Mommy Dearest

The Babysitter

Disclaimer: All credit goes to The Literary Dragon!


Jiyong sat at the kitchen table watching Dara cook. She said that since she had worried him, the least she could do was cook lunch. Hojin played in the living room, making chugging noises as he pushed a toy train around the carpet.

He grumbled to himself as he watched her slicing carrots. He didn't know what the big deal was about feeding his son ramen all the time. It was a perfectly acceptable source of food. Dara pursed her lips in concentration. Jiyong had the sudden desire to kiss more than her cheek.

"What do you want in your stir-fry?" Dara's voice roused him from his thoughts. He stared at her blankly. He hadn't been listening, so had no idea what she said. He fell back on his standard response.

"Whatever," he snapped.

Dara turned to glare at him, her fingers tightening on the handle of the knife. "Fine then." She turned back to her chopping, the knife cutting through the peppers with short jerky motions.

"Hey, Miss Park, how much longer? I'm starved."

"It will be ready when it's ready." She turned and pointed the blade at him. "And don't call me Miss Park. My name is Sandara."

"Feh." Jiyong crossed his arms over his chest and tried to ignore her.

Dara had no intention of backing down this time. She marched to the table and grabbed his hair. She yanked his head around so that he was forced to look into her eyes. 'They're brown,' was Jiyong's irrelevant thought.

"Say it with me. San-da-ra." She exaggerated her name like she would for a two-year-old. Jiyong tried to twist out of her grasp. She really had his hair wound tight around her fist.

"I get it," Jiyong ground out, willing to do anything to get her to loosen her grip. "Your name is Sandara. Will you let go of me?"

Dara blushed. She released his hair and hurried back to the counter, hoping he hadn't seen.

"If we're going to be on a first name basis," Jiyong growled. "You might as well call me Jiyong. But don't think that means you can get more money for babysitting."

"Whatever you say." She paused for a moment before adding, "Jiyong."

Dara continued chopping. Jiyong continued watching. And Hojin played happily with his train, oblivious to the tension in the kitchen.

Suddenly Dara cried out. Jiyong was at her side in an instant. She dropped the knife and clutched her finger to her chest.

"Let me see," Jiyong commanded. He took her hand in his, turning it over. A small cut marred the smooth surface of her finger. He examined the cut. A thin line of blood appeared, but it didn't look too bad.

Dara tried to pull her hand away. "It's just a nick, Jiyong."

"You're nick is bleeding. Wait here while I go get the first-aid kit." He left the kitchen, passing Hojin. The little boy had heard the cry and had come to see what was going on.

Jiyong returned to hear Dara telling Hojin that there was nothing to worry about. It was just a scratch. He set the kit on the table, opened it and removed a box of bandages.

He held out his hand. Dara stared at it blankly. He snapped his fingers in irritation. "Your hand, girl. Give me your hand. I'm going to put a bandage on your finger so you don't bleed all over my food."

He took the hand she held out and sprayed it with disinfectant. Dara gasped at the sting and tried to pull her hand away. She smacked him on the shoulder with her free hand. "That hurt, you insensitive clod!"

Jiyong ignored her and pulled a couple of bandages out of the box. He held them up for her to see. "Now, you have two choices. Do you want Barney, or do you want Raggedy Andy?"

Dara chose Raggedy Andy. He dropped her hand as soon as it was bandaged. Hojin tugged her hand down to his level. He examined her finger seriously.

"'Dara-noona has a boo-boo." He kissed the wounded area. "I kiss it and make it better." He looked up at his father. "Now you, Daddy."

Dara pulled her hand out of Hojin's grasp. "That's okay, Hojin," she reassured the boy, making sure not to look at Jiyong. "It's all better now."

"But Daddy has to kiss it too," Hojin insisted. "He always kisses my boo-boos."

Jiyong captured her hand. He couldn't stand to see Hojin upset. He brought her finger to his mouth and lightly touched it with his lips. His warm violet eyes shimmered for a moment before he released her.

"All better, Sandara?" he asked.

Dara nodded violently. She retreated to the stove to finish preparing lunch. Hojin stayed to watch while Jiyong returned the first- aid kit to the bathroom.

Lunch was finally served. Hojin enjoyed his chicken stir-fry and rice. He had rice all around his bowl, on the floor, and even in his hair. Jiyong ate only slightly neater.

After lunch, Jiyong cleaned Hojin while Dara tidied the kitchen.

"Is 'Dara-noona coming back tomorrow, Daddy?" Hojin asked, trying to avoid the washcloth his father wanted to use on his face.

"Tomorrow is visiting day, Hojin." Jiyong looked Hojin over. He was cleaner, but still in desperate need of a bath.

"What's visiting day?" Dara finished wiping off the table and dropped the sponge in the sink.

Jiyong stood up to drop the washcloth in the sink on top of the sponge. He didn't answer.

"I see Mommy tomorrow," Hojin informed her. He tugged on his father's pant leg. "Do I have to? Can't we go to the park instead?"

Jiyong knelt down and placed his hands on Hojin's shoulders. "I'll tell you what. If you're a good boy, we'll go get ice cream afterward."

Hojin's eyes lit up. "Can 'Dara-noona come to?"

Jiyong didn't look at her. "If she wants."

Hojin clasped his hands together like he had seen others do when they wanted something. "Please, 'Dara-noona?"

Dara smiled at him. "I would love to have ice cream with you." She glanced at the clock. "I didn't realize it was so late. I have to go." She hugged Hojin and kissed the tip of his nose.

"Bye, Hojin. Bye, Jiyong." She grabbed her shoes and dashed out the door.

"Meet us at the downtown ice cream shop at 3:00," Jiyong shouted after her. Dara waved at him to indicate she heard as she started the car and drove away.

Jiyong picked up Hojin and held him upside down over his shoulder. "You need a bath, little man." He marched toward the bathroom to the tune of Hojin's giggles.


Jiyong waited in the small conference room in the building where he worked. It was the only place where Kiko would agree to meet him. Hojin crawled around the room, pretending to be a tiger.

Jiyong glanced at the clock. 2:15. Kiko was late. Hojin growled and pounced on his father's leg. The door opened and Kiko walked in. Her gaze was cool as she noticed the little boy clinging to Jiyong. He bent down to detach Hojin and stood up with the boy in his arms.

"How are you, Kiko?" Jiyong asked. Hojin squirmed in his father's tightening hold.

"I've been better," Kiko replied in a bored voice. "This weather does dreadful things to my hair. And I just got it styled."

Jiyong narrowed his eyes. "Say hello to your mother, Hojin," he instructed.

"Hi, Mommy." Hojin hid his face in Jiyong's hair.

"Hello, um, child." Kiko patted Hojin's head like you would a dog.

Kiko seated herself, smoothing the fabric of her dress carefully. Jiyong sat as well, finally releasing Hojin. The little boy stared at the woman he had been told was his mother. He saw her for about an hour once a month. She never looked happy to see him. Hojin thought mommies were supposed to like their kids.

Hojin's natural curiosity and friendliness won out in the end. "Where do you live? I live with Daddy. Do you like this building? This is where Daddy works. Daddy says you're a witch. Do you have a black kitty and a pointy hat? Why are your nails long and red? Do you really know the boogieman? Daddy says that you're scarier than him, but I don't think so." Hojin shot out one question after another. He barely paused for breath or an answer. He Kiko's dress and examined her long red fingernails.

Kiko made a face of distaste and pushed Hojin's hands away. "Can you get this child to stop touching me?" she said to Jiyong. "His hands are all sticky."

"Hojin's a little boy, Kiko," he replied, but he did lift Hojin into his lap. "They get sticky even while they're sleeping."

"I had a bath last night, Mommy," Hojin announced. "Daddy says I'm squeaky clean."

"Does the child have to call me Mommy," she complained. "It sounds so. . .so. . ."

"Maternal?" Jiyong supplied flatly.

"I don't tell people about the child. It would make me sound old." She brushed out a nonexistent wrinkle in her skirt.

"And stop calling Hojin the child." Jiyong was tired of Kiko's callous attitude. "His name is Hojin."

"Whatever." Kiko checked the elegant watch on her slender wrist. "Can we cut this short? I'm meeting someone."

The door opened. "Are you done yet, Kiko?" a man's voice asked.

Kiko stood and walked to the newcomer. "We were just finishing, darling." She turned back to Jiyong. "You remember Jaejoong, don't you Jiyong?"

Jiyong also stood. He shifted Hojin into a more comfortable position "Yes. You're the collector."

A brief smile curved Jaejoong's lips. "Have you reconsidered my offer for that rusty old sword of yours?" he asked. His smile did not reach his eyes.

Jiyong's eyes narrowed. "The Tetsusaiga belonged to my father. It is not for sale."

"A pity." Jaejoong's eyes fell on Hojin, wriggling in Jiyong's hold. "You might want to keep an eye on this child of yours."

"Is that a threat?" Jiyong demanded.

"Of course not, Jiyong." Jaejoong smiled again. "It's just that children are so elusive these days. They can be so easily. . .misplaced."

Jaejoong locked eyes with Jiyong for a long moment before exiting the room. Kiko swept out the door after him with a careless wave of her manicured hand.

"Daddy?" Hojin asked in a small voice.

Jiyong forced himself to relax. He didn't want to scare Hojin. He set Hojin on the ground and took his hand. "Let's go get some ice cream. I'll buy you any flavor you want. Dara-noona's probably waiting for us."

"I want Rocky Road!" Hojin chattered all the way to the ice cream shop. He was happy. He was going to get ice cream and see his 'Dara-noona again.


-------- Short update, but extremely cute isn't it! I wish Jiyong would kiss my "boo-boo" too :( LOL XD and I totally crack up when I read that bit where Hojin asked Kiko questions! Jiyong's been teaching the little boy too many things! Kekeke until next time! Comments are loved <33

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allfordara #1
Chapter 19: I wish this story be updated...
mszwee #2
Chapter 19: Please update this :'(
Chapter 19: Where are you author-nim? Please update this T_T
Chapter 19: Much love!!please update again authornim pleaseee
Chapter 16: update please ToT
when will u update this??? i miss this!
<3 cute update more!!!!!!!!!
ayshin #8
This is such a lovely story, cant wait for the rest!!!
abya01 #9
please update soon :)
heiress #10
Love it!!
It just made my day!!


Update again soon please. :)