You're too scary


Pathcode Baekhyun 

BAEKHYUN 06:27 18th

Even if it was around 6 in the morning, it was dark enough to be mistaken for earlier hours of the morning as Baekhyun made his way around the alleys. Frankly, he was bored, nothing happened today. It has been like that for awhile, he actually lost count. His sense of time has been physically removed. He can only count it by songs. He continued his walk towards his house. The lights started flickering, he looked back to make sure nothing was following him. After taking about four steps, his music stopped and he could only hear static through his head phones. He took them out and looked at his phone the screen was black. Except a message icon.

His eyes glance at the time 06:25, he glanced around him once more before he started running. The flights started to flicker even more before blacking out completely. That made him look up and notice the solar eclipse. Although it was dark he could clearly see the yellow moon. He kept running till he reached his gates. Where he found something peculiar.

There in front of his gates stood a kid shaking the gates crying. He ripped out his ear buds and slowly approached the kid. The kid realised someone was behind him and started crying harder.

"Hey hey, I am not here to hurt you" he said in a soft voice. The kid slowly opened his eyes but was still crying.

"Look..." he snapped his finger and a small ball of light appeared, capturing the kids attention and stopping the fat tears.

"We're going to find your parents, ok?" he assured the kid that looked at him with shiny eyes.

The kid nodded at him before running away. Baekhyun's body was filled with shock and confusion. "Wait..kid...?" he sputtered. He ran a hand through his hair and huffed. This is what he gets for confronting little kids. A sound made his heartbeat stop, he briefly glanced at his watch, 06:27. He whipped around, he could feel his heartbeat thudding in his rib cage.

A girl stood there, smiling awkwardly at the confused boy. Until the boy noticed the glowing pendant she had around her neck. Just as he made eye contacted with the pendant he could feel all his body as if it was on the sun. His head felt light headed, a surge of energy engulfed his body.

His eyes were closed, he couldn't see what she was seeing. Out of nowhere little specks of light rose from nothing. It wasn't completely dark out but the light hasn't penetrated the alley walls yet, that covered the path to his house.

As he opened his eyes, he felt time speed up again, despite his body burning with energy, he smiled.

"What took you so long?" he playfully asked the girl. She coughed in her hand before she straightened up more and offered a more brighter smile.

"Couldn't you have chosen somewhere else to live besides Lyon?" she responded raising an eyebrow.

"It adds to the mysteriousness" as he responded, he brought up his hand in front of him and snapped his finger again. This time instead of making a little ball of light it was bigger and brighter.

"He didn't completely lose his powers.." she murmured to herself. His eyes snapped to her. She felt his gaze on her causing her cheeks to flare up red.

"Uhmm I am Song Hyun Jin" she stated. He nodded in acknowledgement. "We kind of need to be in Barcelona... like in 3 hours in a half" she continued before trailing off.

"I know, do you still have your lightstick?' he asked her. She fumbled with her bag a bit before pulling out a white lightstick. She handed him the lightstick, he motioned for her necklace. She took it off and handed that too to him.

He took a closer look at the while gemstone before turning it around and inserting it in the light stick. The lightstick came to life, literally. The Nona is secure in, he turned it clockwise making a light that looked a bit like a hologram with abbreviations show up. It took her a few seconds to recognize the countries abbreviations. He kept on running his finger in a circular motion till he stopped at BCN.

He looked up and extended out his hand, she took it and drew in a deep breath. She felt like she was floating. Since he got his powers back, he was literally glowing. Now that she had physical contact with him, it felt like she was in summer and the sun's warmth tickled her skin.

She didn't get enough time before he pushed the Nona inside and the world started changing. Her last thought before they were whipped away in a cloud of smoke was ''.

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