
fanfic ideas log

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“Isn't that weird?” Daehyun looked up from his papers and followed Yongguk’s finger, pointed at the jock of their class that stood over the desk of their room’s pretty boy, the two seemingly having a conversation.

“They're just talking, how’s that weird?” the younger murmured and returned to his worksheet. He exclaimed indignantly when Yongguk pushed his shoulder, grabbing his attention back. “What--Youngjae’s allowed to talk to people!”

“No , look.” This time Daehyun observed closer, noticing that the standing boy was doing all the talking, even going as far to lean into Youngjae’s space as he did. “Jiho’s been pushy like this lately. What's he up to?” The older narrowed his eyes at Daehyun, who threw his hands up in annoyance.

“How the hell should I know? My life doesn't revolve around those two…”

“It does around one of them.” Yongguk cracked a grin when a tinge of red dusted his friend’s face. “All I'm saying is something doesn't feel right.”

“Then go intervene. I have stuff to finish.” His eyes pointed down towards his math again. Yongguk released a frustrated sigh.

“Fine. I guess we’ll just sit and watch. How boring.” He rested his chin on his hand, rolling his eyes. “Give up on your denial already, it's wearing me out.”

“Please…” the younger scratched in the answer to a problem, trying to focus on his work, but found himself glancing up anyways. Out of the corner of his eye he watched as Jiho moved closer to Youngjae and even planted his hand over the worksheet that was on the boy’s desk. Finally the brunette looked up at the jock and said something too soft to hear over the din of the classroom. Daehyun’s interest was piqued when Jiho’s previously pleasant face shifted into one of minor anger and he placed both hands on Youngjae’s desk. The standing boy spoke and again the brunette said something that must've upset him, because he grabbed Youngjae’s tie and leaned down.

Without even knowing it Daehyun was up and walking towards the pair, clearing his throat as he placed his papers on the younger’s desk.

“Youngjae said he'd help me with the math for today and I'm really stuck on this one problem. Jiho-hyung, did you need help too?” He eyed the jock skeptically until the other let go of Youngjae’s tie and stomped off in a huff.

Daehyun released a held breath, facing the brunette and gesturing to the empty spot next to him. “Want me to just finish my work here?” Something fluttered in him when Youngjae nodded, clearly relieved from the older’s suggestion. He smiled and sat down next to the smaller boy, almost missing his next words.

“Thank you…” he spoke softly, not meeting Daehyun’s eyes but instead staring at his hands. Daehyun thought that was cute. Really cute, and he had to collect his thoughts again before answering. “U-uh, yeah. No problem. He was bothering you so I wanted to help out, yknow?” The younger finally met his gaze and the older’s breath hitched in his throat. What was that in Youngjae’s expression? Gratitude for sure, but there was something else Daehyun couldn't place. “...Do you mind if I join you whenever I need help from now on?”

Surprise replaced anything cryptic on the younger’s face as he answered. “You rarely need help, though.”

“Yeah well you never know. I thought I could hang out here...just in case something comes up.” Or someone.

Youngjae knew then what he meant and smiled warmly, sharp eyes turning to crescents and making Daehyun’s heart race a second time. “Okay. I’d like that.”



The bell rang and Daehyun packed his backpack to go home for the day, saying goodbye to Yongguk who needed to stay afterwards with the teacher. He paced to his locker down the hall, dodging student traffic as he did. People were more hyper than usual today because it was Friday and the weekend was upon them after a long week of school.

The junior opened his locker and grabbed the books he’d need while listening to the excited chatter. Something about football or whatnot, he didn't really care.

At least not until a football smashed into the locker right beside his. Daehyun flinched back, startled and glanced around to see the assailant. As he turned he almost bumped into a large student that rested his arm against the impacted locker.

“Get some math help today?” a cocky voice spoke. Daehyun sighed. Jiho.

Saying nothing, he closed his locker and pivoted to walk away only to be blocked by one of the jock’s friends, Hyunwoo, standing in his path.  

Daehyun sighed again, agitated this time. “Do you need something?”

Jiho smirked. “I guess you could say I need my ‘tutor’ back. Yknow, the one you stole?”

Daehyun scoffed. “Tutor? Please, you’d never ask for help, even though you desperately need it.” He lightly clapped his hands together. “But congrats on finally caring about your education, I guess.” Hyunwoo suddenly jabbed Daehyun back into his locker and he winced at the bang of his back against the metal.

Jiho loomed over him. “Look, Jung. Things were fine until you got involved, so why don't you do yourself a favor and out.” When all Daehyun gave him was a glare the jock huffed and stormed off, Hyunwoo close at his heels.

Rotating his now sore shoulder a few times, the junior adjusted his backpack and turned to head for the front gate, rounding a corner and meeting eyes with a perplexed Yoo Youngjae.

“...was that Jiho?” he softly asked. Daehyun nodded. “What'd he say?”

“Nothing worth repeating.”

“...oh.” Youngjae fiddled with his backpack straps uncomfortably. Without meeting the older’s eyes he murmured “Thank you for today, by the way. I'm honestly getting tired of him bothering me.”

“No problem. I was getting sick of seeing it too, to be honest.”

Youngjae chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck, cautiously meeting Daehyun’s gaze. “Did you mean it earlier when you said you'll stick around during break?”

Daehyun smiled softly. “Yeah, I did. As long as that's fine with you…?”

The pretty boy nodded fervently. “Yes, it's definitely fine! I don't mind at all!” He shrunk back a little, shy about his outburst. “Sorry. It's Friday, yknow? Little excited.”

It was Daehyun’s turn to laugh gently. “Don't worry about it.” He paused, extending a hand. “Um...Jung Daehyun, by the way.”

Youngjae returned the gesture. “I know who you are, silly. But for the sake of finally officially getting to know each other,” he shook the older’s hand, “...Yoo Youngjae. Let's get along well.” The eye-smile that followed set Daehyun on cloud nine and his heart fluttered.

“Great. Yeah, let’s. Okay good. Cool. You free today?”

Youngjae cocked a head coyly to the side. “Depends. What do you wanna do?”

He hadn't thought this far. “Uh…” He didn't think beyond just being around Youngjae; that was enough for him. “...I've got some games at my place if you wanna come over? I guess.”

Youngjae laughed. “Sure, but I'll let you know now that I at games.” He started walking. “Don't expect much, okay?”

Daehyun scrambled to catch up with him, smiling his off shamelessly. They reached the front of the school and started the short trek towards the Jung’s. Not long after leaving the gate behind them Daehyun’s phone dinged and he pulled it out of his back pocket, glancing nervously at Youngjae.

“You know my friend Bang Yongguk, right?” The younger nodded. “...would you mind if he joined us today? I totally forgot that I had the same plans with him that I just made with you.”

Youngjae shook his head, almost too eagerly. “No, that's fine! I don’t mind.”

“Yo, Daehyun!” a voice called and Daehyun looked behind him. Yongguk huffed as he reached the two, bending over with his hands on his knees. “What the hell, man. Did you forget about me?” he wheezed between breaths, Youngjae giggling softly and Daehyun thought it was the most adorable sound he’d ever heard. He made a mental note to make Youngjae laugh again later.

He cleared his throat. “ We were gonna wait for you here.”

“You totally forgot about me; I’m hurt.” Yongguk placed a hand over his heart and shot a glance at Youngjae. “Though I guess I don’t blame you.” He waggled his eyebrows and Daehyun flipped him the finger.

“I said I didn’t forget.”

“Yeah yeah, whatever.” the oldest straightened up, having recovered his breath somewhat and extended a hand to Youngjae. “Bang Yongguk. Nice to finally actually meet you, Youngjae.”

“Same.” The youngest shyly shook Yongguk’s larger hand with a simper, shaking it gently.

Daehyun shifted, denying what felt like jealously at the sight of the two’s connected hands. “Should we start heading over?” he offered and Youngjae looked over with a small smile.

“Sounds good,” Yongguk walked ahead of them, waving his hand and called out “I’m definitely kicking your today, Daehyun. I’ve been practicing my main.”

“Please, skill means you can plan more than just one character.” Daehyun scoffed and gestured for Youngjae to follow, the smaller boy padding behind the older boys eagerly.



“What the hell?” Yongguk exclaimed in disbelief, Daehyun’s face flat and eyes narrowed at their new friend.

He frowned at Youngjae. “I thought you said you were terrible at games, but obviously that’s not the case.”

Youngjae flipped his raven hair sassily with a smirk playing on his lips. “Misdirection is the path to victory, hyung.” he sung and Yongguk burst out laughing. Daehyun couldn’t help but smile himself at this new side to the youngest that they’d never seen before. In class Youngjae was quiet and nerdy, nose always in his books even during breaks, but clearly there was more to the boy than met the eye. He was glad to see him feeling comfortable enough to joke around.

“Well at least I got to see Daehyun get his kicked.” the oldest chortled and clutched his stomach. “That was golden.”

“Rematch. Now.” Daehyun turned his direction back to the screen and selected a different character, the others selecting as well and then they were playing another match. Which Youngjae won. And then they played another.

Which Youngjae also won. Eventually Daehyun and Yongguk tried to team up to take Youngjae out first so they could just focus on each other but the youngest was too good, knowing all the right moves to use when and where, knocking off stock after stock until Youngjae was the victor once again.

After their tenth match Daehyun threw his head back with a frustrated sigh, dropping the controller to the floor. “How the hell are you so good at this? I’m both pissed off and impressed.”

“Yeah, how often do you play? I thought you only studied, Youngjae.”

Youngjae shook his head at Yongguk with a smile. “My older brother and his friends play this a lot, and they’re also very good. So if I wanted to play with them, I had to get good fast. Makes sense, right?”

“It does but I’m still mad.” Daehyun grumbled and leaned back against the couch cushions behind him. “Not sure I wanna play with you anymore.”

“Aww, someone’s salty~” Youngjae giggled, holding up a finger. “I have an idea. Daehyun-hyung, what’s your favorite food?”

The boy in question pondered for a while. “...probably cheesecake. Why?”

Ignoring him for the moment, Youngjae then turned to the oldest. “And you, Yongguk-hyung?”

“Ramyun. That or sushi.”

“Well sushi is a little too expensive for me but here’s a proposition; if you guys can beat me I’ll buy you cheesecake and ramyun. Deal?” The youngest smiled sweetly and Daehyun’s motivation was rekindled. Food was on the line, free food, and he couldn’t pass that up.

“Weird combo but I’m in.” he said and picked up his controller again, missing the pleased look Youngjae gave him as he laughed cheerily.

But Yongguk noticed. What’s this? he chuckled to himself, a devilish smirk playing on his features. This was some unexpected development.


It took them at least twenty more tries before they were able to steal all three lives from Youngjae’s character, Daehyun landing the finishing blow and blasting him offscreen on his final stock.

“ YEAH.” he called out, probably a little too loudly. Luckily his parents weren’t home yet. “CHEESECAKE IS MINE.”

“Dude, chill.” Yongguk laughed and set down his controller, more composed than his friend but feeling victorious nonetheless. They’d finally done it and did that take forever. Ramyun better be worth it.

Youngjae sighed dramatically, a hand to his forehead. “Alright, you beat me. I admit defeat. Now what flavor do you want?” He took out his phone to jot down notes before Daehyun spoke up.

“You’re not going alone, gamer boy; I need to make sure you get exactly what I want after putting us through that torture.” He grabbed Youngjae’s hand and pulled him up, heading for his shoes at the door. “We depart now. My cheesecake is waiting.” He left Youngjae standing there and then Yongguk hoisted himself up to stand beside him.

“Sorry, he’s kind of a nut, but I’m sure you knew that already.” The oldest shook his head. “He’s a er for cheesecake, it’s the only thing that he loves in this cruel world. I bet you he even jerks off to—ouch!” he exclaimed as his shoes collided with his shins.

“Less talk more getting dressed, hyung.” Daehyun hissed and turned back to his red high-top Converse, tan fingers tying the laces deftly.

Youngjae simpered at his classmate, a bit of pink dusting his cheeks. “It’s okay, I don’t mind. Normal is boring anyways, yeah?” His eyes turned to pretty crescents and Yongguk’s heart fluttered. Was the nerdy Yoo Youngjae from their class always this...cute?

He caught himself staring and cleared his throat uncomfortably, looking anywhere but at Youngjae. “Yeah, you’re right.” he muttered, scratching at the back of his neck. “Thanks for offering to buy us food, by the way.”

The brunette shook his head with a smile. “Thanks for playing with me, hyung. I had fun.” He bowed his head a little and then walked off, calling after Daehyun who had already left the house in pursuit of his cheesecake.

Yongguk groaned softly; he thought he knew a little of what Daehyun felt.


This is probaby the most thing I've added here so far. And *gasp* is that maybe some BangJae? I haven't decided whether to make this DaeJae or BangJae the latter would actually be an interesting twist huehuehuehue. We'll see. 


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bamboy #1
Chapter 4: this is so heartbreaking and beautiful, i really hope you decide to pick it up again! i would love to read the whole thing even if it ends up having a sad ending (which i hope it doesn't but i would definitely still read this regardless!) thank you for sharing! :)
Chapter 4: oh baby that's so bittersweet ♡♡ but i love it thank you so much ♡