Shades of Dark and Wild



A handsome boy (man) who does not conform to approved standards of behavior

Perfectly nice girls seem to constantly be falling for a guy that usually mistreats them.

Most of you probably saw this coming: pretty sure that deep down, even she saw it coming. She saw exactly what she would be getting into but yet she still just have to do nothing and just let him break her heart apart. Letting a guy who leads her to believe that he do cares about her without really caring about her feelings.

The truth is;
They have a notorious reputation as a player, womanizer or a dark and wild past.

Good Girls tend to recognize that bad boys are just using them but still they keep on falling for their tacky pick-up lines.

Many good girls seem to just want something that they can't have, so they prefer to chase the catch which is fall for a bad boy.

Bad Boys are self-centered lads that uses their looks and charms as long as they can to get a girl to fall deeply in love with them or just means trouble.

Many bad boys possess that emotional unavailabilty which girls like, even so they must have been heartbroken, themselves.

They're just scared of having a commitment to someone because they fear the possibility of having to endure more pain. They avoid having their own hearts broken by just adopting the image of being a total "bad boy" and plays with a girl's heart.

These type of men tend to guard what's left of their pride with a detached and inflated confidence.

Over all, bad boys takes advantage of the fact that girls literally likes them by having that rebellious behavior and that is what good girls normally like bad boys.

Every girl wants to think they could be able to fix and mend a bad boy's broken heart and be the one he falls for last.

chances are;
is she the one or not

Will you fall in love with a bad boy?
because I have

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