Her Illness.

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This part will be on Jennie's POV


I woke up with the sound of someone knocking on the door. I groggily sat at my bed and yelled "Come in!" With that, the door revealed Jisoo who was smiling ear to ear. I looked at her confused then she sat at my bedside.

"Good morning, Jendeuk." She greeted me with a smile. Okay, it's getting creepy.

"What's with you today?" I asked. She chuckled and shook her head.

"I heard you and Lisa are official now?" She teasingly smirk I can't help it but to blush. I suddenly recall what happened last night. That was my favorite night. I jokingly pushed her and hid my face to my hands.

"Who told you that?" I asked even though I already know the answer.

"Aw, you're cute." She pinched my cheeks and stood up. "Who else?" She giggles. "Come in, let;s have some breakfast. Chaeng is waiting." She added and left the room.

I checked my phone and saw Lisa texted me. I excitedly opened the message like a child receiving an ice cream.

"Good morning baby. Is it okay to call you that or??.. Sorry, I'm not used to use pet names but yeah, I'll be going somewhere. I'll be back. Eat your breakfast."

I think I wanna die. Seriously baby? That's..that's too adorable! I can't help myself but to jump. It's only a text message but the butterflies in my stomach went wild. This will be a good day.


It was already 2 pm when Lisa arrived. This will be our firs meeting since last night. We're official now, I can't believe it. But I can't help myself to wonder where Lisa always go in the morning and come back noon or in the evening. Is she hiding something to me? Us? I hope none. The two already know our relationship. The whole day was just the two of them teasing me about our realationship. Lisa told them because she don't want to keep secrets from them. Jisoo said. nIcE oNe LiSa.

"I'm home!"

I nervously looked at her walking towards me at the kitchen's counter with a smile on her face but I noticed she's getting skinny and she's always wearing long sleeves but maybe that's just her style?

"Hi." She greeted me and kissed my cheeks and the other two sitting in the couch screamed.

"My Jenlisa heart!"


And you already know who yelled the second one. Yes, it's Chaeng. That .

"H..hi. Coffee?" I offered the coffee I made. Lisa gladly accepted it and drink it.

"You guys, stop flirting there. Let's build the christmas tree. It's christmas next week yet we don't have any decoration here in the house. Gosh, why am I even living in the same house with you guys?" Chaeng said. Lisa raised her hands and smiled at Chaeng.

"I'll help!"

"Thanks, Lisa. What about you too?" Chaeng glared at Jisoo and me so I nodded in agreement so does Jisoo.

"Actually, I bought Kuma and Kai a costume." Lisa then searched something on her bag and she gave me a two Santa Claus costume.

"I saw that on my way here and thought about them so I bought it." I squealed because it's too cute! I jumped and hugged her she laughed and kissed me on the cheeks again.

"This will fit the two of them! Thank you, Love!" I said then gave her a quick peck on the lips. Lisa looked surprised maybe about what I just called her so I chuckled.

"Call me anything you want. I'm yours." I said then Lisa smiled and nodded.

"Alright, baby. Let's help them decorate and let us try these costumes to our babies." 



Third Person's POV

The four of them finished decorating the living room. It has a huge christmas tree. Bunch of ballons in the ceiling and christmas lights on the walls. The four of them stepped back and looked at their living room. Jisoo smiled her house became beautiful with the decorations. She looked at the other three and smiled. It won't be this lively without them. She then looked at JenLisa and felt her heart stabbed. They are so happy in that moment but she knows that it will not last long. When she heard about their relationship to Lisa, she disagreed but Lisa had a valid reason. She wants to feel loving Jennie. But they both know that this will have a consequence. She looked at her bestfriend and saw how Jennie smile. It's the first time she saw Jennie smile like

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Astraea21 #1
Chapter 44: Happy Ending!
Astraea21 #2
Chapter 20: This is cute
turtle88 #3
Chapter 44: Just found this story and finished reading it in two days..
Omg really love your story, author~
Theres up and down moment like in our reality life xD
Thanks so much for writing this lovely story~
binguyen1215 #4
Chapter 30: I'm re-reading this, although i knew all the plot twist, i'm still bawling my eyes out.
Take her to the moon is such a perfect bgm.
This fiction is too beautiful.
thank u so much for this masterpiece.
Chapter 44: Gosh cant get enough this...done rereading this bc y not hahaha
Chapter 45: Oops done reading this hehehe
Chapter 44: Chapter 44: Okay it's me again. Ill just want to say this to you author that I really really really hate you...for making me cry in every chapter especially, chapter 29,37,39&40 I really cried a lot on this chapter. And also i hate myself for reading angst. Gosh i wasted many toilet mpaper. My nanay even scold me for wasting toilet paper for crying lmao. This ff is so beautiful I really love it. So, this is my second favorite angst, the first one is wut. Thank you thank you for sharing us your beautiful story author. If ever you'll write another jenlisa story in the future I'll support you :) happy new year <3
UnicornsAndRainbow #8
Chapter 45: Chapter 45: i cried a lot :( btw this ff is beautiful, love it <3
binguyen1215 #9
who's cutting onions? i cried when reading this and listening to Take Her To The Moon. this is perfect. thanks u, keep it up (y)
Chapter 22: author why you gotta be like this