Best Friend Date

Fate's...My Best Friend

@KPOPLOVER123: I guess we'll just have too see, huh? *evil chuckle* I'm the kind of personal that tries not to reveal too much until it's at a need to know basis. Please stick around and find out!~ 


"Thanks Director Lee! You did amazing unnie!~ Everyone worked hard!" Miran went around handing compliments. Everyone was tired, but her compliments could make anyone turn their frown upside down. (a/n how cheesy ><) "You guys were amazing at the lighting! Please help yourself to the snacks in the staff room!"

"Miran-ah, are you leaving now?" asked Geun Young as she spotted Miran grabbing her jacket and purse. "Yea, I'm gonna go meet Myungsoo oppa." Miran put on her sunglasses. "I haven't seen him since we started this semester." (a/n btw Miran's in freshman year of college and Myungsoo's a sophomore in college- he skipped a grade) "Oh, so it's a date.~" cooed Geun Young. "I wish, I've liked him for a long time. I mean we've been childhood friends since practically birth, but I think I finally saw him as a man in middle school...when he saved my sketchbook from the girls who were jealous of me. He's always been the quiet, popular prince. I'm just the quiet one who sketches; people finally started to notice me when in high school when my sketches/ designs started winning awards. Girls came up to me asking for free clothing samples, boys came up asking for one night stands. School wasn't a great place for me. I wanted to go to an art highschool, but I didn't want to leave Myungsoo oppa. It completely took me by surprise to figure out that he got accepted too, to study architecture. We've been stuck ever since, but I think he looks at me like a little sister." sighed Miran. "Shoot, I'm late. Gotta go unnie, let's get together soon to talk about a dress to wear for the opening of your new drama. Bye!" Miran swiftly ran out the door. "Oh Miran..." smiled Geun Young.


"Sorry oppa, did you wait for a long time?" Miran asked with her puppy dog face. "Yah, don't you know how hard it is to make time for you out of my busy architectural schedule?" Myungsoo sneered. Miran put on a sad face, but quickly turned that frown upside down when she heard her oppa say, "JUST KIDDING! Puahaha! You should have seen your face!" Myungsoo was able to die laughing while Miran smiled. She already knew that this was going to happen, it happened all the time. He would be act super mad, she would put on a cute sad face, and after they would laugh it off. It was kinda like a tradition. Myungsoo was just oblivious. 

"Ok, so what are we gonna do today? Let's go shopping!~" Miran said as she skipped to the nearest store. " Yah, yah, yah! Don't you have enough clothes?" questioned Myungsoo. "Sure, but you can never have enough inspiration. Come on, I'll treat you to ice cream afterwards!~"


"Oppa, don't you love walking in this weather while eating ice cream? I DO~" smiled Miran  her strawberry ice cream. "Yea, it's nice." Myungsoo said as he ate his vanilla ice cream. He turned his head avoiding Miran so she wouldn't be able to see him blush to her cute aegyo. " I found a cafe that we haven't been to before. Wanna check it out?" It was their thing, cafes, they would go, rate, and rarely they might revisit. But most likely not, not all cafes pleased them. They're very picky when it comes to cafes. "I'd love too, let's check it out." grinned Miran. She was ready for the challenge. 


As they entered the cafe, Miran felt automatically attracted to it. It was the environment; it was cozy, warm, just a perfect place for sketching new ideas. "Oppa, I love it. Hey, this table is one of the latest designs that belong to my teacher, Mr. Chung. His works are very expensive." Miran turned to a passing waiter, " Excuse me, but where did you get this table?" "Oh, the artist is a close friend of the cafe owner, so it was a gift." the waiter kindly said. "Please don't be offended, but this cafe isn't that popular. Shouldn't it be with all these beautiful decoration and furniture?" questioned Myungsoo. "Oh, the owner didn't want a huge chain of cafes. Just one small and comfortable one." the waiter simply stated. "Excuse me?" called a customer. "Coming!~ Please excuse me." The waiter walked away.

"Oppa, how did you find this cafe?" questioned Miran. "Well, you've been kind of down lately and Mr. Chung noticed. He knows that you come up with amazing ideas in cafes so he secretly told me about this one. " smiled Myungsoo. "Oh, I love that Mr. Chung. He's so nice. I always see him treating his wife out to dates. So cute~ Anyways oppa, what should we eat? I want to eat strawberry macaroons and green tea~!" Miran said with a childish agyeo. " Ok, ok. L oppa will buy it for you." Myungsoo cooed as he pinched her cheeks. "Oh gosh...I can't believe you still remember that. I haven't called you that since freshman year of high school, 4 years ago." blushed Miran. "Sweetie, I'll always remember."


"That'll be $14.95 and with the couple discount, $11.65." smiled the cashier. "Oh, we aren't a couple, just best friends." Myungsoo said as he searched for his wallet. "Oh, I'm so sorry. But if you want I can still give you the discount...if you go on a date with me...oppa." the cashier said as she tried to put on huge puppy dog eyes.  Miran was furious until Myungsoo scolded the young girl (a/n: actually about 17 years old. One year younger than Miran and Myungsoo), "You shouldn't act that way in such a beautiful cafe. It ruins the atmosphere. And you also shouldn't ask out a guy you don't even know. I'll just pay the full price, thank you." Myungsoo put down a $20. "Keep the change." Then he walked away holding the tray of goodies. "Don't worry oppa, I'll get him." the cashier said to herself while Myungsoo and Miran looked for a seat, far enough from hearing distance.


"Oppa, you were too harsh." smirked Miran. "This is a harsh world. You would have been harsher, I saw that look on your face. You were about to go into attack mode." Miran blushed, "No I wasn't. I was just going to teach her how to be a proper young lady." "Sure." Myungsoo winked at her. Miran blushed even more. "Hurry up oppa, before my green tea gets cold."


(a/n: by the way, the photoshoot only took 2 hours, so the date starts basically at 4 pm. It's basically afternoon.)


"Ok, time to sketch. What are you sketching oppa?" questioned Miran as she grabbed her supplies out of her bag. "I have to design another building for this company. They want something modern and chic. I think it's for a new shopping center or something..." stated Myungsoo. "Oppa, you're amazing. Only 19 and you've already designed 3 buildings. Now you're doing your fourth. I'm so jealous. I want to make a mark on this world too." pouted Miran. "Don't worry, I'm trying my best to find you a sponser. Don't worry." smiled Myungsoo. "You're too nice oppa. Now let's sketch!~" Miran smiled. She sipped her tea to think of an idea, but lately she's lost her inspiration. She decided to sketch Myungsoo, from her favorite memory. 

"Look oppa, look at the sketch~" beamed Miran as she showed him the sketch. HIs heart fluttered, "It really looks amazing Miran-ah. Why designer? You could definitely make it as an artist." "I like others wearing my work instead of just looking at it. The way they were it and the different styles makes me happy." Miran stated as she grabbed a macaroon. 


An old couple came up to them and handed them bread. "Hello, swerrthearts, this is love bread, free, for couples to flourish their relationship. Please enjoy~" said the grandma. "Oh, thank you grandma, but we aren't a couple." stated Myungsoo politely. "Oh dear, but you two still look good together. Please still accept this bread and enjoy. You never know when love comes in." smiled the grandma as she hugged the grandpa. "Thank you very much!" said both Miran and Myungsoo. 

"Everyone always calls us a couple." blushed Miran. "Yea, maybe we should go out?" asked Myungsoo. Miran looked at him with shocked eyes. "Just kidding, gosh. You don't have to look like that if you don't want to." joked Myungsoo. *He thought I didn't want to...maybe he didn't mean anything...* thought Miran


(a/n: now it's almost night 7pm. They've spent about 3 hours at the cafe.)

"Excuse me, welsome to our daily live music that starts at 7pm. After popularvoting we have brought back the group Block B! (a/n: Block B's not famous, kinda like an underground group) They've come back with a new song called Did You Do It Or Not." said the waiter, "Please enjoy."

^ Amazing song~


(a/n: Song's over. So good!~)

Everyone at the cafe clapped. "Wow, that was beautiful. Now we'll have a special Block B time!" said the waiter. "1, 2, 3, Hello, we're Block B." bowed the group. THe group said all of their introduction, all that was left was the leader, "What's up. I'm Zico." 

"Thank you and for a special prize our Block B leader will go on a special date with one of the lovely ladies here in the cafe." said the maknae, P.O. All the ladies in the cafe cheered to be going out on a date with such a handsome and charasmatic guy. "We'll try to be as fair as we can, so we'll have the members choose." said the waiter, " So Block B, please choose."

Block B (except Zico) huddled together to choose a girl. Zico stood confidently on the side of the stage. He looked around, smiling and nodding at all the ladies in the cafe. But when he caught Miran's eyes, he winked. She was appalled and shocked. Miran hurried and drank her tea to hide her red face. 

"Ok, Block B's ready!" shouted Taeil, "We choose...(a/n: pikachu. Just kidding. I mean c'mon it's obvious isn't it?) The young lady with red hair wearing that wicked black military jacket. She seems classy and calm, pretty much the opposite of our leader. This'll be fun~" The Block B members (excluding Zico) whooped and high- fived.

The leader walked over to a shocked and red Miran, "Hi, I'm Zico."


cafefull1.jpg Cafe~

tumblr_lcmofuyFrJ1qb9ukto1_500.jpg Tea and Macaroons. Delicious right?

20110322_suzy_1.jpg Muahahaha. THe cashier girl. Miss A's Suzy.  I'm not hating, ok? I love her~!

myungsoo_by_tehepero-d4nd0t9.jpgSketch of Myungsoo~

images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ_3tNDm_6GcKD3p1rH1FX Miran's outfit

All pictures credited to their original owners^^


Anticipate for an explanation of why I haven't posted in a very long time. ^^

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Kwon_Ara #1
I hope It's a Zico fanfic...