may have a secret hidden talent
You know, I may be stupid but at least I go after girls my own age

As tears are about to fall

I won't let you insult me like that 

As Taehyung picked up a paper cutter
What are you doing Taehyung?

Relax, I was just going to sharpen a pencil
It's not like I was thinking about cutting your thing

As Taehyung looked down on the paper cutter,
Mr. Junmyeon then hurriedly ran for the door


What's wrong with you? Letting him feel you without even saying a word

He smiled at me,
wipping my tears away

Hey Tae, what are you doing? Let's go

I'll be right there, Yoongi
Oh here, I told you, I'll double it

As he threw me my scrunchy,
and gave back my money.
He did double it
as he left me, crying

What are you doing in the art studio?

Appreciating art

What is this feeling?

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