Day 4

Speak Now Juliette


You know, most people wake up to the annoying sound of alarm clocks or a nagging Umma (like I used to, once upon a time), can you imagine how shocked I was when I woke up to someone screaming their lungs out at o’clock in the morning? TT_TT I fell off the bed! My poor still hurts!! (Ok I’m lying, it doesn’t hurt. I’m just being dramatic.)

The reason? Kim Jongin.

Yeah, at first I was really mad at him for waking me up that early (6 am) but when I got there… Diary-yah if you had seen the look on his face when I entered the room, it would break your heart! He was so scared!! When I opened the door, the panic on his face… it made me want to cry! I have never seen someone so scared in my life! The way he looked at me with wide eyes, face covered with cold sweat as if he was waiting for me to come over and beat the crap out of him, I knew something was wrong. Really wrong.  This was not the happy-go-lucky, though a little arrogant dongsaeng I had known from school.

As soon as he realized it was me, he relaxed a little and looked at me as if expecting me to say something.  And me being the ever-so-awkward person I am couldn’t do anything but stare right back. Our staring game continued for a moment (I really didn’t know what to do! What should I have done??? I feel so stupid think of it now!) then someone rang the door bell.  Really who would come over so early in the morning?

When I opened the door, it was Key-hyung.  Have you noticed something Diary? I’ve started using “hyung” for Key-hyung instead of “ssi” like I used to.  I looked back to yesterday’s entry and I saw that I had started using “hyung” for him since yesterday! (A/N: Bet you hadn’t noticed :P) Well back to the situation, key-hyung-ssi told me that he came over to check on Jongin-ah and I was like “Really?” I couldn’t help it ok?!?!? He’s always been mean cold to me and yet he cares about Jongin? I don’t think that’s fair! But whatever! I’m not going to sulk over him!

He didn’t even wait for me to invite him in; he just pushed past me towards the guest room! How did he even know the guest room? He helped me shift him there remember? When I asked him he gave me this really “are you dumb” look. I am really starting to not like that guy!!

But you know what, when we reached there, Jongin-ah was deep asleep like he didn’t wake up screaming and in the process scaring the life outa me. For a moment I actually doubted if that actually happened but I can never have dreamt that look of pure fright in Jongin’s eyes. It was too real to have been imagined. Key-ssi left after seeing him sound asleep and I never felt so much pleasure slamming the door at someone’s face before! I’m turning into a bad boy aren’t I? But I think once in a while, bad behavior like that should be excused right? It’s not like I have anyone to chastise me for it! Even though it’s lonely sometimes, I like having no one to look after me! ^^

On a side note, can you believe how much Jongin-ah sleeps?! He never woke up after that! i wonder what we’ll do about school tomorrow? Should I lend him my spare uniform? Sheesh I’m so tired today! Goodnight diary-yah!!
                                                     -Tired Taemin

How was that? Did you like it guys??
And i have to inform you guys. I'm going away to my grandparent's place fro about two weeks so i don't think i can update everyday. I know i know i promised to update everyday but don't think i can cuz i will have to look after my (adorable) little cousins who i love very much but are monsters in disguises! TT_TT i'll try to update through my phone but the format is always messed up! i know i for breaking my promise after only four updates but...I'M REALLY REALLY SORRY OK?! Forgive this poor soul!!
Ok i'll stop being dramatic but please bear with me!! thank you!
I'll try to update without messing up the format!!

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Chapter 3: Badass Key is kinda rare. I want more of it. XD
SashaHRH #2
Chapter 6: No worries. Can wait till you have the time, inspiration and energy! Prayers for success in your academics being lifted for you!!!
LoveLovii #3
its okay! ^_^ im in he same sitch as you.... but i gotta take a really important test on satur and not happy bout it... :/ i hate high school!!!! >:/
GaemChau #4
Aww~ This is so cute!!^^
awww this is rly cute >o< I like it ^^ you must continue writing xD
Chanyeolized #6
@LoveLovii your support is really important to me! and BTW you write better!
LoveLovii #7
but really i wanna write like you and other but i can. :{
but ill try!! :DDDD
Chanyeolized #8
@Kironstree Thank you for liking it!!!! And yes his real name is Kim Jongin
@LoveLovii O.O you really are good at this aren't you!"Write like me?" you have no idea hove much I blushed at your comment!! XD thank you for loving this story!!!
Kironstree #9
i DID like the new chapter. i didnt even know kai wasnt his real name!!!!
LoveLovii #10
i kno. ^_^ im known for writing stuff like that.
hope i can write like you! and love this storyyy! :))