*BONUS CHAPTER: Mysterious Love

Protect Taemin

Onew's POV

So this is the famous Sa Rang I've been told about... I smiled at her, locking eye contact with her for what seemed like more than minutes. Neither of us blinked as I looked deeply into her beautiful dark eyes as if I were getting lost in them. 
She smiled back and bowed slightly. Min made her way to Minho at the other side of the dressing room. (MinMin) 
EunHye had introduced me to Sa Rang in SHINee's dressing room just now. 
Taemin Dongseng was with his girlfriend, , I heard. Poor girl, her own boyfriend had forgotten about her and how much she had done for him in Shinhwa High. I shook my head in shame at the thought. 
I didn't notice the I had cut off eye contact with the people in front of me as they snapped me back to reality. 
"Hello? Chicken boy?" Eun Hye waved in front of my face. 
"Chicken boy?" I scrunched my nose at the weird nickname for me. 
Sa Rang giggled softly next to her. I grinned at her cute laugh and blushed. 
Eun Hye rolled her eyes with a smile and tried pushing her friend closer to me. 
"Eun Hye!" she exclaimed in surprise and almost tripped over her own feet. 
I acted quickly and reached my arms out in front of me to catch her just in time. Sa Rang looked up at me and laughed nervously, blushing at the same time. 
She pursed her lips in embarrassment and looked away from me quickly. 
I smiled at her. "Seems like you've got Onew Condition, tripping over your own feet like that."
Sa Rang's POV
A couple of days after the SHINee and EXO concert, Onew and I planned to have a date. 
SHINee will be staying in America for a while. EXO had many schedules in Korea and other places so they left. 
Of course, was able to see her beloved Jong In Oppa before they did. 
I looked up at SHINee's hotel room before stepping into the door with Onew by my side who had picked me up from my house earlier. 
We stepped in to see a bit of JongKey action on the couch in cuddled up by the noisy tv under the same fuzzy blue blanket. 
"Where's Minho?" Onew asked them.
Key looked up and took a small glance at me before answering, "He's with Min again,"
I smiled at him in response and bowed a little.
"He'll probably be back tonight or something," Jonghyun added. 
"And Taemin Dongseng?" Onew took my hand and pulled me towards their kitchen. 
"Uhh..." Jonghyun and Key exchanged nervous glances with each other. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion at their hesitant response to Taemin's whereabouts. 
"Well?" their leader asked again, his voice making the hesitant boys jump a little. 
"He.. He went somewhere," Jonghyun stammered a little. "Dancing,"
"Dancing?" Onew nodded, glancing at me as we stepped into the kitchen. "Would you like something to eat?" 
I just nodded silently as he continued his conversation with JongKey who were still hesitant in the living room.
"Dancing where?" he asked them, taking out a couple slices of bread to toast probably for a sandwich. 
"Not at a club with his girlfriend!!" Key blurted suddenly. 
I turned to him quickly with a shocked expression. "Club? With ?" 
Jonghyun groaned and smacked Key right side of his head. "You blew their cover...." he muttered. 
I tilted my head and looked away from them, guessing that was with Taemin at a club. In America.
Onew paused inbetween his sandwich making and looked over at them. "Why would he do that?"
"He wanted to explore the city more, I guess..." Key shrugged. "How old is he? I don't think he can drink yet..." he commented quietly. 
"Not with his age in America," Jonghyun sighed. "I don't know. He's probably old enough, though."
I looked over at the exasperated leader who sighed loudly and shook his head. 
"I hope he'll be okay..." he muttered. 
Clubs in America (to me) were...scary. Scary, not as in nightmare horrifying scary, but forcing erted kind of scary. Not to mention what people do when they get drunk. 
I'm guessing Onew knew this and was worrying about Taemin. 
"It's okay," I decided to speak, patting him on the shoulder comfortingly. "He's a big boy now. You don't have to worry about him," 
Onew smiled softly and nodded, continuing to make the sandwiches. 
I smiled back and looked down at my fingers as I fiddled with them. I hope will be okay, too.... It's her first time at a club.
Taemin is brave. He can handle and protect her.^^ I thought, Let's hope he isn't a heavy drinker...or doesn't drinks at all.
"So, is that your girlfriend, hyung?" Jonghyun interrupted my thoughts, staring at me with those puppy eyes of his. 
I held in my fangirl screams over his adorableness and looked over at Onew who busied himself putting in ingredients into the toasted bread. 
He was silent for a while, which made me nervous. 
Were we a couple or is today just a plain normal date? I wondered. 
But a gentle smile spread across Onew's face slowly before he looked up at me, saying..
"Yes. Sa Rang is my lover."
Lover!  I couldn't help but scoff and giggle to myself as SHINee's manager kindly drove me and Onew to the destination of our date.
Lover... I repeated in my head. Lover? As in... Soulmate? Wife?.......
Lover and Girlfriend are two different things... I thought. Does he even know what he said?
I frowned in confusion at my thoughts and sighed a little. SO confused.
Onew seemed to notice and tried to awkwardly poke me in the shoulder. "Hey. You alright?"
I glanced at him and nodded slightly but a bit hesitant. 
He stared at me obviously not buying the weird response I gave him. 
There was silence between us before I spoke. 
"Lover... What did you mean by that?" I asked quietly. 
"Hm?" he looked away from me as if trying to remember when he had said that. "Ah, that. What did you think I mean?"
I blinked and made a face at him, frowning deeply. 
"We're a couple," Onew answered for himself, "You're my girlfriend."
"Girlfriend and lover aren't the same thing......." I said, more quieter under my breath, 
He blinked a couple of times before looking away out the car window. 
I sighed and looked away out the opposite window. 
Onew... You just need to explain what you meant by lover....
Onew and I walked side by side as we trailed down by the river of a beautiful elegant looking place. 
I looked around at the magnificent scenery in awe. 
"It's beautiful." Onew commented softly with a smile. 
I nodded back slowly in agreement, still a bit troubled by how he hadn't explained himself earlier about being his 'lover'. 
I mean, most fans of his would kill to be called his 'lover,' but I don't see why how I actually became his lover. 
Becoming his girlfriend? I can deal with that. But how did I become his lover? If we were to become lovers, we would need to have se---
"Omo, isn't that Onew from SHINee?!" a couple of Korean girls shrieked and interrupted my thoughts. We were walking past them who happened to recognize the leader of SHINee.
I pursed my lips and shrunk down in my position next to him, afraid that fans will kill me or something. 
Onew took my hand in his and held it tightly, actually putting it out there for literally the whole world to see that we were dating. 
My eyes bugged out a little in surprise as I looked at him quickly. Is he trying to get me killed?
He smiled gently. "I'm not ashamed. Don't worry. Stand by me and you'll be alright."
I stared at him for a while before nodding slowly, holding his hand tighter at the feeling of those fangirl death glares being pierced into me.
Although I do trust Onew, I was still afraid. 
We continued to walk down the trail of the beautiful scenery into a forest of trees, which led to a bridge by the river which had turned into sparkling water under the canopy bright green of trees that the sunlight shone through. 
It was almost as if we walked into Narnia. 
Almost as if we had merely stepped into a forest of trees into a perfect world. 
The world around us was just perfect now. The beautiful sight of the bright green trees and the sparkling river took the rest of my breath away.  
"Oh..." I couldn't help but gasp at the amazing and enchanted moment around me, to be in a kind of place like this with one of my ultimate biases. 
I squeezed his hand slightly in excitement. 
'Ultimate bias'? No... I shook my head at the thought. Now, he's my boyfriend.
I froze. And what am I to him... His lover?
The thoughts that were troubling me before smacked me back in the face as I began to wonder again how in the world I became Onew's lover. 
The trees nearby rustled softly which snapped me out of my thoughts when I looked back at them quickly. 
"What was that?" I asked with caution in my voice. 
Onew chuckled and released his hand out of mine to wrap his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. 
"It was probably nothing," he smirked, whispering under his breath. His eyes were focused on the bottom part of my face where my lips were.  
I shivered for some reason at his sudden tone of voice, but I didn't pull away. 
He leaned in closer after whispering, "Close your eyes...."
Our lips were a smidge close to being a full kiss, until he suddenly pulled away. 
Onew's smirk turned into a sweet smile again as he laughed to himself and turned away from me. 
I blinked in confusion at him. Was he teasing me?
Onew pulled me into a bar which was by the river outside of the magical forest that we had to sooner or later leave. 
"I'll go get us drinks," he told me. "Find a seat,"
I nodded and did as he said, looking for a table for two. 
The bar inside was just as elegant and beautiful as the scene of nature outside. 
I wonder how much Onew paid to get into a beautiful place like this... I wondered as I sat down in the empty seat. 
Somehow, Onew managed to find a place like this in America which his manager drove us to, and Onew had paid for everything.
I sighed in thought, waiting patiently for Onew to return. 
I laughed to myself suddenly. I'm worried about my friend and Onew is worried about Taemin drinking at the club they're at, when he and I are going to drink. 
How...ironic of me. Well, I am older than her so...
I removed the strap of my bag from my shoulder and stood up to place it in my empty seat, showing that it was reserved. 
I made my way to the bathroom in the back of the bar.
After I did my business, I washed my hands in the sink. As I did, I looked up at my reflection in the mirror only to find a couple of girls standing behind me with crossed arms and pissed looks on their faces.
I turned quickly from the reflection to look at them in surprise, my hands dripping wet in front of me. 
Great. I thought. Those fangirls from before....
"You," one of them pointed their long slender fingers at me. "Are you really dating Onew Oppa?"
I took a paper towel from the wall and dried my hands with it, only giving her a silent blank stare in return. 
I'm debating on whether to answer that question or not...
"Ya! Answer," another girl whined. "My Oppa... He can't be in a relationship, not when he's going to be with me..."
I couldn't help but make a face at this as I tossed the used paper towel into the trash can. 
"We followed you, girl." she said. "It looks like you're really dating him. How the heck did that happen?"
I continued to be silent.
The girl rolled her eyes and sighed again. "Are you not going to answer me?"
I decided to ignore her and walk past her and her friends, making my way to the exit of the bathroom. 
Another girl had the guts to pull me back forcefully by the arm, trying to make an attempt to slam me into the wall behind me. 
"Will you just answer the damn question?!" she asked. 
Her attempt supposedly failed, and she ended up slamming my head hard on the hard wall. 
"Ow!" I exclaimed before everything started to fade into darkness.
I felt myself slide to the floor and soon I heard Onew's voice with the fangirl voices.
"ONEW OPPA!" their shrieks were hard to miss. 
"...in a girls bathroom?!"
"....really dating that girl???"
All these voices became faint and distant as everything was just silenced into the darkness I was viewing behind my closed eyes. 
I woke up in the middle of a bed, blinking my eyes a few times to gather my thoughts together about my surroundings. 
A hotel room. 
"Oh? You're awake!" Onew exclaimed and sighed in relief, running to my side to pat me softly in the head.
I sat up in the bed and looked around me. "What happened?"
"You fell and hit your head on the bathroom floor..." he explained. "Or at least that's what those girls said,"
"What happened to them?..." I asked. "Hey.. You went into the girls' bathroom didn't you?"
"Don't worry." he just said. "I dealt with them." 
I stared at him for a moment and decided not to ask anymore. Whatever happened to those girls, happened. They're gone now... 
"I'm sorry..." Onew spoke. "I shouldn't have left you."
"No.." I said. "It's not your fault, I should've stayed at the table and held it in." 
He blinked. "Holding it in isn't healthy,"
I shrugged. "I would've been able to manage it... I should've done that."
He sat at the corner of the bed while I shifted myself from the middle to the edge of it, our distance very far from each other. 
There was silence between us, allowing the thoughts from before to come back to me. 
"A girlfriend...." I randomly started to say, "Is just someone who stays by your side as a friend and once in a while will show you affection..." I said, explaining my own definition.
Onew only blinked in response, but I kept talking.
"A lover..." I continued. "Lovers... They do many things deeper than just plain affection, or merely kissing in public."
"Like... Stuff in a bedroom, maybe?" Onew smiled. I couldn't tell if he had understood my comparison between a girlfriend and a lover or if he was just adding to what a lover is. 
I shrugged and nodded at the same time. "Yeah, I guess..."  
"Then... Let's be lovers tonight." he said, scooting closer to me. 
I sat there silently staring at the floor of the bedroom in front of me, feeling myself heat up at the gap as it gets smaller and smaller between us until he is just smack right next to me, our thighs touching each other. 
Huh. What. 
"Are you drunk?" I randomly asked, but in a whisper under my breath that he probably couldn't hear. 
"Ever heard of the dubulge?" Onew asked without answering me. 
No. He's not drunk... Otherwise he wouldn't have been able to bring me here to a hotel room. 
"I've heard..and seen some pictures with you in tight pants....that it's huge." I shrugged, not thinking very much of his actions right after. 
"Then...... Do you want to see my dubulge?" he smirked before slowly ping his pants down.
All I can do was widen my eyes in horror and curiosity at the same time. 




Eun hye's POV
I walked out of the cafe with my favorite coffee in my hand, sipping out of its mug for morning goodness.  
I rushed down the busy streets of the city to my next job, fixing the strap of my purse and bags at the same time of my casual button-up long-sleeved blue shirt with one hand. 
The large tv of the city suddenly played, showing a recent concert video of SHINee and EXO who were here a couple of days ago. 
I sighed, stopping where I was in the middle of a large crowd of people to gaze up at the screen.
and Taemin....They must be on pretty good terms now that they have seen each other again after so long............. Right? Err... Not yet. 
Min and Minho seem to be getting along quite well also. MinMin~
Sa Rang and Onew had their date yesterday. I wonder how it went...
I pursed my lips into a smile as I took another sip from my coffee mug. I don't mind being the only one alone at the moment.. The only one without anyone... Forever alone.........

The time in the corner of the large screen suddenly struck me into realization that I was going to be late for work.
I gasped and turned quickly, only crashing into someone with my coffee mug spilling all over the front of us. 
"Agh!!" I groaned, whining at my now coffee covered nice casual shirt that I really liked. 
The person I bumped into hadn't said anything, and I looked at them in confusion to wonder why they hadn't.
My eyes widened at the sudden eye contact between us. His beautiful eyes... And my eyes. 
"Hello," he spoke softly, an angelic smile spread across his face. "I'm sorry for what happened... I wasn't looking where I was going."
I continued to gaze into his sparkly beautiful eyes, just about ready to faint right there. It was almost as if I was hypnotized by him....
"A-a-a... No, its fine.." I managed to say softly.
He smiled once again and bent to pick up my bags which feel next to the spilled coffee mug. After handing them to me, he took my hand. 
"I'll get you another shirt just like that," he said, pulling me to a nearby clothing store.
I just nodded slowly and couldn't take my eyes away from his.
He laughed softly and stared back. 
"I couldn't see where I was going...." he said, "...Because your beauty suddenly blinded me with love."

**not mine; Credits to their owner
Ayo. Waddup Krees.... 
IT'S BEEN A WHILE. I missed everyone T T I'm sorry I haven't been updating as much lately. 
That's because my sisters have been hogging both computers leaving me with only my iPod which I can't type on because I just like typing in front of a computer better. Sooo... I'm sorry OTL... But stay with me and stay tuned for next chapter where you and Taemin make your appearance again.^^
Yeahh. The club that jonghyun and key were talking about? That scene will take place next chapter (:
Thank you so much for subscribing, reading, and commenting? :D comments greatly appreciated. 
The story is nearing the end :O
Oh yeah. 2min fans, you should check out my little one shot I happened to type up one night.... :D thanks <3 
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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 46: My reaction after reading this was like "urghhhhhh omg omo the feels urgh this sadness that it's over but urghhhhh this was so good *unrecognizable dying sounds*" I basically binge read this fanfic and it really was amazing. It was written very well and it just seems like everything actually happened and that I lived like 2 years of my life in this story. Also made me realize that I really wish I had an oppa like Jongin ;-; tbh I find the kissing each other on the lips thing to be very cute and meaningful :) Although I'm sad that it's over, thank you so much for writing this <3 I'll probably end up reading it again in a few months and feeling all that ^^^ again aha >~< Anyways thanks again <3
Chapter 46: Awwwwww was so so so beautiful story!!!!
Chapter 40: I see you mentioned me here :) Thanks! :D
haha i like your writing style,hwaiting! ^-^
TicyaM #4
Chapter 24: argggg hahahah was LMFAO with this chapter :) I just found this story and I only can say that I'm loving it ^^
NoonaYeppo #5
asianhiphopdancer #6
Chapter 46: Hey yo wassup? Whoa E-X-O-T-I-C and I have the same thoughts!!! Coincidence? Hahahaha XD
Well im just gonna say for myself overall that this is the first fanfic i ever read.even before i had an account and stuff. And thanks to you, ive gotten into it and everything! So thank you :) you could say that i was one if your silent readers that looked up to you :3 hehe ^^" (cheesiness right there LOL!)
Chapter 46: omg ! I cant belive i found this :') this is actually the first story i read here in asianfanfic
i think it was early 2012 when i was searching up "taemin bullied in his school" (since i was curios) and i click on this one. For a second i thought this story was true that theirs actually a girl who help him back then and i relise this was just a fiction story. And yh i actually remember skipping the first chapter you wrote XD this story actually brings back memory :D
Chapter 46: Owww!! I love the Story! =) ~ <3
SoulCandy0807 #9
awww poor taemin ~!! :))
Says about the forward:
Taetae got BULLIED in SCHOOL???!!!!!!!
/ugly crying