How To Be a Possessive Jerk

The Babysitter


Disclaimer: All credit goes to The Literary Dragon!


Yunho smiled when Dara said his name. He held a blue knitted hat in his hands, the weak sunshine highlighting his dark hair.

"It's been a long time, Park." He paused, scuffing the dirty snow with one foot while twisting the hat in his hands. Dara gaped at him, caught totally by surprise. Last she had heard was that he was going to Europe for the holidays.

"Yeah," she said faintly. "Long time." There was a long awkward silence. What could she say to him? They broke up months ago. She hadn't seen him since, except at a distance, because they had different classes. Looking at him now, she couldn't believe she had ever agreed to go out with him. Her friends had been pushy, and he was good-looking. But he was also the most boring person on the face of the earth.

"You look good," he said when it became obvious that she wasn't going to say anything else. "Did you do something different with your hair?"

"Um. . .no." Fishing for something, anything, to say she came up blank. Abruptly, she indicated Bom standing next to her. "You remember Bom, don't you?"

"Sure." Yunho turned his courteous attention on Bom. "It's nice to see you again." Bom nodded in reply. He looked again at Dara, smiling charmingly.

"We've got a lot to catch up on. Did you want to go to the movies with me sometime? We could hang out and talk."

Dara was silent, thinking of the best way to tell Yunho that she just wasn't interested. It had taken three conversations and four outright refusals to convince him that they should see other people. Maybe he thought that he still had a chance.

Jiyong appeared beside her, holding Hojin. "Who's this, Dara?" he asked. Hojin peered with interest at the stranger. Bom took the opportunity to retreat to where TOP stood shaking out the bushel of snow Jiyong had shoved down his shirt. She didn't want to get caught in the middle of the fireworks she could sense would happen soon.

Dara smiled with relief at Jiyong. He didn't see it, being too busy studying Yunho. "This is Yunho, Jiyong." Yunho stuck out his hand, which Jiyong ignored.

"Are you a friend of Park's," Yunho asked. With the utmost care, Jiyong set Hojin down and looped an arm around Dara's waist. He pulled her close.

"You could say that." Jiyong's eyes dared Yunho to challenge him.

"That's nice. I'm glad you're making new friends." Dara almost choked. Was Yunho really that dense? Hojin stepped forward to pull on Yunho's pantleg.

"My name is Hojin," he chirped when Yunho looked down. "That's my daddy." He pointed to Jiyong. "And 'Dara-noona is my babysitter."

Yunho stepped away from the little boy. "I didn't know you liked kids, Park." He smiled at Hojin in that way big people have when they aren't comfortable around small people. "So," he continued. "How about we go to a movie on Saturday. I'll pick you up around seven." Hojin frowned in confusion. He wasn't used to being totally overlooked.

In the blink of an eye, Jiyong had released Dara and grabbed Yunho by the front of his parka. "Listen, Jojo," he growled with his face just inches away from the startled young man. "Get it through that thick skull of yours. She ain't interested."

"Let him go, Jiyong!" Dara pulled at Jiyong's hands. Yunho was starting to choke and turn blue Jiyong had the material twisted so tight. "You're hurting him!" With a frustrated snarl, Jiyong released his hold.

"Why are you defending him?" He rounded on Dara instead. "You're not thinking about going to the movies with him, are you?"

"And what if I am?" Dara snapped back, irritated with Jiyong's possessive attitude. He had no right to tell her what to do!

"Don't be more of an idiot than you already are!" Hojin watched the argument with wide eyes. Daddy and 'Dara-noona hadn't yelled at each other in a long time. And he didn't like it at all.

Yunho made an effort to assert himself. "You shouldn't talk to Park like that," he scolded. "Come on, Park." He reached forward to take her arm. "Your friend needs some time to cool down." Already stressed by the presence of an old boyfriend (she can't really like that wimp, can she?), Jiyong snapped.

Yunho sprawled in the snow at their feet, raising a hand to his throbbing cheek, which was already starting to bruise. Dara gave a shocked cry and rushed to the fallen boy's side.

"Are you all right, Yunho?" She examined the side of his face, running gentle fingers over the swollen flesh.

"I think so." He winced as her touch aggravated the ache. "Why did he hit me?"

"The wimp's fine, Dara." Jiyong crossed his arms over his chest and scowled to hide his shock at his own actions. He didn't know why he hit the little wimp. Dara's defense of the jerk had irritated him at the same time it scared him. "Stop fussing over him."

Dara looked up at him, fury snapping in her eyes. Jiyong took an involuntary step back. "Apologize." The one word was hard with barely suppressed anger. He had been on the verge of just that, but being told to do so rubbed him the wrong way.

"No," he said firmly, prepared to have her drop the matter. The little wimp deserved it, getting between him and Dara. Hojin swiveled his head from side to side. The tension in the air was getting to him. He wanted to go to one of them, but he wasn't sure who. Tears filled his eyes as his world began to crumble.

"Apologize right now!" Dara stood up, hands tightly fisted at her sides. "Or I'll never speak to you again!"

Threaten him, would she? Jiyong stepped forward, picking up his son. "I'm not apologizing, so I guess we have nothing more to say to each other." He turned and started to walk away.

She would choose him. That Jojo wimp would be left lying in the snow. Dara would come after him and say that she was sorry for even considering a date with someone else. He slowed his steps slightly, listening for the crunching of Dara's boots following him.

"You're a jerk, Kwon Jiyong," Dara yelled after him. "And I never want to see you again."

She wasn't coming. She was going to let him walk away. Jiyong tightened his arms around Hojin and refused to look back. No matter how much he wanted to.

Hojin struggled in his daddy's grasp. Why were Daddy and 'Dara-noona yelling at each other? And why didn't 'Dara-noona come with them? He looked back, reaching out his small arms to the already distant figure. "'Dara! 'Dara!"


Jiyong stomped through the snow. A small part of him wanted to go back and apologize. The much larger part, which included his bruised ego, selfishly wanted to make Dara suffer. She would come crawling back. She would be sorry she even talked to that wimpy high school boy. At the edge of his preoccupation, he registered that TOP was following.

"Jiyong!" TOP shouted. "Hold up a minute!" Jiyong ignored him, the same way he ignored the wriggling boy clasped in his arms. He didn't know why he overreacted like that. But the thought of Dara spending any time with another male gave him a funny feeling in the pit of his stomach. Hitting that Jojo character made him feel a lot better, but then Dara had to get all mad and yell at him. Why was she so upset? She didn't want to go to the movies with that wimp, did she?

Unconsciously, his steps slowed, allowing TOP to catch up with him. For once TOP didn't say anything, probably because he was panting too hard.

"Let's go inside," TOP said between gasps. Jiyong looked up, surprised to see that they had already reached the house. He trudged inside with TOP following. He put Hojin down and began to mechanically remove the child's snow gear.

Hojin sniffled, pulling away when Jiyong reached out to ruffle his hair.

"What's wrong with you, Hojin?" he demanded.

"You yelled-noona at 'Dara and made her go away," Hojin accused. He clenched his small fists, fresh tears welling in his eyes. "You yelled and made 'Dara-noona mad and she won't come over no more and she was going to take me caroling and decorate the Christmas tree and - and." Hojin paused for breath. "And mommies and daddies shouldn't fight." He put his hands over his eyes and wailed.

Jiyong grabbed Hojin's hands, pulling them down. "'Dara isn't your mommy!"

"She won't be because you're always yelling at her!" Hojin jerked free and ran up the stairs. Shock held Jiyong immobile for a moment. That was quickly replaced by anger. He stormed up the stairs to bang on Hojin's door.

"Come out here and apologize!"

"No! You're a mean daddy and I'm not sorry!"

"Come out, you little brat!" Jiyong paused with his fist raised to bang on the door again. The words from his mouth finally made a connection with his brain. With a low groan he pressed his back against the wall opposite Hojin's door and slid down to sit with his arms wrapped around his bent knees. He rested his forehead on his knees and said nothing for a long time.

TOP approached cautiously and placed one hand on his friend's shoulder. There was no response. He sighed and made himself comfortable to wait for as long as necessary until Jiyong was ready to talk.

"What have I become?"

The words were so low that TOP almost missed them. He glanced at the figure next to him. Jiyong had his chin resting on his knees, staring blankly at the door in front of him.

"Hojin's right. I overreacted and yelled at Dara. I'll be lucky if she ever speaks to me again." He straightened, stretching his legs across the hall. He snorted softly. "I'll be lucky if Hojin ever speaks to me again. I can't believe that I called him a brat."

"It wasn't your fault," TOP said calmly. Inside, he was shaking. Dara must be really special for Jiyong to actually admit that he was wrong. Bom had told him that Dara and Yunho broke up months before she met Jiyong. And that she had never mentioned him since. The way Jiyong had bristled possessively also told him volumes about Jiyong's feelings for the girl.

Jiyong gave him a scornful look. "Don't give me that. I was a first-class jerk and everyone knows it, even Hojin."

The door cracked open. TOP watched but said nothing. Jiyong was too lost in guilt and misery to notice. The door swung open a little farther.


Jiyong focused on his son, standing uncertainly in his own doorway. His cheeks were red, his eyes puffy, and he needed a tissue. He sniffed and wiped his nose on his sleeve. Jiyong smiled and held out his arms. Hojin scrambled into his lap, burying his face in his daddy's stomach. He said something, but his voice was muffled by Jiyong's shirt. Jiyong gently tilted his chin up. With the ball of his thumb, he wiped away the tearstains.

"Are you mad at me, Daddy?" Hojin asked, sniffing loudly. Jiyong shifted and dug in his pocket for his handkerchief.

"Blow," he said, holding the white scrap to Hojin's nose. Hojin blew.

"Why would I be mad at you?" He wadded up the handkerchief and shoved it back in his pocket. Pulling Hojin close, he tucked the child's head under his chin.

"Because I yelled and said you were mean." Hojin played with the collar of Jiyong's shirt. He could hear the steady beat of his daddy's heart.

Jiyong tightened his arms, pressing Hojin close. "Daddy was mean. I shouldn't have yelled at you and I shouldn't have yelled at Dara."

"I don't like that jerk who was talking to my 'Dara-noona." Hojin yawned and snuggled against the warmth of his daddy's chest.

"Don't call people jerks, Hojin," Jiyong scolded lightly.

"Why not?" Hojin yawned. "You do it all the time. Can I hit him next time?"

Jiyong chuckled. He smoothed Hojin's hair out of his eyes with one hand. "It's not nice to hit people." He pressed a kiss to the top of Hojin's head. "No matter how much they deserve it."

Hojin didn't answer, having fallen asleep. TOP picked him up without being asked. Jiyong climbed to his feet before taking Hojin back. They were silent while they prepared the child for bed. Hojin didn't wake as his daddy changed him into his pajamas and tucked him into bed. TOP found Hojin's white doggy and placed it in his arms.

"What are you going to do now?" TOP asked, following Jiyong down the stairs.

"I'll have to go talk to Dara," Jiyong replied. His lips twitched into a slight smile. "And I think I know how to go about it."

"I don't like the look in your eye." TOP picked up his coat from the floor where he had dropped it. "You're not going to do something stupid, are you?"

Jiyong flashed a grin at his friend. "Nope. I'm going to do something smart."


----------- 2nd update :)

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allfordara #1
Chapter 19: I wish this story be updated...
mszwee #2
Chapter 19: Please update this :'(
Chapter 19: Where are you author-nim? Please update this T_T
Chapter 19: Much love!!please update again authornim pleaseee
Chapter 16: update please ToT
when will u update this??? i miss this!
<3 cute update more!!!!!!!!!
ayshin #8
This is such a lovely story, cant wait for the rest!!!
abya01 #9
please update soon :)
heiress #10
Love it!!
It just made my day!!


Update again soon please. :)