
Till the Last Petal Falls

a/n: AAAAAaaaaaah

Seungkwan's POV

“You saw him?” his mother asked as Seungkwan got down from his room for late dinner. He was so tired that he had to take a nap when he got home that is why he’s eating dinner late. His mother was washing the dishes when she opened up the conversation.

“Hmm…” he mumbled between chews

“There are suddenly a lot of petals around the house. Are you sure you are going to be fine? Do you want me to transfer you to a different school?”

Seungkwan shook his head off as he smiled reassuringly to his mom. She was always supportive of Seungkwan, and when her little boy got diagnosed, she made sure to keep his heart checked at all times. She even knew about Hansol and always has been against the idea of him going to the same school with the guy. She knew he was gay too before he even realized it to himself and seemed pretty fine with it. In fact, the whole family is. Seungkwan always thought that this part of his life he was actually lucky.

“It’s okay Eomma.”

He thought his luck might still be there the next day, but wrong—because the next day, Hansol was all over the place.

After that little incident when he met his “ex”-bestfriend, Seungkwan had done everything possible to not see Hansol again. Contrast to his first day’s goal which is to see Hansol, Seungkwan had realized that the he was still not ready to see him.

Fortunately, his new found place behind the offices’ building became a safe haven for him. There were occasional couples making out in here, but the sight of him eating his lunch boxes happily with a bit of humming different song drove them away. He can now gladly say that this is his territory.

He chuckled at the thought, but then he heard a voice of a boy softly in a distance and so he made his move to distract them away. Peeking through the branches of a tree he spotted a soft looking boy pinned against the wall. He has this look that is young but his aura emitted the feel of an adult. To Seungkwan, the boy was trying really hard to become an adult when he is still a baby and he can’t help but to snort at the idea. When his eyes travelled to the other guy pinning the boy his heart dropped in million distance down (probably meeting monsters at Tartarus)—Hansol was the who was kissing the other boy. He coughed 3 times, but he let the petals fall to the ground because he too busy digesting the scene before his eyes.

Normally, this wouldn’t shock Seungkwan. Straight couples would really find this place a good spot and it’s no different with the same couples. What shook him is the fact that it was Hansol kissing another man. His straight friend (Well, apparently, he has an idea that he is not and now, he is really not!! PROVEN—) kissing another guy! He always thought Hansol was not gay—or maybe has some doubt, but damn, he actually got happy with the idea. However, as he stared at Hansol’s back while the other guy finally gave in to the kiss (The kiss must have been a smoking-hot-will-get-your-knees-wobble if the guy wasn’t able to resist Hansol) another wave of emotions rushed through him, making him think “How am I able to stare this much?”

He forcefully coughed another set of petals as they pushed through his lungs. It was a bunch and the coughs kept coming and coming until Hansol heard it and started to move his head to look around.

“Chan go ahead. I’ll take care of this.”

It was an authoritative tone. Seungkwan had never heard him so controlling before. It was a tone and a voice of a man contrast to what he remembered from their past. He hid through the bushes as Hansol started to walk around and stopped.


He mumbled as he remembered that he forgot his backpack and lunch out in the open. At first he thought the absence of the footsteps meant that Hansol already got out of the place, but the view of him crouching down holding his backpack, particularly the bracelet Hansol gave him when they were still kids. . . he felt something squeezed his heart. Things would have been better if Hansol had forgotten about him. That way, he could just move on and find another love since it’s a big university. Apparently, he didn’t and that fact made Seungkwan think that there must have been a chance for them, especially now that he knew Hansol was really into guys as well.

Hansol turned his head and quickly stood straight up from his trance. Seungkwan can’t help but cry. He was always a cry baby and the sight of Hansol and Hansol’s eyes staring back at him like it wasn’t years that have passed and he was still his “Hansollie” made tears ran down his face. It was a different kind of ache— and so he turned his body around. He cupped his mouth to scoop the petals that came with the cough. He had to say, but he ing missed the guy so much and everything from the past is eating his already weak heart. He needed to go away, out of Hansol’s sight.




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meanietrashhhh #1
Chapter 1: loving it!!!