Umji loves her savior

Santa's Helper

After school, Umji finished all her homework and Eunha was surprised to see the little girl was serious, she didn’t complained once and did everything correctly. Then she insisted to go see Santa and Sowon again at the mall. Eunha couldn’t say no, she wanted to see the tall girl too. Eunha wanted to know more about her neighbor, this girl was so sweet and nice. Her smile was so warm and her eyes so reassuring that Eunha wondered if her christmas wish was becoming true. If Sowon was the one that would made her feel less lonely. All Eunha wanted was to know more about this girl, to be her friend and spend more time with her. Eunha felt like mesmerized by his woman and she couldn't ignore it.

Eunha was walking with her little sister to the mall, they were hand in hand and they were both kinda excited to arrive there.

As they arrived, Sowon was talking with kids and laughing with them the time it was their turn to see Santa. Eunha stared at her, she looked so sweet, she was really great with kids, Eunha wasn’t doubting that, she saw her around Umji before. This girl would be such a good mother, everything in her eyes, her voice, her gesture was sweet and gentle.

Umji pulled Eunha’s coat. “Unnie?” she asked frowning. “Why we stop here…?” she asked again. “I want to see Santa...” said Umji less patient.

“Sorry.” said Eunha realising she was zoning out. She let go of Umji’s hand. “You can go, I see you from here.”

Umji pouted. “You’re not coming with me?” asked Umji tilting her head as she looked at her sister. “I want a pic with you too…”

Eunha sighed. “You want me to come take a pic with Santa?” asked Eunha surprised and Umji nodded happily taking Eunha’s hand in hers and guiding her closer to the stand.

Sowon who was kneeling to talk with kids already there, looked up at them and stood up with a big smile on her face as she saw the two girls.

“The cutest finally arrived.” she whispered to Umji with a wink and Eunha smiled at the cute interaction. “Want another pic today?” asked Sowon nicely and Umji nodded. “Go in the line then!” said Sowon as excited as Umji who pulled Eunha with her.

“She want me to take a pic with her.” said Eunha seeing the weird look on Sowon’s face.

“Oh I see, kinda embarrassing to sit on Santa’s laps huh?” said Sowon teasing the short girl. “I hope you’ve been a good girl this year.” she added and Eunha giggled.

“Umji it would be nice if Sowon unnie would take a pic with us too, don’t you think?” asked Eunha with a smirk and Umji’s face brightened at the proposition.

“That would be so cool!!” said Umji looking expectantly at Sowon. “Sowon unnie, would you like to take a pic with me?” asked Umji walking to Sowon and taking the tall girl’s hand in hers. “Please, I would love that…” begged the little girl and Sowon melted.

“She’s so cute!!” whispered Sowon to Eunha as she walked to her to be in the line too.

“Hope you too have been nice this year.” said Eunha and Sowon smiled.

As their turn arrived, Santa looked at Sowon confused. “Don’t ask.” she just tell him as she sat beside him. The old man smiled at her and helped Umji get on his laps while Eunha sat on his other side.

“I’m happy you came back.” he said nicely to Umji who nodded. “And you bring someone with you?” she asked as he smiled to Eunha who bowed her head politely at him.

“It’s my big sister.” said Umji proud of her sister. “And I also want Sowon unnie on my pic.” started Umji before getting closer to the old man. “Because she’s so pretty and nice, I love her.” added Umji in a whisper and the old man nodded.

“She’s the best Santa’s helper.” he winked to the young girl before they all smiled and took a pic.

Eunha got faster this time and payed for the pic not wanting Sowon to pay for it or something. Umji looked at the pic and smiled. “We look like a family.” said the young girl and Eunha blushed as her eyes meet Sowon’s. “Sowon could be family, she lives in the same place than you Unnie.” explained Umji loudly and Eunha shook her head while looking around embarrassed. Not embarrassed that people may think she live with such a beautiful girl but she wasn’t sure Sowon would be associated to this non sense.

“She live in same building, that doesn’t mean everyone in the building is family Umji.” explained Eunha and Sowon nodded but Umji pouted.

“But I love Sowon unnie, I want to be like her when I grow up because she’s so pretty.” explained Umji and Sowon smiled while Eunha arched an eyebrow.

Sowon kneeled in front of the little girl and smiled at her. “You will be the prettiest woman on earth when you grow up, I’m sure of that.” said Sowon before looking at Eunha that seemed a little hurt, her little sister was admiring her new neighbor more than her. “You should hug your unnie and tell her she’s pretty too, because she will think you don’t love her anymore...” whispered Sowon and Umji looked up at Eunha that was looking around.

Umji understood and pulled Eunha’s coat to gain her attention. “Unnie.” she said and Eunha looked at her with a little smile. “I love you the more, you’re so pretty too.” said Umji and Eunha smiled at the little girl’s cuteness. “But you’re so short, Sowon unnie is so tall, that’s why I want to be like her.” added Umji and Sowon giggled while Eunha sighed.

“That’s not how you’re supposed to make me feel better Umji-ya!!” whinned Eunha but Umji seemed clueless and looked at Sowon confused but the tall girl was just laughing.

“You two are adorable.” said Sowon and Eunha blushed as she looked at the tall girl. Umji smiled, knowing she was adorable already, Eunha was repeating this to her since she was a baby. Sowon smiled at them and got closer to Eunha, putting her hand on Eunha’s back slowly. “I have to work, other kids arrived.” she said sweetly as she winked at Umji. “Come back whenever you want.” she said to the little girl before patting her head and walking back to the stand to do her job and handling the impatient and excited kids.

Eunha didn’t move, she was still feeling the warmth of Sowon’s hand on her back, this warm feeling was so good. “Unnie?” called Umji and Eunha looked down at her little sister.


“Can we go or you will look at Sowon unnie for a long time again?” asked the little girl making her sister blush.

“What? I don’t look at her.” said Eunha as they turned around to walk back home.

“Of course you do.” said Umji sincerely. “But it’s okay because she’s really pretty.”

Eunha rolled her eyes. “Yeah I think I get it, you really find Sowon beautiful.” said Eunha and Umji smiled.

As they got home, Eunha sent Umji to the shower first then they ate and watched TV till it was bedtime for Umji. This night Eunha got hard time to fall asleep, she watched the ceiling silently while Umji was slowly snoring beside her. Eunha looked beside her and smiled, the street lights from outside lightened the room a little and Eunha could see Umji’s cute face. The little girl had half open and she was drooling on her pillow.
Eunha caressed her cheek slowly and tried to get more comfortable but sleep wasn’t coming, she started thinking about her neighbor and how she wanted Sowon to be her friend and slowly sleep came to her.

On next morning Eunha woken up after Umji jumped on her violently.

“Yah!! Umji!” yelled Eunha pushing the little girl that was halfway lying on her and laughing.

“But Unnie your alarm keep ringing but you don’t wake up!!” said Umji standing on the bed and jumping making the mattress move and Eunha move with it.

“Stop that I will wake up!” groaned Eunha hiding under her blanket. Umji laughed while taking the cover away and running away from the room.

Eunha sighed and sat on the bed admiring the mess Umji put in the room, she rubbed her eyes and stood up, she picked up the pillows that were on the floor all around the bed and throw them back on the bed. As she arrived in the kitchen she could see that the little girl already took some stuff out of the fridge and was drinking a glass of milk while a glass was filled with orange juice was waiting for Eunha.

“Wow, are you making up for waking me up like a total monster?” asked Eunha as she sat to eat her breakfast with Umji who giggled.

“Not my fault if unnie don’t wake up!” said Umji innocently. Eunha stuck out her tongue at Umji who laughed and did the same then they prepared and left the flat. Eunha locked the door while Umji called the elevator. Eunha smiled and joined Umji in front of the elevator when Sowon left her flat too and smiled at the two girls while walking to them.

“Hello girls.” she said as she patted Umji’s head. The little girl hugged Sowon’s side and Eunha smiled.

“Morning.” said shyly Eunha then the elevator’s door opened and they walked inside in silence.

“Can I press the button?” asked Umji really wanting to press that elevator button and Eunha nodded. So Umji proudly pressed the ground floor button with a big smile on her face.

Sowon looked at Eunha and opened to talk but finally stopped herself, seeing that Eunha arched an eyebrow.

“What is it?” asked Eunha and Sowon shook her head.

“Nothing, I don’t want to be to indiscreet.” answered the tall girl shyly and Eunha smiled.

“Come on, aren’t we kinda friends now?” asked Eunha hopeful Sowon would say yes.

“Friends?” asked Sowon smiling. “I like that.”

Eunha smiled again. “Then ask, what’s bothering you?”

Sowon looked at Umji that was just holding Eunha’s hand and waiting in silence. “How come you have to take care of your little sister?”

“Appa and Omma are gone.” answered sadly Umji missing her parents a little and both girls looked down at her.

“Oh I’m sorry…” said Sowon immediately but Eunha waved her hand.

“No no, they’re just gone on a trip for work, they will be back in a month.” explained Eunha seeing Sowon thought they were dead or something.

“Ah okay.” said Sowon clearly relieved. “I thought they… that they were… you know... the way she said that… I-”

“It’s okay.” cut Eunha putting her hand on Sowon’s arm to reassure her. “While they're overseas I take care of Umji and like that we spend lot of time having fun together right?” asked Eunha looking at her little sister that nodded happily.

“Yeah!” she said and the doors opened on the building entrance.

The three of them walked out and Sowon stopped before they walked on opposite way and took Eunha’s arm. “Will you come tonight?” she asked.

“I want to!!” said Umji before Eunha could answer anything and the girls laughed.

“I don’t doubt that!” said Eunha shaking her head at her little sister then she looked at Sowon. “We will probably pass by, I have some groceries to do.” she informed the tall girl that nodded happily and winked at Umji who jumped happily too.

At the end of the day, Eunha left her work and walked to Umji’s school to pick the little girl up. Eunha arched an eyebrow as she saw that her little sister was holding a plastic bag, Eunha looked around and saw other kids with the same bag.

“What did you do today?” asked Eunha curious to know what was in the bag.

Umji smiled and hugged the bag against her chest. “You will see at home!” said the little girl as she took her sister’s hand to walk out of the school. It was a nice day, it was cold but the sun was still out. Eunha adjusted her little sister scarf gently.

Once arrived home Umji asked her sister to close her eyes and wait for her on the couch. Eunha arched an eyebrow but seeing Umji was insisting she obeyed and sat before hiding her eyes in her hands. Eunha heard Umji opening the plastic bag and she was even more curious now, then she heard her little sister walk around in the flat before coming back after a minute.

“Here, give me your hands but close your eyes.” said Umji very seriously. Eunha did what Umji asked and felt the little girl put something in her hands. “You can open now.” said Umji and Eunha looked at her hands.

She smiled when she saw a homemade picture frame with the pic they took at the mall with Sowon and Santa. Umji pasted many hearts and wrote cute little love sentence. Eunha smiled and kissed Umji’s forehead.

“It’s so beautiful.” said Eunha with a big smile on her lips.

“So you love it?” asked Umji hopeful and Eunha nodded immediately.

“I will always keep it!” answered Eunha before standing up and putting the cute frame beside her TV. “Everyone can see it there.” added Eunha and Umji smiled happily. “Thank you Umji.” said Eunha getting closer to Umji and hugging her tightly.

“Unnie!!” yelled Umji as she giggled. “I can’t breath!”

Eunha laughed and let go of Umji. “That’s all you had in that bag?” asked Eunha and Umji shook her head.

“We made gifts and a card for our parents but since Omma and Appa aren’t here I decided it would be one for you and the other gift for Sowon unnie.”

Eunha stared at Umji. “And what is the other gift?” she asked curious.

Umji hugged the little bag against her again so Eunha wouldn’t see. “You can’t see, it’s for Sowon unnie!” said Umji determined.

“I see, once again you treat her more as your older sister than me that take care of you and love you very much…” said Eunha faking a pout and Umji felt bad so she put the bag on the coffee table and come to hug Eunha.

“No I love you unnie!! I love you! I love you!” repeated Umji as she hugged her sister very tightly with her little arms.

Eunha melted and hugged the little girl back. “So do you want to bring that gift to your favorite Santa’s helper now?” asked Eunha with a smile and Umji nodded all excited. “Then put your coat back on and we will go.”

They walked together to the mall and went straight to the Christmas stand, lots of kids were all around, all the santa’s helper were busy. Eunha tried to spot Sowon but there was a lot of people at this time.

“I don’t see Sowon unnie…” said Umji pouting.

Eunha sighed. “There’s a lot of people, many other kids want to see Santa, we will come back in some minutes okay?” asked Eunha and Umji nodded even if she was a little sad and eager to give Sowon her gift.

Eunha took Umji to one of the coffee shop in the halls of the mall center and buy them two hot chocolat. It was very hot when they served it so Eunha blowed on her little sister’s cup till it was okay then Umji could drink it without burning her tongue. The little girl ended up with a chocolate mustache and Eunha made fun of her so Umji pouted.

“Unnie!!” said the little girl. “Where?” she asked as she tried to whip her face with the napkin but she still had chocolate on the corner of . Eunha took her napkin and cleaned her little sister’s face.

“Here you’re all clean now.” said Eunha and Umji seemed more happy.

“Am I pretty?” asked the little girl straightening her clothe as the got out of the table followed by Eunha who couldn’t hide her smile.

“Scared to look messy in front of Sowon unnie?” asked Eunha teasing the little girl who blushed. “Don’t worry she already saw us in our ridiculous pyjamas.” said Eunha and Umji laughed. “Plus you’re the prettiest!” added Eunha and Umji hugged Eunha’s side.

They walked back to the stand and it was less crowded, Sowon saw them and waved at them, Umji ran to her and hugged the tall girl. Sowon hugged Umji back and smiled as Eunha approached.

“We came back again.” smiled Eunha and Sowon nodded happily.

Umji looked down as she handed the bag to Sowon. Eunha pointed Umji so Sowon would realise the little girl was giving her something. Sowon put her hand on Umji’s chin and made the little girl look up.

“It’s for me?” asked Sowon with a smile and Umji nodded shyly. “Wow, We’re the one offering gift usually, Umji are you trying to steal my precious job?” asked Sowon laughing and Umji shook her head but laughed. Eunha looked at the cute interaction and bit her lips together, Sowon was so sweet.

Sowon took the bag and hesitated. “Can I open it now or you rather I open later?” asked Sowon and Umji shook her shoulders.

“You can open now, I want to know if you like it.” said Umji unsure.

Sowon patted her head. “I sure I will like it because it’s from you Umji-ya.” said Sowon with a cute voice and Umji blushed.

Sowon opened the bag and found a little colorful pearls bracelet. It was yellow, red, blue, pink, green, all the little plastic pearls were carefully placed all in the same order. And a little heart pearl was in the middle. Sowon put it around and wrist and hugged Umji.

“I love it.” she said before taking the card in the bag. It was a little christmas card that Umji made at school, it was green and red, with a christmas tree and gift box drawing on it, as sowon opened she saw the inside was filed with drawing of guirland and snowflakes. In black was written a little paragraph with a cute kid handwriting.


“Merry Christmas Sowon unnie,

You’re the best Santa’s helper,

I hope your wish come true,

I love you more than Santa!




Sowon was reading the letter and her eyes got teary. Umji panicked she took the card from Sowon’s hand and put it back in the bag. “It’s okay if you don’t like it.” said the young girl and Sowon shyly smiled as she shook her head.

“It’s not that Umji, I really love your card.” said Sowon sincerely.

Eunha didn’t know what to do, she put her hand on Sowon’s back and handed her a tissue. Sowon took it and whipped her tears away. She looked around and spotted another Santa’s helper. “I’m taking a five minute break.” she said the the other girl who nodded with a smile.

“Of course.” nicely said her coworker.

They took some step away and sat on a bench. Sowon took Umji on her laps and took back the card. “I really love it Umji, it’s just that it’s been a long time I didn’t get any card and gift for christmas so it surprised me and made me really happy.” explained the tall girl before kissing Umji’s forehead.

“It was happy tears?” asked Umji and Sowon nodded sincerely. “Just like when Eunha watch a movie and it end happily she cry anyway?” asked Umji and Sowon giggled as Eunha blushed.

“Umji!” hissed Eunha embarrassed but the little girl looked at her innocently and Eunha sighed before messing her little sister’s hair.

“Thank you, Umji I really love your gift and your card, it warms my heart a lot.” said Sowon and Umji smiled before hugging the tall girl again. “Today Santa is giving every kids cookies, you should go if you want one.” added Sowon and Umji seemed really excited.

“Unnie, can I go?” asked Umji to Eunha who nodded.

“Yeah but you stay at the stand, I want to be able to see you from here.” warned Eunha and Umji nodded. They watched her walk to the stand then Eunha put her hand on Sowon’s arm.

“I’m sorry if Umji’s gift is a little weird for you…” said Eunha hoping it wasn’t too much for Umji to offer a gift and card to Sowon. “I guess she just admire you a lot…”

Sowon smiled and took Eunha’s hand in hers. “It’s okay, really I’m glad she did that.” said Sowon sincerely as she looked in Eunha’s eyes. “To be honest I didn’t see my family since three years and I spend christmas all alone so it’s nice to feel loved and receive a cute gift.”

Eunha nodded reassured. “How come you don’t see your family anymore?” asked Eunha curious to know more about her mysterious neighbor.

Sowon hesitated. “Well it’s complicated, let’s say we don’t go along so I left to life my own life like I want.” explained Sowon. “I feel lonely but I least I can be myself.” she added and Eunha nodded understanding.

“It’s always lonely to live alone when we spend most of our life with our parents.” said Eunha and Sowon nodded.

“Well at least you can see them often right?” asked Sowon and Eunha nodded.

“Yeah, we’re pretty close, and I couldn’t spend a week without seeing my little sister.” added Eunha and Sowon smiled.

“It’s cute.” she said and they both blushed as their eyes meet.

Eunha realised they were still holding each other’s hand and swallowed hard. Sowon saw Eunha looking at their hands and shyly let go of it. Eunha put her hand in her coat pocket and already missed Sowon’s warmth hand on hers.

“Hmm…” started Eunha looking down. “This Christmas it’s only Umji and me so if you feel lonely, you can come next door and join us.” said Eunha before looking up to see Sowon’s reaction.

Sowon’s smile grew wider and she nodded. “I will think about it.” she nicely said.

Eunha shook her head. “Well it’s nothing big, just a nice meal, probably some ice cream and a movie.” explained Eunha and Sowon nodded.

“Sound like a very good plan.” said the tall girl smiling.

Eunha was about to add something but Umji ran back to them, she took two cookies out of her pocket. “One for Sowon unnie.” said Umji giving a cookies to the tall girl. “and one for my favorite sister in the world.” said Umji handing the other cookie to Eunha who smirked.

“I’m your only sister and when you’re that nice, that's mean you want something from me, so tell me young lady, what do you want this time?” asked Eunha and Sowon smiled as she looked at the two.

Umji swallowed hard. “I want nothing.” she said.

“Then what did you do?” asked Eunha and Umji looked down. “Umji?” insisted Eunha worried Umji did something stupid while she let her alone to talk to Sowon.

Umji looked down. “Unnie, I did nothing wrong!” said Umji pouting.

Eunha took Umji on her laps and hugged her. “What happened then?” asked Eunha more and more worried. “I know something's wrong when you get all moody.” explained Eunha and Umji looked at Sowon before looking at Eunha.

“This boy…” said Umji pointing to a little boy running to his parents. “He said Santa wasn’t the real Santa…” said Umji sadly. “He said Santa wouldn’t lose his time here when he had to prepare everyone gifts.” explained Umji before looking down again. “So I pushed him…”

“You what?!” asked Eunha shocked. “You can’t do that Umji, you could have hurt him.” she said not wanting to get mad at Umji but she didn’t liked this reaction from her little sister. “It’s not right.”

Umji nodded and looked down. “Sorry unnie…” said Umji sadly.

“It’s not to me that you should apologize, but to him.” said Eunha pointing to the boy still standing beside his parents. Umji bit her lips. “Even if he said stupid things you have to ignore it and not act like that.” said Eunha and Sowon patted Umji’s head.

“Eunha’s right, ignore what this boy say, just believe in your heart and everything will be fine.” added Sowon and Umji nodded shyly.

Umji looked at Sown before looking at Eunha. “Are you two mad at me?” she asked shyly with a sad pout on her face.

“No.” said the two girls at the same time. They looked at each other and smiled.

“How could we be mad when you bring us cookies.” winked Sowon and Umji smiled at bit.

“But you have to apologize Umji, and sincerely. Because good girls don’t push other people even when they’re impolite or rude, you have to be better than that.” explained Eunha and Umji nodded before turning around and walking to the boy.

Sowon and Eunha were watching from afar as Umji talked to him but the boy just pushed her and she felt on her . The parents looked at the scene but did nothing, they just took their boy’s hand and turned around.

Eunha was getting very mad but Sowon was faster than her, she ran to Umji and helped her get up. “Come here baby girl, this people have no manner.” said the tall girl as she took Umji in her arms and faced the couple.

The husband looked at Sowon from up and down before arching an eyebrow. “This girl started it, she pushed our son.” said the man with a haughty tone.

Sowon nodded. “Right but she came back to apologize, she doesn’t deserve to be treated like that.” explained the tall girl frowning as Eunha just walked closer to know what Sowon was telling them.

“She got what she deserve for annoying our adorable boy.” defended the mother as she boy smirked. “Your daughter should have been nice at first.”

Sowon bit her lips. “My daughter should have kicked your boy’s harder, seeing how impolite and arrogant you are no wonder he’s a brat ruining the other kids Christmas.” she said mad and Eunha arched her eyebrow as Sowon called Umji her daughter in front of this people. “I will make sure he can’t come to the stand anymore.” added Sowon determined.

Eunha put her hand on Sowon’s back and made her walk away from the couple who stared at them weirdly, the short girl could feel how angry the tall girl was. “It’s okay forget about those people, Umji’s fine.” said Eunha with a reassuring tone and a shy smile.

Sowon looked at her and nodded. “Sorry, I just hate people like that… kids don’t deserve to be treated like that by adults, no wonder they got insecurities when they grow up.” said Sowon as she let Umji get down of her arms. “You’re not hurt?” she asked and Umji shook her head.

“Sowon unnie is my savior.” smiled Umji and Eunha patted her little sister’s head.

Sowon and Eunha looked at each other and blushed as their eyes meet. Eunha looked down quickly and took Umji’s hand. “We won’t bother you more, you probably have more work to do.” said Eunha shyly even if she liked spending time with Sowon and talking with the tall girl she didn’t wanted to look too clingy or something, it was enough with Umji unstoppable admiration.

Sowon smiled. “Actually, it’s pretty late now, my shift is over the stand will close.” said the tall girl looking at the other santa’s helper cleaning the area. “If you don’t mind waiting five more minutes we could walk home together?” proposed Sowon shyly and Umji jumped up and down.

“Yay!! We will wait for you! Right unnie?” asked Umji very excited to Eunha who nodded. So they all left together.

Following that day, Umji would find an excuse to go see Sowon and Santa at the stand everyday after school and Eunha wasn’t complaining. The short girl liked spending time with her neighbor and hoped they would hang out outside of the christmas stand but it was the only way to be with Sowon for now.

Eunha would take Umji to the stand later that at first so they stayed till Sowon finished her shift and they would walk together to their building. They would talk and laugh, they would tease Umji a little, it was cute to see her pout and it was a good reason to give her a hug after that. Sowon would tease Eunha time to time and make her blush often.


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_NightDrive #1
Chapter 4: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1311067/4'>All wishes come true</a></span>
Reading this again since its almost Christmas… such a soft story i always love reading it ಥ_ಥ♡ Love all ur wonha stories
Chapter 4: ahhh... it's not even Christmas but I just find the need to read this... so I looked for this and yeah!!! sooo goood.. feels good 😅🤣
Chapter 4: Im smiling while reading this :) its too cute♥️
This has to be one of the softest thing I have ever read. Everything flowed very well, there wasn’t something missing it was the perfect amount of everything! I think having Eunha taking care of little Umji was so cute especially with Sowon. Like every character fit perfectly, no character felt rushed or empty they were just perfect together. I love how sweet Sowon is to little children and how soft everyone would go for Umji’s pout. Overall it was the cutest story I have read in a while. Great Work!
Jojo2199 #5
Chapter 2: Umji is so sooo cute!
Chapter 4: That was soooo soooo cute this made me feel so soft its prolly one of my fave wonha fics
Chapter 4: Waaaaah! So cuuuuuuuuuuute.٩(♡ε♡ )۶ Need mooooore. ٩(๑´3`๑)۶
So cute!
storminatorzz #9
kyaaah this is so cute
Qazxsw12 #10