✓ Seventeen

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After eating food and having more fun with Sana we slowly drifted to sleep. I woke up when I felt her moving next to me. She trying to sneak out of bed, but I grabbed her waist and pulled her back down.

“Where are you goinggggg” I groaned. “Stay in bed with me baby.”

“I will be right back Chaengie! I have to use the bathroom” she laughed, trying to get out of my grip.

I kissed her back and released my arms from around her. “Fine. But hurry back, I miss you already.” She smiled at me and left to the bathroom. I rolled over on my back and hugged my pillow. Words cannot explain how happy I am to finally be with her. I confessed my love and so did she, hopefully, we can be together soon.

Eventually, we got up from the bed, after countless kisses and cuddling. We got hungry, so I went to the small kitchen to make us breakfast. I looked back to see what Sana was doing while I was making the food and she was fast asleep. I guess she is still tired from our long night. Jeongyeon sent us some ingredients from the grocery shop as my fridge was empty.

I made pancakes, bacon, eggs, toast, and cut strawberries and apples for us! I set her food cutely on a tray and tiptoed to the bed so that I wouldn’t wake her up. Gently, I put the tray on the floor next to us and leaned forward to plant a kiss on her forehead. She slowly opened her eyes and smiled up at me.

“Wake up princess, it’s time to eat” I lightly called, my hands through her hair.

“I was going to help cook but I fell asleep! I’m sorryyyy” she whined as I sat her up on the bed.

“No worries, it was a hot night” I winked, she giggled and shoved me away.

“So, what did you make Chef Boyfriend?”

“Boyfriend? I like the sound of that!” She kissed my neck as I was trying not to laugh like a fool. She makes me so happy.

I set the tray on her lap and started to feed her. “My princess will get the best treatment. Now say ahhhh” I smirked and put the food in .

“OMG babe this is sooooo good! We should open a restaurant!” She cheered.

“Haha, stop it’s just breakfast. It wasn’t hard to make” I scratched my nape.

“This is the best seriously! I taste all of your love that you put into it.” She took the spoon, “here, take a bite! You need to regain energy from last night too!”


We finished eating the food, occasionally attacking each other with kisses or tickles the entire time. I washed the dishes while Sana showered. She came out in my oversized t-shirt and a pair of shorts I own. She looked so cute, I walked up to her and carried her bridal style.

“YA! Chaeyoung put me down!!! Are you kidnapping me AGAIN!!” She screamed as I walked her to the bed laughing.

I gently threw her on the bed and she laughed. I climbed up to her and left kisses all over her stomach, neck, and eventually up to her lips. Inhaling her beautiful addicting scent

I stared into her big, brown eyes. “I love you so much Sana. I will do anything for you.”

“And I love you too Chaeyoung” She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me closer, kissing me with so much passion. I could have melted. I pulled the blanket over us and we made out and cuddled until we went back to sleep.




Jeongyeon drove Momo back to the apartment with him that night. They still needed to talk about Momo’s confession before the ceremony, and he didn’t trust Jaerim not to do anything to her. He woke up and went downstairs to find

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Chapter 19: I really liked the story, nice work author.
strwbrry24 #2
Chapter 20: Author-nim. No book 2?
Chapter 9: Oh, stress... the drama is here... pew!...hahaha
Chapter 3: Looks like SaChaeng's gonna fight my main ship, JeongMi....hahaha..i love this couple now..
MyouiLy #5
Chapter 20: JeongMo T,T
soncelfeu #6
Chapter 20: just read this and as expected its so great! i hope you can make an epilogue or sequel, maybe? about jeongmo and sachaeng's happy life
Chapter 20: Awwww.. jeongmo justice.. sequel please.. haha.. love the story author nim..
noname19 #8
Chapter 20: the ending its so good for sachaeng ^_^|| n not fair for jeongmo (╥_╥)
14 streak #9
Chapter 20: jeongmo broke my heart....but sachaeng aree sweeter than sweeet.
14 streak #10
Chapter 15: jeongmooooo....