챕터 1

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Ahrin’s pov

“Ahrin, are you okay? You’ve been spacing out for god-knows-how-long” Ahyoung, my bestfriend since forever snapped me out. Gosh, I must have been spacing out too many times today.

“Im okay. I just miss Seonhwa eonnie out of the blue” I bite my lower lip, the habit that I would always do when I feel sad.

“Aigoo” she picks Lauren and put her in front of me, “Mommy had to be strong for Lauren, aresso?” she said mimicking the baby voice for Lauren.

Lauren, the cute little baby smiles as if she knew what we were talking about.

“Ouch, my stomach hurts gosh I need to go to the toilet. Look after Lauren aresso?” I ran quickly to the nearest restroom leaving Ahyoung and Lauren. This period pain is no joke I swear.


No one’s pov

“Shhh shhh Lauren-ah mommy will be here soon. Stop crying kay?” Ahyoung tries to make the daughter stop crying but to no avail. Lauren keeps crying for-god-knows-why loudly, probably wanting her mommy to comfort her.

She whines, tears are streaming down her face non-stop. Ahyoung started panicking, afraid that something might went wrong with Lauren as the cries go harder.

“Can I try?” a manly voice interrupts her.

“Err but she doesn’t like strangers but you could try but..hm-”

“It’s okay I’ll just try” he cut her while picking Lauren from Ahyoung’s arm.

“Hm, there you go. She will probably cries even harder. Oh God please have mercy on us” she said in her thoughts.

The guy tries to comfort her by playing with her and like a miracle Lauren doesn’t even cry other than giggles.

“OMG Lauren” Ahyoung were surprised at it. Before this, Lauren wouldn’t like when stranger tries to hold her other than her mommy, her uncles, her grandparents and Ahyoung herself. She would whine every time someone wants to hold her even just for a second. She is a very fussy baby. But now, she even giggles and laughes with a new guy she just met. What’s happening exactly?

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