Shades of Dark and Wild

Busy corridors.
Noisy chatters.
Friends hang out.
Ambiguous announcements.
What a fun morning, yay!

Haera, Haera!

Taehyung whisperedly shouted
at a narrow passageway, near the stairs.
What is it that he wants this time?

I'm giving this back to you

As he handed me a neat,
clean folder and inside
is the drawing I made,
a mother and child

I'm sorry, it's a little bit crumpled. I didn't realised that there was a drawing at the back, so I just put it inside my pocket

It's okay, it is just a sketch. I don't need it anymore

You don't need it? I mean, were you supposed to throw it away?

I nodded,
hoping he'll leave me alone now

If you're just going to throw it, can I just have it?

Th - That's fine, you can take it


Uh, if you want

He smiles like a little boy.
I can't believe this was the same boy,
the same Taehyung from yesterday

The same Taehyung,
whose cruel eyes
gave me chills

You'll give this to me for free?

It's just a sketch

Well, I can't just take it for free
Let's see what I can do for you?

Please just leave me alone.
As when I was about to turn my back on him

I'll protect you! I'll stand by you if anything happens

Well, I don't need it

One more thing, if ever you need feel like fooling around, I'll lend you my body

Will - Will you lend me your body?

I shouted back at him,
as he kinda fell
from the stairs

Mworago? What did you say?

In the 16 years
that I have been living
in this world.
I have never said

I want you to model for me

Anything so bold,
in my entire life

Should I undress now?

I shook my head vigorously

My heart was pounding cause I thought you wanted a model

I gulped at his sudden confession,
and same,
my heart's pounding too

But can we go to the art studio, so I can concentrate on sketching you?

Of course, I thought we are just going to do this in the hallway

I led him
to the empty art studio.
I couldn't believe myself
that I have said it.
But I couldn't avoid myself
from saying it either

Uh, would you mind taking of your top shirt only?

He was so beautiful

And then, what do I do?

Can you please sit in that chair and be still

I can sit whatever I want?


I thought,
he was just playing around.
I was moved.
He's willing to help

I can't believe I'm modeling for you
I heard some rumors about you though, is it true that you hate men?

I froze.

Then, it must be that you like girls?

Can't you sit still? Its hard to sketch you when you keep moving around

I'm sleepy

As he even changed his position.
He has such a beautiful face,
even up close.
No wonder, many girls fall for him

〄 〄 〄 〄

The next day,
still the same.
Noisy chatters can be heard.
Silly jokes here and there,
nothing new

Taehyung is sooo hot
I know right, I want to snag him
Slim chance though, he got a girlfriend

Taehyung, really is popular.
A senior for a girlfriend, wow.
And it's Hwang Miyoung no less,
calling to talk to him

Tae, let's break up
It's because your still a junior and got a lot of time to spare, unlike me I need to prepare for the college entrance exams

Oh, okay

I know it's not good to eavesdrop.
The thing is, I don't even understand
what they are saying.
Is this alien talk?

Wait! What is wrong with you?


Is it true that your fooling around with your new girl in the art studio?

You mean Haera? I haven't done anything with her, yet


Why are you so mad? I thought you wanted to break up?

It was a stupid thing to do, I was jealous!
I even bought you a Ulysse Nardin watch

I didn't ask for it

Where is it? Give it back

I don't have it anymore, I pawned it

Then which is more important, me or your bike?

The bike, of course. Do you still have to ask that?

Oh my, Taehyung!
He got beaten by a girl.

He went straight to me,
with a scratch on his face

I guess, I can't model for you now with this kind of face, can't I?

Hwang Miyoung did it?

I saw him tensed

No, the cat did

Oh! There must be a cat,
that wears nailpolish in school.

My impression of him, changed.
He walked up to me, just to tell me this

If this was the old me,
I would have thought that
guys like him will destroy me

Although, I know,
for the fact, that
he is a bad boy
and he pushes the boundaries

Tae, English is about to start

Yoongi, I'm sleepy

But, I don't sense any selfishness.
I think he is just confident.
This world is just full of selfish people,
and there's nobody
who can save the world from them

No matter,
how good you hide your feelings.
Your selfishness seeps slowly,
that your true self reeks.
Spreading an awful stench

So, let's have someone do this sentence construction

But Mr. Junmyeon that's so hard
This is not fair

I can't believe,
that this man
could do such thing

If Taehyung
hadn't walked in that time

I believe, you're practicing hard at your after school classes and even doing your homeworks. I just want to see how much you have learned

I'll protect you
Well, I think
that is not so bad at all.
Someone who is willing
to protect someone like me

Tae, you're up

Huh? What's happening?

Taehyung, you try it

Is he out of his mind?
Of all people?
Taehyung doesn't take after school classes

As Taehyung went to the front,
I could see Mr. Junmyeon smirking.
I can't believe this

Taehyung looked confused.
Oh God, please help him

What's wrong Taehyung? You're the big man in court but not in class?

Taehyung turned to look at me,
and smirked.

This is your fault that I woke up

As he took the chalk
and wrote on the blackboard
This teacher who you think is a good man,
is actually a dreadful person,
who ually harasses his students after school.

Mr. Junmyeon had to erase
what Taehyung just wrote.
He didn't expect it from Taehyung.
Nobody did

What does that mean?
ually harass?

Nice try, but I lived in Los Angeles for 10 years and I know my English

What, you're bilingual Tae?

Oh, didn't I tell you?

No, you didn't
Unbelievable Tae
Yoongi how come you didn't tell us?

I can't believe this,
his english is perfect.
His grades though are not so good
cause he barely shows up in class.
But I heard he was one of those
who actually managed to get
a perfect score on the entrance exam

〄 〄 〄 〄

Taehyung's motorcycle is precious to him.
Riding and racing with it became habitual.
For Taehyung, this is his life

My breaks!!

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