Rainy Days Activities Pt 1: Tickle Torture

The Babysitter

Disclaimer: All credit goes to The Literary Dragon!


"No! No! NO!" Each shriek got progressively louder. Little Harang clung to Dara and refused to let go.

"Come on, Harang." She tried to pry him loose. He tightened his arms around her neck. "Your parents will be here any minute. Aren't you excited to be going home?"

"Don't want to go home!" Harang wailed. "I want to stay here with you! I want to play with Hojin!" He buried his face in her shoulder, his body shaking with sobs. Dara appealed to her mother and brother for help.

Sanghyun stared sullenly at the ground, a scowl on his face. His video game playing had been suspended again. Mom wanted the whole family present to say goodbye to Harang and his parents. Grandpa continuously complained that it was freezing, and why did they have to wait outside, and were they trying to give him pneumonia. Mom tried to take Harang, but he screamed and sobbed so much that she finally left him alone with an apologetic look at her daughter.

Harang and Hojin had become great friends in the short time that they had known each other. Dara didn't mind since it had allowed her to spend more time with Jiyong. Something she wanted to do more and more lately. But Jinu and Hye Young were coming home today. They had called from the airport fifteen minutes ago.

Dara eyed the overcast sky. It promised rain, though the weatherman insisted that it wouldn't be until later in the week. The limbs of the trees rattled in the rising wind. Fallen leaves skittered across the barren ground. She thought longingly of a hot cup of tea in the comfort of her room. If only Jinu and Hye Young would arrive before they froze to death.

Dara soothed Harang, finally getting him to loosen his stranglehold around her neck. What was it with little kids trying to choke her? She looked up at the sound of a car door. A gigantic red haired man and a petite dark haired woman smiled and waved at them from the car. In a flash, Harang released Dara and ran for his daddy. Jinu caught his son in his arms and swung him around with a laugh. Harang let out a delighted shriek, his tears forgotten.

"Were you a good boy for Dara-noona?" Taro asked, setting the boy on his shoulder.

"He was an angel," Dara's mom assured them.

"We had a lot of fun," Dara agreed. "Didn't we, Harang?"

Harang nodded his head so hard it was a wonder he didn't give himself whiplash. "I made a new friend. His name's Hojin. His daddy likes Dara-noona 'cause they were holding hands when we went trick-or-treating. And Bom hit TOP 'cause he's a ert. What's a ert, Daddy? Dara-noona wouldn't tell me."

Jinu gave the blushing Dara a sly look. "You've learned a lot from your cousin." He set Harang on the ground. "I'll tell you when you're older. Now, who wants a present? We brought something for everybody."

"Presents!" Harang squealed. He ran to the car and began to search. Dara trailed after everyone. She was going to miss the little firecracker. But, now maybe she could get some studying done.


The sky had been spitting rain all afternoon. Dara pulled the light a little closer and bent over her book again. The library was the only decent place to get any studying done. Either Sanghyun's video games were blasting throughout the house or mom or grandpa came looking for her every few minutes to run an errand. She closed her eyes and breathed in the comforting smell of books and furniture polish.

Dara and Bom had agreed to get together today at the library. Bom wanted to look up some books about planning the perfect wedding and Dara wanted to study. Bom left an hour ago to go home and fix dinner for Mir. She had also hinted that TOP might be coming over.

The front door swung open, letting in a spurt of rain. Dara looked up, startled. The sky outside the window had grown black and the rain was coming down in sheets. She glanced at the clock over the circulation desk and frowned. How did it get so late? It was nearly seven o'clock.

"Five minutes until closing," the librarian announced. Dara noticed that the room was nearly empty. Most people had left when the weather turned nasty. She stood and began shoving books in her bag.

"Where did I leave my umbrella?" Dara bent down to peer under the table. She straightened and gave her head a nasty crack on the unyielding wood. "Stupid me," she groaned and rubbed the tender bump. "It's sitting on my desk at school where I left it."

Dara gathered her belongings and left the warm building as the lights dimmed one by one. She struggled to pull the door open against the suction of the wind. Torrents of rain lashed the ground, driven sideways by unexpected gusts.

"I hate the rain. I'm going to get drenched. Well, I guess I better go." Dara dashed out from her sheltered doorway. She was soaked to the skin in the few minutes it took her to reach the little bagel shop and brief shelter. She huddled against the door with its mocking 'closed' sign and tried to work up the courage for another run to the next sheltered spot.

"Dara?" She looked up at the sound of that welcome voice. Jiyong stood on the other side of the street, holding a large black umbrella over his head. He quickly crossed, splashing through puddles and the rushing water that filled the gutters. He grabbed her arm and pulled her under the canopy of his umbrella. Dara felt a surge of gratitude.

"What are you doing out here, you stupid girl?" Jiyong demanded. Dara's glow of thankfulness dimmed. She tried to push away from him, but he held her too tightly.

"None of your business," she snapped. "But I'm on my way home."

Jiyong snorted. "Without an umbrella?" He started walking, dragging her along with him. "What you need is a keeper. You're soaked. Are you trying to catch pneumonia?" She tried to kick him, but they were walking too fast. "Dry off at my place and I'll take you home later."

Dara stopped trying to maim him. It was funny how he could be sweet and insulting at the same time. "I'll need to call my mom," she said. Jiyong grunted in reply. He hadn't let go of her arm yet. She relaxed against him. 'I love the rain.'


They made one stop at the daycare center to pick up Hojin who launched himself at Dara with barely a 'hello' to his daddy. The young daycare provider smiled at her and commented to Jiyong that it was about time he started dating again. "Don't let this one get away," she said with a wink. Dara blushed and tightened her arms around Hojin. The little boy talked nonstop all the way home.

Despite the protection of the umbrella, all three of them were dripping by the time they reached the house. Dara stood uncertainly in the doorway with a large puddle of water growing on the floor beneath her.

"Go into the bathroom and get out of those wet clothes," Jiyong commanded. "I'll find something for you to wear." Before she could obey, Hojin suddenly shook himself, spraying water in all directions.

"What did you do that for?" Jiyong asked, spluttering.

"Mrs. Kim's dog does that when he's wet," Hojin said. "It's fun, Daddy. You should try it."

"You're not a dog, Hojin. Now, run up those stairs and get into some dry clothes." Jiyong gave him a pat on the bottom that sent him scampering towards his room.

Dara emerged later from the bathroom wearing a shirt of Jiyong's and a pair of sweatpants. She had to roll up the legs and cinch it tight with a belt around her narrow waist.

Hojin pounced on her as soon as she came into the kitchen. "Are you staying for dinner, 'Dara-noona? Daddy's making ramen."

"I don't know, Hojin," she said with a sideways glance at Jiyong who was setting a pan of water on the stove. "Your daddy didn't ask me. I should probably get home."

"Stay," Jiyong said abruptly. He coughed a little without looking at her. "It's still raining cats and dogs. There's plenty to eat. Stay here a little longer. Unless you don't want to?"

Dara smiled a little at the sudden uncertainty in his voice. "I'd love to stay. I just need to call my mom and let her know where I am. If I don't, she'll have the police scouring the neighborhood before midnight."

Jiyong laughed at that and dropped a package of ramen in the boiling water.


After dinner they went into the living room. Hojin brought out some of his favorite games. They played Candyland, Uncle Wiggly, and Chutes and Ladders. Jiyong did a little victory dance every time he won.

Dara threw a pillow at him during one of his dances. He threw it back and caught her in the face. She chased him around the table, whacking him with the pillow. Hojin laughed and cheered for Dara.

Jiyong swooped down on Hojin and started to tickle him. Hojin shrieked with laughter and squirmed, trying to get away. Dara came up behind Jiyong and poked him in the side. He flinched and she got a really evil grin on her face. She attacked his ribs. His face turned red from trying not to laugh. Hojin decided to help tickle his daddy. Jiyong backed away from the onslaught. The sofa caught him in the back of the knees and he fell backwards onto the cushions. Dara tripped and sprawled across his lap.

He flipped her over so that she was underneath him and tickled her under her arms. Breathless with laughter, she tried to bring her arms down to protect herself. He grabbed both of her wrists and pinned her arms above her head. Hojin giggled and ran his tiny hands over her bare feet. She jerked in response and Jiyong shifted his weight to hold her still. He grinned at her as she struggled.

"I'm going to get you." Jiyong raised his free hand and lowered it slowly.

"Don't you dare!" Dara said, trying and failing to break free.

He paused an inch away from her side. She squirmed and he started his tickle torture. She shook with laughter and tried to buck him off. He ignored her attempt and continued to torment her. Jiyong stopped when they were both breathless with laughter.

Jiyong flexed his hand and bare skin registered under his fingers. He and Dara looked down at the same time and blushed. Her shirt had gotten pulled up during her struggles. Jiyong's hand had found its way under her shirt and was resting on the curve of her ribs. He became aware that he was lying mostly on top of her. Their faces were only inches apart and her s brushed his chest with each panting breath she took. Jiyong had a sudden thought that had been plaguing him for the past several weeks. What would it feel like to kiss her? He leaned forward slightly.

A pillow connected with the side of his head. "Got you, Daddy!" Hojin laughed at the look on his daddy's face. Jiyong jumped off of Dara like he had been burned. He turned away to hide his reddened cheeks and missed the flash of disappointment in Dara's eyes.

"You better run, Hojin," he roared. "'Cause when I catch you I'm going to tickle you to death." Hojin shrieked and ran away on his short little legs with Jiyong making growling noises right behind him. Dara sat up on the sofa and straightened her clothes. Once she was sure that her blushes were under control, she joined Jiyong in chasing his son around the house.


------- TRIPLE UPDATE! How do you like this chapter? ;)

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allfordara #1
Chapter 19: I wish this story be updated...
mszwee #2
Chapter 19: Please update this :'(
Chapter 19: Where are you author-nim? Please update this T_T
Chapter 19: Much love!!please update again authornim pleaseee
Chapter 16: update please ToT
when will u update this??? i miss this!
<3 cute update more!!!!!!!!!
ayshin #8
This is such a lovely story, cant wait for the rest!!!
abya01 #9
please update soon :)
heiress #10
Love it!!
It just made my day!!


Update again soon please. :)