He's Dreaming

A Krisho Drabble

A/n: My Krisho feels were creepin in so I decided to write a lil smth



The Chinese Admiral's lover appears in his dreams and he takes sleeping ptoions to keep them alive. 


Yifan woke with sweaty palms, shaking with shivers all over his body. With widened eyes he scanned his surroundings. Everything was unfamiliar and white, white drapes laced around him and seemed to have no stable structure. Where am I? He thought. What is this place?

Panic set in and Yifan went to reach for his sword--only, it wasn't there. Being an Admiral, the man would always sleep with the company of a weapon. Not in fear of being attacked, but rather in preparation for certain situations that could possbily occur. His heart beat quickened as he found himself weaponless. He tried reaching for the dagger that was always pocketed in the base of his boot, only to find that it wasn't there--and neither were his boots. 

Instead, he found himself barefooted and wearing a long blue robe, goold patterns decorating it. He frowned. He never wore blue garments. Blue was the color used by his enemies, and it was considered treason to wear the shade especially for a highly respected admiral. 

A light gust blew one of the curtains revealing a figure in the distance. Even behind the curtains everything was white, almost blinding, and the figure stood out. It looked as if it was walking towards him. He scrambled to his feet, moving backwards. He turned, ready to run from the stranger but another white curtain rose, pushing him to the ground. He lay there flabbergasted. 

The silken layer returned to its original place, almost as if it were alive. "What in the world....?" The Admiral hushed. 

This time he stood slowly, and walked towards the drape. He reached out and tried to move it, but it stayed as if it was a brick wall. Something was definitely wrong. 


The admiral stiffened at the voice. Was it really....no, no way. It wasn't nessicarily because of it was his name they had said. 

"Please look at me."

It was. 

Tears began to pool in the admiral's eyes, but he still didn't turn. He couldn't bring himself to look, to confirm his assumptions. No, it's not him! He clutched onto the silk and it complied to his demands, it even wrapped around his hand as if comforting him. 

In a shaky voice he croaked, barely audible. "J-Junmyeon?" 

"Yifan." The voice said again. "Why won't you look at me?" He sounded sad, but Yifan wouldn't budge, his grip on the silk tightening. 

"Because you're not real!" Yifan shrieked, suprised at how loud he had suddenly become. "You're not here! You're, you're dead Junmyeon!"

He heard soft whistle and suddenly the curtain gripped onto his hand, the grip iron strong. It pulled, causing Yifan to lose his balance, then it released and wrapped around his abdomen instead. Twisting, the material somehow managed to turn the man around and Yifan fell to his knees, palms slamming on the floor. The silk was not normal, it was like an animal. 

Yifan kept his eyes closed and steadied on the floor, salty liquid falling from them. He felt a soft hand on his shoulder, a familiar warmth in it. The warmth spread through him as if it ran through his veins and Yifan could feel it.

"Yifan." He said again. "Please. Look at me." 

 Yifan struggled, but he slowly lifte his head, eyes still closed. As he did, images rushed through his mind like a sort of gathering of flashbacks. Junmyeon appeared in each one. 

Junmyeon sitting by a fireplace, draped in royal robes. Junmyeon sitting down, reading a book. Junmyeon rubbing his eyes, yawning and stretching his arms. Junmyeon running through a feild of straw giggling, shooting looks behind him. Junmyeon beside him, sleeping in a curled up ball. Junmyeon taking a sip of his tea, slurping on purpose to annoy his lover. Junmyeon everywhere. 

And then, he opened his eyes. 

Junmyeon was right in front of him. Yifan couldn't believe it. his heart heaved. Oh how long he wanted to see this man. How long he'd long for the presence of this man. It had been too long. 

Junmyeon looked the same as he'd always looked. Beautiful. His skin was the same pale white, smooth, not a flaw placed on it. He wore white robes, and his hair was smoothed back a few of his strands straying away. 

Yifan let out a small cry, almost like a yelp of pain and Junmyeon reached out. With his other hand he carressed the latter's face gently, Yifan still looking into his eyes. 

It was only when Junmyeon's thumb reached his lips that Yifan reacted. Impatiently, he used his hands and gripped tightly onto the front of his lover's robes, grabbing a fistful. Junmyeon stumbled forward and landed on his knees. "Junmyeon..." Yifan quivered, "It's you...I-I...how?" 

Junmyeon only smiled and shook his head. "It doesn't matter how. What matter is that we're together." Junyeon took Yifan's hands from his clothes and held them in his own. Yifan was too starstruck to hear Junmyeon mutter softly under his breath. "For now..."

"I missed you so. I missed you so so much my love." Yifan started, desparate for Junmyeon to hear his words. He wasn't sure if this was a dream or not, but he needed Junmyeon to hear these words. "I love you so much. My heart is yours and only yours. I love you Jun." 

Finding that he couldn't resist any longer, Yifan wrapped his arms around the latter and buried his face in Junmyeon's shoulder. His sobs of relief, pain and joy were muffled in the soft material of Junmyeon's clothing. Junmyeon returned the hug just as willingly, gripping Yifan as if his life depended it. 

Yifan heard sniffles coming from the latter and he was secretly glad that he wasn't the only one crying. 

"I-I'm so sorry my love." Junmyeon started, "I'm sorry I didn't hide those letters. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you in person, I'm sorry you had to go through that pain...truly." 

Yifan pulled back, a pained look in his eyes. "It's not your fault." He whispered. "Nothing was your fault." 

"I'm still sorry. I never wanted to leave you." 

Junmyeon smiled and closed his eyes. "I love you Yifan." Yifan frowned, but before he could do anything, Junmyeon disappeared, and so did everything around him. Then he fell into the darkness.



Yifan woke with a jolt, tears in his eyes. 

"Admiral are you alright?" 

The male looked towards the voice to find his doctor Zitao. The man look worried. Yifan nodded, although he was sure he wasn't alright. Zitao let out a sigh of relief. 

"I was so worried." 

Yifan frowned. "What happened?"

Zitao frowned. "You don't remember?" 

Yifan shook his, now throbbing, head. 

"You were drunk. You rode through the Hanguk palace on your horse, completly intoxicated. You then hit a branch of some and then to add to it all, you ate poisonous berries." Zitao sounded angry, annoyed, but also relieved. "I don't know why you decided to do that but I assume it's because you've been acting like a sick dog who lost it's owner. You're just damn lucky you haven't been impeeched of your position."

Yifan thought about what Zitao had said. He really didn't remember anything, but he had a good idea of what Zitao meant at  the end of his sentence. He looked up. "Tao, how did I get here then?" 

Zitao nodded his head in the direction behind him. "The princess brought you here after having to chase you down with her own horse and can I also say she knows how to handle a drink so much better than you, Admiral." The latter said the last of his words with a grit, slamming a bottle on the bench in front of him.

Yifan looked over to where Zitao had indicated and sure enough he saw Yerim lying fast asleep on another bed. Yifan was obviously in an infirmary, but he didn't know where. "Tao, where are we?" 

The doctor had gone to a bowl of water and was squeezing out a cloth. "We're about twenty-three miles from the border of China. This is an infirmary in the village of Hannam." 

"How did she know where to come?"  Yifan asked. 

Zitao walked over to Yifan placing the cloth onto his forehead. "She didn't. I just so happened to be called to the palace to find you and I saw her outside the gates with a drunk and half-dead admiral. At first I thought she'd done it, but then I realised that you were an admiral and your pride would never allow a woman to beat you." 

"Well, she is a good person. Reminds me a lot of myself sometimes...and him." Yifan said a little sadly. 

Zitao scoffed, "Get over it Admiral. Any mention of the prince your position will surely be taken from you. You're just lucky that Yixing is your second in command and thought of a way to turn the situation to your advantage, otherwise you'd be dead, and labeled as the admiral who committed treason."

Yifan sighed. "In all honesty Zitao, I'd much rather myself be labeled as a traitor than him." 

"Well that's just the way it is alright? Now stop sulking. I need you to get better so that we can leave this place. It's not safe." 

Zitao continued to tend to Yifan, giving him slave

"I-I had a dream Zitao." Yifan blurted, unsure if it was right to tell him. What if Tao thought he was crazy?

The latter's hand stopped, but only momentarily before he asked, "Tell me about it." 

"H-He was there...." Yifan told him everything. From waking up, to the blue robes, to the creature like curtains, the memories and then...Junmyeon. He told him every detail, and the boy listened. 

After everything was said Yifan asked. "Is this normal? I'm not going crazy right?" 

Zitao stood back and folded his arms. "I have a feeling that this is much more than a dream Admiral." 

"What do you mean by that?" Yifan exclaimed, almost excited. 

"I can't exactly answer that."

"Well who can?"

Zitao took in a breath and said. "Zhang Yixing." 



When Yerim finally awoke she had only had a minor headache considering the amount of alcohol she'd had. The small girl really did take drinks better than he. 

She only had a few hours of rest before she agreed that they should leave. Yifan offered for her to return to her home in the palace but the girl shook her head saying, "I can't go back there. I hate it. There's a reason I brought you all the way here. Don't make me waste all of my efforts of getting you here." 

After that little bicker Zitao whispered to the Admiral, "You're right, she does remind me of you, maybe a bit more sass."  

Yifan rolled his eyes and set off with his horse. Yerim had brought both Yuki and Chikara, the latter being Yifan's horse. She was much more of a fighter than her brother. Yifan found her presence comforting in a way. He knew she was mourning just as much as he. It took them only one day to reach the boarder of the China, but Yerim, being from Hanguk and their princess, would never be allowed through. 

They had to smuggle her. 

Zitao found this an easy job, seeing as he'd done it so many times witth his medicines. 

After another few hours down the borader, they came to a part of the boarder which was not gaurded. They were able to easily make it across. The party decided it was best to stop and rest for the night. Zitao set up a tent, but Yerim refused to sleep, saying that she'd keep watch. Zitao was pretty clueless, seeing as he was devoid of emotions in general, but Yifan knew why. The girl was still in grief over her brother. 

He was going to argue that she needed sleep but knew that she wouldn't get it anyway with Junmyeon on her mind. So, he sighed, bid her goodnight and took to rest in his tent. 

"Wake me up in a few hours." He said before nodding off.



Yifan lay there in bed, completely still. He felt exhausted. He looked around him. The bed was familiar. It was the same sleeping quarters in the village of which he'd first met Junmyeon. He sat up and spotted the fireplace, glowing, the snapping sounds soothing him. 

"You're awake." 

Yifan looked at the doorway. And there he was. Again. In his white robes. 

Yifan immediately looked at his own clothes. The same blue robes. What was happening? 

"Where are we Jun?" Yifan asked. 

Junmyeon frowned. "We're in eastern Hanguk. Where you asked to meet."

Yifan shook his head and buried himself into the sheets. It's a dream! It's not real! Wake up Yifan!

A cry of pain sounded in his head and Yifan recognised the voice. The pain that heaved in his chest from the sounds could not be compared to any type of pain he'd ever felt. It was Junmyeon. Yifan shook his head again, not wanting this anymore. No! No! It's not real!

Junmyeon's voice came to him again, but this time it was a scream. It was a pained whisper.

Did you wante me to die? Was I that much of a burden?

Yifan woke up before he could answer.



It was still dark when he woke to the sounds of (poorly) muffled sobs. It took him a bit longer to realise that they were coming from outside the tent, seeing as Zitao had drifted away into deep sleep. Yifan arose, careful not to wake his doctor, and exited the tent. Sure enough, Yerim was seated by in front of the fire, back towards Yifan.

He seated himself next to heer, and the girl jumped, startled at the company. But Yerim calmed as soon as she realised it was the amdmiral. "O-Oh i-it's you admiral." 

He nodded. "Yeah. Yeah it is."

Yerim looked away, no doubt wiping her tears away. Yifan looked straight at the fire, giving her some space. 'You don't have to be embarrassed by me. I mean, when we first met I was a raging, emotinal mess. I think it's fair to say I should be ashamed in front of you." 

A laugh rose within the girl, a blocked nose evident with the girl. "Yeah but youre shameless aren't you?" 

Yifan nodded, smiling just a bit. "That is true." 

The air went silent for a second before Yerim let out a small sob. "I miss him Yifan...I miss him so much." 

The looked at the girl and he felt sympathetic. Without thinking, he took her in his arms, burying her head into his shoulders. Although suprised by his own actions, Yifan decided it was for the best. He needed the hug either way. A light laugh escaped his lips as he thought, I really am shameless. 

Yerim didn't take long so submit to his comfort. Her small hands tightened on him and she cried into his clothing. Yifan sat there, holding her for what seemed like (and most probably was) hours, before he felt her grip loosen and her breaths slowing. Her crying quietened into light snores and Yifan knew she was asleep.

He whispered into her hair, "I'll protect with all my life Yerim. Whatever it takes, I will protect you. So that you won't face the same fate as your brother." 



A/n: ok ik this was a bit randomo but i was just in the mood and felt like it ok?









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Kaisdaddy #1
Chapter 1: I wasn't expecting to stumble upon a fic based on my own while looking through new things to read, but wow I'm touched you were inspired by it! Great work!