Chapter Three: Since That Day..

His Beautiful Lies

Here i come! i'm back with the chapter three! >< heheheh~ By my calculation, this story will end in chapter four.. Pretty short huh? :\ But i promise i'll do the best i could! XD To be honest, i've been trying to write a long stories for months, but before the story ended, i'll get bored and write another story! =__=" that makes me to think twice before writing a long one. hahah, yeahh i know.. i'm lame... hahahahaahh

Promise me you'll read my story until the end okay? :3 




Since that day, we have been studying together in the library for about a month now. Thank God he never punch my face or broke my nose! Pfiuuh, that's a relieave. The teachers are happy too with my sudden progress. They were so shocked, and they even thought i'm cheating on my test!! Are you kidding me?! But suddenly, myungsoo showed up and told them he's been tutoring me lately. So all the praises went straight to that genius, cold blooded, arrogant boy. hey hey, i've been working hard too you know!

And.. by the way.... Myungsoo becoming nicer and nicer day by day... What? you don't believe it? well, he smiled for the first time to me a week ago. Not an 'myungsoo's everyday's cold smile. But a warm one. You know... the one who you could tell it's a real one. And he's actually waiting for me in the library when i was having a dance class until i done. How nice is it?

And today, is our last study before the final test tomorrow. I was slightly dissapointed with the fact this is our last time to study together before our graduation. Maybe i'll never see him again. I heard he'll attend a famous university in Korea.The one which a smart boy like him deserves to. So that means he and his family will move to seoul. It's a so far away place from here.

I will miss him for sure...



I was waiting for him in the library. On the desk where we usually study together for this past one month. When i realized i've been waiting for him in a hour. Where is he?

The time i was about to call him, he showed up.

"mianhae, the teacher called me earlier..." he spoke and sat beside me. "ooh yeah, that's okay. I'm cool." i replied and smiled to him. He laughed.

"soo.. which one you don't understand?". I took my chemistry book and opened the page 251. "this one.."
He nodded his head and took my pencil, "watch me." he said and begin to write something on my book. Within a minute, he finished it! I clapped my hands in awe. "Incredible! okay i think i'm understand now." he gave the pencil to me with a bunch of chemistry problems. "finish it kay? remember, this is a last study." I smiled and begin to solve the problem.

Five minutes passed. At the time i'm about to finished, i steal a glance at him. He was leaning on the chair, with his eyes closed. He looks like an angel. Maybe sometimes he looks scary and cold when he wakes up. But his face turns to be the innocent one while sleeping.. Amazing. I was staring at him and suddenly his eyes opened. I snapped in surprised and quickly continued what i'm doing seconds ago. I could hear him chuckled.

"are you finished?"
"n-no, not yet.."
"then why you're staring at me earlier? hmm?"

I looked beside me, to see his face and saw he's smiling. An annoying smile i mean. 

"no i didn't!" i yelled in embarassement.
"yah, i saw you." he keep teasing me. Loving to see me blushed in front of him.

"i was... i-i was.."
"was what?"
"i just.. realized this is our last time to study together.. that's all.." I answered while looking away from him. I bet my face is blushing like crazy right now! aaahhhh!! someone help meee!




Surprised, not hearing any respond from him, i slowly turned my face and found his .............. is it a sad face? no it can't be.

".. umm.. well.. then just do the best in our last study okay? i think you'll do fine without me tough."

My eyes widen, wow. I never heard him speak any kind of words like that. I kept staring at him with my jaw fell open. He chuckled, "yah! what's with that face!?". I laughed in awkward, "this is the first time you ever say that kind of words. It shocked me." i replied and  trying to continued my almost finished chemistry problems he gave me. He chuckled, "seriously. You'll do fine without me."

I smiled, babo. I'll never do fine without him. He's my saviour! i'll never make this far without him.



Hours later, the sun has set. I saw the clock, and shocked. It's 7 PM!!!!

"woah! it's already night!" i yelled.
"is it? time flew really fast.." he replied and suddenly coughed. I'm staring at him in worried. "myungsoo, are you okay?" i asked. "yep, i'm okay."

But i can sense something is not right. I tried to examine his face and realized his face has turned to a pale one. "are you sick?" i asked him once again while touching his forehead, but oddly his temperature is normal. "no, i'm fine. Believe me." I nodded my head and started to pack my books inside my bag. "well, see you tomorrow." i smiled to him. He gave me back a smile, "but.. it's dark outside. Do you want me to walk you home?".

Hey, am i not misheard it? he asked to walk me home?

I quickly shakes my head, "Yah! you're sick!! you should go home now and rest. I can go home alone, believe me." i answered and lifted my bag. "Nah, this is nothing. It's just a normal flu." he insisted. I sighed.

"but promise me."
"promise what?" he asked.

".. Promise me you'll healthy tomorrow."

Hearing my words, he got quiet for seconds. ".... yeah, i promise."

I smiled widely and gave him my pinky. We pinky promised with each other and that night, for the first time he walked me home.



One week later, i got my score. I can't believe it!! I PASSED!!!

i was so excited to tell myungsoo. He's the one who made me go this far. He's an angel sent by God for me! hahahah, i owe him. Really. But unfortunately, he's absent today. The teacher said he has to go somewhere today. So i decided to save this surprised later. He will be really surprised! What do you think? kekeke~

And then after i got home, i went on my phone and called him.

"myungsoo! where are you?"
"at home, wae?"
"could you meet me at the park now?" i asked.

So the night he walked me home, made us surprised with the fact that actually ur house is just a couple blocks away! I wish i know this earlier.

"at the park? now?"
"nee! now"
"okay, arasso, arasso.." he replied.
"great! don't be late, and wear your sweater." i said to him earning a chuckled from him.

As soon as the call disconected, i ran to wear my jacket and headed out from my house. Not forgetting to bring my paper test with me. I closed the door behind me and ran onto the streets. The snow is everywhere. So pretty! I jumped along the streets while playing with the falling snow above me happily. I'm so excited to show my test to myungsoo. And i'll thank him for his tutoring for this nearly one and a half month.

As i arrived, he's already there. Leaning on a big tree with his hands inside his pocket.

"myungsoo-ah!!" i yelled.

Hearing my yelled, he turned his face to me and smiled, "hey! what is going on?"
I standing right in front of him while chuckling, grinning widely to him. "yah, i'm serious!" he said, curious with my crazy behaviour. "But, don't freak out okay?" i asked while smiling, overwhelming with happiness. He giggled, "wae? wae? what is it?"

I jumped and showed my test to him, "tadaaaa!!" HIs eyes widen, "OOH!!! you passed !!!!!!" he yelled.  I nodden almost broke my own neck. "CONGRATS!!! see? i told ya" he said while staring at my paper test excitedly. "yeaaa.. i can't believe it either. Thankyou so so so so so so so much for tutoring me myungsoo. I appreaciate it. Really."

He giggled and smiled.
"gwenchana.. well, you can do it as long as you try hard."
".. and because you helped me too." i added, he smiled.

SInce when i started to loving seeing him? I called him here to meet me because i want to see his reaction when he see my test. It feels like it's not enough only with a phone call. And at the moment i meet him here, seeing him with my own eyes is unbelievable. My heart racing really fast. I stared at him in awe. Admiring his beautiful face. And then he looked at me, after felt the girl in front of him has been staring at him again just like the last time they studied together.

"see! you're staring at me again!" said myungsoo.
My face blushed, "ah! no i didn't" i replied and hiding my face inside my hands. "yah, what is happened with you? really!" he asked while laughing really hard and trying to pulled my hands off from my face. "yah! yah! andwaeeee!!" i yelled and ran away from him. He ran after me and caught me from behind. "you;re definitely hiding something. Tell me!" said him and turned me to faced him.

I stared at his face worriedly.
Should i tell him?

"you really wanna know?"
He nodded.

"well... i think..."
"i think.. i'm falling in love with someone."

His eyes got widen in surprised, "jeongmal?". I nodded, "and i don't know what to do. I don't want to lose him. And the time is really short now. I have to tell him now. Or not at all." His eyes soften, "if you really love him, then you shoul tell him. Loses someone who you really love is the worst feeling ever right?". I lift my face to stare him and sighed. So this is the moment. I have to tell him.


"myungsoo. The person who i fall for is you."


I looked away trying to avoid his eyes. I bet he's really surprised now. Iooked at him slowly. But why his face looks really sad? It's the face which you could see he's hiding a pain inside. "what happened?" i asked worriedly. He faced me and sighed deeply.


"... Sorry. But, i even never had any interested in you." he replied.


I froze and lift my eyes to his. Finding he's just staring at me with his usual stare. The one which old myungsoo has. I felt being stared with a different person. Not the one who i fall for all this time.

And at the moment i froze, he walked away from me leaving me alone in that park. My tears fell from both of my eyes. I looked back to him walking away from me, and each seconds he became more further and further away from me. I looked away and felt like i want to kill my self.

.... What have i done?



This is all for chapter three! kekekekeke the next one willl ne the final, wait for it! ^^

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Danieea #1
Chapter 4: this is so sad TT
i really liked it:)
whatisnotseen #2
Chapter 4: So sad!!!!! It turned tragic really quickly! I would have enjoyed it better if you had developed their story a bit more. But overall, really good story.
ShinRaeAe #3
seriously, i like your story.. i cried ~ ='( it's so sad Myungsoo die..
lostbambi #4
awesomeness:)) i totally loved it!
:'( I Cried! MYUNGSOO!
it reminded me of playful kiss. :D
@simsalamir yes he's died after the truck hit him X(
Ah, which part is it?? I'm sorry if it confused you! I'll fix it then :))) kekeke thankyou! XD i will~
simsalamir #7
Omoooo I just about to cry. Is Myungsoo die? I don't catch a word in the end :/ but it was a good story, :) keep wr
@SWEETTART thankyou! ^^
@marry_kim aawww, thanks!! Hahahah XD
@hellomrMilk yup i will!! actually, there's a story wondering in my head right now.. But i still have no idea about the ending -__-" Kekeke, well, just wait for it XD ♥
T^T wahhhhhhhhhh........ CUTEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!
awwwww...this is so good... :)