The Park

Protect Taemin

Your POV

"Why don't you dance right now?" I asked Jong In Oppa. "I want to see!"


"Aishhhh, why did you guys have to tell her..." he mumbled to his friends. "Later, Dongseng. Later."


Taemin, disguised under a mask over his mouth and sunglasses over his eyes and a beanie hat to cover part of his hair, laughed quietly next to me.



Hehe Jong In (Kai) and Taemin <3


We were strolling down the park by the wide open green lawn where many families were having picnics and watching their kids run around and play with each other along with some dogs than ran by.


"Chen and I are going to sit somewhere, okay?" Lay said. He pointed to a nearby tree with a bench next to it. "Meet us there later,"


"I'll go, too," Tao said.


I laughed. "All of a sudden, our group is splitting? We're supposed to all hang out altogether,"


Chen patted me on the head and smiled. "We'll all be together again later. Don't worry,"


"They just want to practice," Jong In Oppa said. "Lay is practicing dancing, Chen practicing with his vocals, and Tao practicing with his martial arts 'ninja' skills."


"Oh!" I exclaimed. "Araso, but don't attract too much attention!"  I laughed. I wonder if they'll even be able to practice with so many people around...


"They'll be fine," Jong In said and we continued through the park.



So then it was only Jong In, Se Hun, Lu Han, Xiu Min, and Chanyeol with me and Taemin.


"I want to see you dance one day, too," I said to Taemin.


He smiled shyly under his mask and looked down at the pathway beneath him as we walked.


I turned to look at Se Hun and Lu Han behind us. "You too!"


"Dongseng, you're annoying." Jong In Oppa joked. "You'll see us all dance one day. Araso? Now stop talking about it."


I wonder why he doesn't like the subject of dancing... I made a face at him. It's probably the same reason why he didn't tell anyone (other than his friends who also danced) about it in the first place.


A fluffy white Shih-tzu suddenly trotted in front of us and panted excitedely, looking up at us.



"Puppy!" Se Hun squealed and bent down to pet it. I sat down next to him and pet it a little bit, too, and then he picked it up in his arms.


We stood up. Se Hun placed the cute dog closer to Lu Han's face where it him playfully.


"He's so pretty..." I said while petting the puppy.


"It's a 'she'," someone walked up to us from the green open lawn. "That's our Shih-tzu, Ruby."


"Speak of the---" Jong In said under his breath.


Boseok and Kyoung stood quietly in front of us, waiting for us to return their dog. Oh yeah... I remembered they were siblings.


Boseok's gaze went from the dog to the disguised Taemin. "Who is that?"


We all stood there quietly and exchanged glances, sort of hiding Taemin behind me.


"It's obviously Taemin, noona." Kyoung said to her. "That disguise of his can't fool us..."


I shifted uneasily and glanced at Jong In as he stepped next to me.


Boseok looked up at him. "Who is this??" she seemed excited.


I rolled my eyes. "My Oppa,"


"He looks A LOT like Taemin Oppa!" Boseok squealed and stepped closer to observe him. 


"I get that a lot," Jong In said.


"You're Kai, aren't you?" Boseok asked. "Kyoung dongseng told me about the guy his friend wants to start a fight with,"


"You mean Jin?" Lu Han asked with seriousness in his voice.


I flinched at his name and looked at Lu Han. Oppa...


"Man up," Jong In elbowed me and reminded me in a whisper.


I rolled my eyes and scoffed. AIGOO, Jong In.


"You're hot, Oppa^^" Boseok said shyly to him.


"I get that a lot, too." Jong In Oppa said to her.


"Ya, _________," Kyoung said to me. I flinched and looked at him.


"Ne?" I asked.


"I apologize for Jin's...sudden movement the other day," he sort of whispered, hesitant inbetween his words. "He only did that to start a fight with your brother..."


I shrugged. "It's fine, I guess. But Jong In won't fight,"


"He'll find his revenge another way," Lu Han and I said at the same time. I glanced at him in surprise and giggled. He chuckled and looked away.


"Well, don't just think that Jin will leave you alone, __________." Kyoung said.


I looked at him and my eye twitched. "Why? He won't?!"


"Man up~" Jong In sang his reminder.


"Don't be easy~~~" Se Hun sang along.


"YA!" I stomped and glared at the two of them. They laughed and turned away. I looked at Kyoung and smiled, calming myself down. "Take your dog and go already,"


"Araso," Boseok jumped lightly and took her dog out of Se Hun's arms. "Annyeong, Oppa <3" she squealed.


I made a face in disgust and looked at Se Hun who she said that to. He looked a bit awkward and uncomfortable and laughed nervously.


"He won't leave you alone," Kyoung said to me before they left. "Just be careful... I like you, new student. I don't want you or your brother or your friends to get hurt. Araso?"


I blinked and tilted my head at his sudden confession. I heard Taemin moving behind me and looked at him. He was looking at Kyoung with a piercing glare through his sunglasses.


"Then leave Taemin alone," Jong In said. "He's her friend, too, Kyoung."


Kyoung froze for a second, then walked off quickly with Boseok and their dog.


I turned to Taemin and the others. "He seems nice; I think he's only 'bad' because he's friends with Jin."


"'Nice'?" Xiu Min laughed.


"He tried to make that move on you by that tree that one morning!" Lu Han said.


"And Taemin pulled you away," Se Hun added.


I shrugged. "Maybe that's his way of expressing his feelings. Besides, that isn't mean. It's called flirting,"


Why was I defending him?... I wondered.


"You're too nice, Dongseng." Jong In Oppa said and patted me on the head.


Oh yeah... Because I was THAT. -_____-


"He was mean to Taemin, though," Se Hun pointed out.


We continued down the path of the park and pretty soon we were at the very end of the park where there was barely anyone around. It was very quiet. Before we turned the corner to go back, though, we heard something behind the trees not far away.


"What was that?" Chanyeol asked.


"It sounds like a ball bouncing," I guessed.


"A basketball?" Lu Han looked around and looked behind the trees where it came from. "Oh, there's a basketball court..."


"Is there someone there?" Se Hun asked and ran up next to him. Jong In, Taemin, Xiu Min, Chanyeol, and I followed. We peeked through the trees at a wide basketball court that was hidden behind all of these plants at the very end of the park.


Someone was dribbling, the basketball quickly hitting the ground in a rhythmic beat and making sounds that filled this quiet side of the park. He was very handsome and looked athletic. His thick hair bounced with him as he made his way to the basket.


Taemin was leaning on a branch, staring in amazement at this athlete. I blinked at him curiously and looked at the athlete again.


"Do you know him?" Jong In whispered to Taemin.


"You don't know? That's M---" Xiu Min started to answer.


I shushed them, because even our whispers were loud in this quiet part of the park.


The branch that Taemin was leaning on suddenly snapped and made a loud noise, causing the athlete to look our way.


"Who's there?" his deep 'UNF' voice called out. He made his way towards us and I flinched, backing away quickly.


"What do we do??" I freaked out and looked at Jong In Oppa, Lu Han, and Chanyeol, then at Taemin when he suddenly shoved the rest of the tree branches out of our way.


Taemin stepped forward and took his mask and sunglasses off, walking up to the athlete. "Minho Hyung!"




"Eh??" Minho walked up to Taemin and punched his shoulder as a greeting. "Taemin!"


Xiu Min, Chanyeol, and Se Hun stepped out and walked up to him, too. Jong In, Lu Han, and I followed afterwards.


"Playing basketball again, Hyung?" Taemin asked him.


"Ne," Minho nodded. He looked at us behind Taemin and said, "Annyeonghaseyo,"


We bowed in greeting. "Annyeonghaseyo,"


"The famous girl who protects Taemin in school," Minho looked at me and smiled.


I laughed a little and looked at Taemin who was looking at me. We exchanged smiles and looked away shyly.


"Where are the others?" Taemin asked Minho.


"They're somewhere," Minho said, "Jonghyun's probably around the market or streets picking up girls again, Key is probably shopping, and Onew is out for chicken again."


Lu Han shook his head. "That condition of his," he joked.


Xiu Min took the basketball from Minho's hands then. "How about a couple rounds?" he smirked.


Minho smiled and they went back to shoot some hoops.


Meanwhile, Taemin, Jong In Oppa, Chanyeol, Se Hun, Lu Han, and I sat by the side of the court and watched them play.


"You know SHINee already, don't you?" I asked Chanyeol, Lu Han, and Se Hun.


They nodded. "We actually got dance practice from them, too." Se Hun said. "Right, Kai?"


Jong In Oppa looked away from us at the trees of the park, avoiding the conversation.


I'm still wondering why he doesn't like the subject about dancing. I thought.


"Kai, why don't you try shooting?" Lu Han asked. "Dongseng too," he smiled at me.


"I can't shoot..." I laughed nervously.


"I'll pass," Jong In said.


Chanyeol stood up then and started walking around some parts of the court. I stood up, too, and decided to follow him, leaving the others.



Lu Han's POV

I watched ________ dongseng as she stood up to stroll around the court with Chanyeol.


I sighed and sat back against the thick wired fence wall that surrounded the basketball court behind me.


"Don't be jealous~" Se Hun sang in a whisper next to me. I smacked him in the leg quietly.


Today couldn't get any more interesting (awkward) can it?...



Jong In's POV

I noticed Lu Han looking at Dongseng with a gloomy or depressed expression on his face.


"Hyung, is he alright?" Taemin asked me. I looked at him, quiet for a bit.



Then I finally answered. "Yeah, he's alright."


"He likes her, doesn't he," he sighed and watched his Minho hyung shoot a basket. "It's obvious,"


I blinked and stared at him. "Why do you care, Taemin? About my dongseng."


He shrugged and sighed again.


It was silent between us for a while. Only the sound of the basketball and Xiu Min's and Minho's yells were the noise of the court. Se Hun and Lu Han were whispering quietly to each other.


"Hyung, we look like each other, ne?" Taemin laughed softly. I guessed that he wanted to talk about something. "I would really like to see you dance one day,"


I smiled and stared at the black concrete beneath me. "One day."


LOL at Kai blocking Lu Han to get in the picture <3


Taemin smiled and watched Dongseng at the other side of the court walk with Chanyeol.



Your POV

Chanyeol and I were silent most of the time throughout the whole walk around the court.


This isn't awkward at all... I thought.


"Mianhae," Chanyeol suddenly said.


"For what?" I asked.


"Being so quiet." he said.


"That's because I don't know you that well," I smiled. "So it's alright,"


He smiled and bent down to pick up a kind of stone with an interesting design on it.


"I've always wanted to be famous," he said as he smiled at the rock. "Maybe through my dancing and rapping skills... I can be successful,"


"What about the rock?" I tried not to laugh as he was so happy to find a rock with some kind of a design on it. "What is that for?"


"Just laugh," Chanyeol smiled. "I like finding certain things... It interests me."


I wonder what the design on the rock meant.


"This rock has a design..." he started, almost as if he read my mind. "It looks like I'm going to be famous." Chanyeol smiled again, but this time so sweetly, and looked at me. "With everyone else,"


I tilted my head in confusion. He just interpreted from the rock's design that he, and 'the others' will become famous!... Wait, the others as in... My brother, too? O_o


The rest of the way back to the others, it was silent again. Chanyeol clutched the rock close to his chest, looking satisfyingly happy.



I smiled at his happiness and skipped over to Jong In and Taemin. The basketball was bouncing towards me then.


"Hey," Minho said to me from the basketball hoop with a smile. "You should try shooting."


"Yea, go for it, Dongseng!" Xiu Min cheered.


I laughed and hesitated a little, but started to dribble the ball towards the hoop and aimed for it with the highest jump I could jump.




Okay!^^ That was Chapter 10 ;3 Do you think you made the basket? hehehehe

Aha so since Jong In and Se Hun keep telling you to "man up" and Kyoung telling you to be careful, you're going to man up. ;) Wait till next time you see Jin. KEKEKEKE<3


Omg Sooyoung XD...Happy birthday to her <3

Ahahaha so anyways hope this chapter was good, meeting Minho in a hidden basketball court, xDD Sorry for so many change in point of views^^ hehe I think that's the first time I wrote more than two POVs in a chapter XD And sorry about so many pics and gifs... <3 :)

Btw Chanyeol's character in this fanfic is a bit quiet... But that's because I don't know how to describe him. For this chapter I just revealed that he is a mysterious guy that can interpret rocks into something that could happen in the future? ;3 hmmmmm...

I hope you liked the gifs and pics, and hope you comment and suscribe ;3

You'll be meeting the rest of SHINee soon ;D


By the way, today is Saranglasts' 18th birthday ;) <3 Happy birthday with lots of chicken and chocolate abs!!! ;D wink wink



Happy 18th birthday, Saranglasts! I'm going to post gifs and pics all for your birthday ;) Hope you like them!!

Here's cute Onew <3 first pic XD



Secong gif, Onew again ;) <3 Happy birthday, Saranglasts!



Nom Nom Nom <3 Saranglasts' third gif for her birthday :)



GIVE HIS CHICKEN BACK, SARANGLASTS. :P Before he goes crazy....oh too late. XD 4th gif for Saranglasts birthday ;3



5th gif for Saranglasts' birthday <3 :)



Sixth gif... GUESS WHO! ;D <3 Happy birthday, Saranglasts <3



Hmm... Siwon's "bad: acting skills... Where have I seen this? OH RIGHT. Oh My Lady! drama right?? XD I need to finish watching that ;3 aha Siwon, 7th gif for Saranglasts <3



Eighth pic <3 +10 and that's 18 ;D ahaha sorry I won't post 18 gifs up cuz thats too much o.o

aha but anyway... Happy birthday, Bisola ;)


Hope you liked the gifs and pics ;) hope everyone else did, too. xD

Oh, and yes Saranglasts' name is Bisola. Happy birthday, Bisola (: <3



Siwon's Chocolate abs ;3



One of Super Junior's members will guest-starr later ;) Stay tuned...<3 (No, it's not Yesung. XD)

...It's not Jonghyun either. :P But he will appear soon ;)





See you in the next Chapter ;) <3


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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 46: My reaction after reading this was like "urghhhhhh omg omo the feels urgh this sadness that it's over but urghhhhh this was so good *unrecognizable dying sounds*" I basically binge read this fanfic and it really was amazing. It was written very well and it just seems like everything actually happened and that I lived like 2 years of my life in this story. Also made me realize that I really wish I had an oppa like Jongin ;-; tbh I find the kissing each other on the lips thing to be very cute and meaningful :) Although I'm sad that it's over, thank you so much for writing this <3 I'll probably end up reading it again in a few months and feeling all that ^^^ again aha >~< Anyways thanks again <3
Chapter 46: Awwwwww was so so so beautiful story!!!!
Chapter 40: I see you mentioned me here :) Thanks! :D
haha i like your writing style,hwaiting! ^-^
TicyaM #4
Chapter 24: argggg hahahah was LMFAO with this chapter :) I just found this story and I only can say that I'm loving it ^^
NoonaYeppo #5
asianhiphopdancer #6
Chapter 46: Hey yo wassup? Whoa E-X-O-T-I-C and I have the same thoughts!!! Coincidence? Hahahaha XD
Well im just gonna say for myself overall that this is the first fanfic i ever read.even before i had an account and stuff. And thanks to you, ive gotten into it and everything! So thank you :) you could say that i was one if your silent readers that looked up to you :3 hehe ^^" (cheesiness right there LOL!)
Chapter 46: omg ! I cant belive i found this :') this is actually the first story i read here in asianfanfic
i think it was early 2012 when i was searching up "taemin bullied in his school" (since i was curios) and i click on this one. For a second i thought this story was true that theirs actually a girl who help him back then and i relise this was just a fiction story. And yh i actually remember skipping the first chapter you wrote XD this story actually brings back memory :D
Chapter 46: Owww!! I love the Story! =) ~ <3
SoulCandy0807 #9
awww poor taemin ~!! :))
Says about the forward:
Taetae got BULLIED in SCHOOL???!!!!!!!
/ugly crying