Irony ( EXO Sehun)

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Being a teenager is tough. Plain and simple and just true.

Every day teenagers stress over various things: school, clothes, friends, love. The most trivial and ordinary things. But what's the one thing most teenagers shrug off and act as if it is of no importance? Bullying.

For Choi Eunhui, avoiding her bully seemed like the best thing to do. Why wouldn't you avoid your bully? Of course, things only seem to worsen the more she avoids him. She can't stand Oh Sehun, the cool guy with attractive face who thinks he's God's given gift to the world. He's hateful, cocky, and many more adjectives that mean bad things. She never thought she would be a victim of bullying, one reason being because she was always the one helping the bullied, being their friend and defender. But that only seemed to make trouble for herself because now she's got the world's worst bully sitting on her shoulder like some annoying monkey screeching in her ear. And just when she thinks it's over and she's free of it all, he strikes again every time. She doesn't know what she expected to happen...

But falling for the boy behind the mask of a bully was what she least expected. 


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Genre : Angst , bully, Romance, schoolife 

Chapters : 79

Status : Completed

Authors : get2herheart and Korekrypta Taemkerbell


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A hi to all readers!! just thought of recommending some stories that i have read so far. It's my first time doing it so please do understand that it's not really perfect at the moment and i will try to improve more in the future ><

And also please do leave comments~ ^^


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PerfectStorm #1
Hello! Have you read any of the stories written by wind_rain?

I would suggest her story Keep me safe!