Mothers know best

They text each other 24/7 after that. Their poor phones have never been so abused in their life. Sunggyu’s mother even mistook Woohyun for Sunggyu’s new girlfriend when the brunette refused to put the phone down the day after they met. (“His name’s Woohyun mom. Obviously a guy. What woman would have a voice that deep?” Sunggyu tells his mother over dinner after his three hour conversation with Woohyun on the phone.)
Two days later, Sunggyu’s bombarding Woohyun’s inbox with S.O.S messages at ten in the morning (an ungodly hour, Woohyun once told him) while trying to figure out a plan to escape the inevitable task of carrying his mother’s shopping bags once they get to the mall.
Their car halts and Sunggyu cries on the inside.
Three hours and twenty-seven shops later, his mother finally decides that she’s hungry enough to stop shopping for a little while. She leads him to the food court and asks him to find an empty table while she gets them food. He happily agrees and searches for an empty table with enough space to put all the things his mother bought. He finds one on the far end of the mall and hurriedly walks over to it.
“Fancy seeing you here,” a familiar voice interrupts his train of thought a few minutes later and he momentarily forgets what he was planning when Nam Woohyun’s face comes into view, irritating smirk firmly in place.
“I would say the same but I distinctly remember flooding your inbox with my whereabouts a few hours ago. Did I interrupt your beauty sleep?” Sunggyu says, motioning for the other boy to sit down on the chair across from his. 
The other boy complies before saying, “Not at all. Slept like the dead until half-past eleven if you must know. Where’s your mom by the way? I remember your girly complaints about having to carry her bags the whole day.”
“She's getting me food which I am not sharing with you.”
Woohyun pouts and puffs his cheeks, “Why not?”
“Sunggyu, who’s this?” his mother interrupts. He turns his head to take glance at her and stands up to help her put the tray of food down on the rectangular table while Woohyun moves to the unoccupied chair beside Sunggyu so that the latter’s mother didn’t have to go all the way around to sit down.
“You never answered my question, Sunggyu,” she says once they were all settled.
Sunggyu swallows the food in his mouth first before saying, “Woohyun,” and promptly goes back devouring his lunch.
Woohyun lightly hits Sunggyu in the arm. He turns to Sunggyu’s mom and says, “I’m sorry for Sunggyu’s rude behavior Mrs. Kim. He’s probably not used to introducing you to someone as handsome as me,” He smiles that charming smile of his that makes all the girls swoon, Sunggyu’s mom included.
“Woohyun, stop hitting on my mom. That’s all kinds of disturbing,” Sunggyu says. Woohyun turns to look at him, sees the mild disgust on his friend’s face and laughs. Sunggyu smacks him upside the head and pushes the remainder of his lunch in front of Woohyun.
Sunggyu’s mother continues shopping for another few hours. Woohyun, who had insisted he help Sunggyu carry her bags (she pinched his cheeks in delight, happy that her son had befriended such a well-mannered young man), regretted this decision after the first hour. When she just wouldn’t stop buying from every store they entered.
“Dad called. He says he’s just around the corner,” Sunggyu tells her as she hands him another bag from the store she just exited. They were seated on a bench just outside the store, the bags they were carrying were too many to bring inside without causing accidents such as the things falling of the shelves.
She nods in reply and they walk to the front of the mall to wait for his dad.
His mother was telling Woohyun yet another embarrassing story of her son when his dad came. (Sunggyu thanks the heavens she didn’t get to the good part or Woohyun would probably never let him live it down.)
They load every single bag in the too small car without much difficulty. Sunggyu was just about to bid Woohyun goodbye when his mother tells him to stay and hang out for the next few hours, “After all, isn’t that why he’s here?” she says, handing him a few bills and kissing his cheek before bidding them goodbye.
“Dinner sound good?” Woohyun asks, grinning.
Sunggyu returns the smile (and it’s so bright that it blinds Woohyun slightly).
“Dinner sounds great.”
A/N: Short update. I'll try to make the next chapter longer. I'm sorry this took so long. I'm about half-way through the next chapter so hopefully it'll be up soon. That is if nothing else comes up. Uni jsyk.
Also thanks to those who commented and subscribed. They really mean a lot to an amateur like me :)
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woosoogyu #1
Chapter 2: Hi, author... Looks like you've abandon this awesome woogyu story...?
I like how they start off their friendship... So... Will you be updating this cutie story soon...? ^_~
shedding-dream #2
kekekeke.. gresy woohyun is gresy..

aww woogyu going to have dinner together <3 *candle light dinner?* lol
Lol. Poor Sunggyu. I understand him completely. ^^
aw cute haha
LAWL im loving the french. They got spunky attitudes in this on. :P
This sounds rather interesting! I can't wait for an update! (:
hopping_frogs #7
Oooh I'm loving this already. High school au woogyu is my favourite. :D can't wait for more!
shedding-dream #8
I like this already..

Gonna subscribe :)