Meeting Santa's helper

Santa's Helper

It was the end of the day and Eunha was in the corridor, she just finished to hang her christmas wreath on her flat front door that Umji her 6 years old little sister came back running with more decoration. Eunha sighed, it was the first day of december but Umji really wanted to prepare everything already and Eunha couldn’t say not to the little girl.

Eunha took the guirland Umji gave her before she ran back inside to look for more decorations and tried to put it around the door frame but she was too short, even on her tiptoes and her arms lifted completely Eunha was too short to hang it. She was about to give up and tell Umji the wreath on the door was enough when she felt someone behind her.

Eunha turned around and saw one of her neighbor, the tall brunette that lived on the flat on her left. Eunha never really talked to this girl, she was new here, she moved in a two weeks ago and they never got a moment to properly talk or introduce each other.

The tall girl took the guirland and hang it easily on the frame door before shyly bowing and walking to her flat. Eunha watched her disappear and jumped when Umji ran to her, crashing into her.

“Unnie you already put it there?” asked Umji amazed to see the entrance well decorated.

Eunha nodded, she looked one last time at her neighbor’s door direction, it went too fast that she didn’t even said thank you. Umji pulled her sister’s shirt and gained Eunha’s attention back, Eunha smiled at her little sister. “Yeah do you like it like that?” she asked and Umji nodded. “And tomorrow after school we will go buy a christmas tree.” said Eunha making the little girl jump with happiness, they closed the door and went in the kitchen.

It was their first christmas holiday without their parents who left the country for two months because of their work, leaving Eunha taking care of Umji during that time. The little girl quickly adjusted to her sister’s place, that was even closer to her school and Eunha would always try to please her little sister as much as she could.

Eunha was happy Umji was with her, since she left her parent’s house three years ago, she felt lonely. Even if she would be back at her parents’ house as much as possible, spending time with them and Umji almost every weekends and on vacation Eunha would feel lonely every time when was back in this flat alone, so having her baby sister here with her was making this house more heart warming.

Umji stood on a chair and took a whisk. “Unnie?” asked Umji cutting Eunha’s thoughts.


“Are we making cookies?” asked Umji a big smile on her face.

“Cookies?” asked Eunha confused. “Why do you want us to bake cookies?” she asked her little sister as she walked closer and put her arm behind Umji to prevent her from falling from the chair.

“For Santa Claus of course!!” exclaimed Umji excited.

Eunha shook her head and took Umji down the chair to make her sit then sat beside her on the other chair. “Umji…” started Eunha with a sweet caring voice. “Santa won’t come that soon you know…” she explained calmly but Umji arched an eyebrow.

“But at school they said he would be at the mall till christmas…” said Umji confused.

Eunha frowned. “At the mall you say?” she asked and Umji looked up with a smile on her lips before nodding. “Well we can see if it’s right tomorrow when we will buy our tree?” proposed Eunha and Umji nodded again very excited. “Also did you think about your christmas wish?” asked Eunha curious. “Since you will see him he will probably ask you.”

Umji nodded. “Yeah, I know exactly what I want! It’s a new video game I try with appa at the mall the other day!” said the young girl with a big smile. “And you unnie, what do you wish?” asked Umji looking at her sister who seemed a little taken aback by the question. “Is there anything you really wish to have for christmas?” asked again the little girl confused and Eunha shook her shoulders while thinking about it.

She was feeling really lonely, she had some nice coworker that were kinda her friend but she wasn’t that close to them, she really had hard time trusting people and getting close to them, making her feel very lonely. For now having Umji here was taking the loneliness away, but Eunha knew that once her parents would be back in the country, she would be alone again. All Eunha could think about was how she wished she would meet someone that would make her feel less lonely.

“So… Cookies?” asked Umji cutting her sister’s thoughts and Eunha nodded. They cleared the kitchen, took out all the ingredients washed their hands and started mixing everything like Eunha remembered doing with her mother when she was little. Umji made a face when most of the cookie dough was sticking to her little fingers.

“Unnie it’s disgusting…” complained Umji trying to take it away from her hands to put it back in the big bowl but it sticked to her other fingers as well and Umji felt trapped in the dough. “Unnie…” whined Umji and Eunha laughed before helping her.

Once it was ready, they made little balls and disposed everything on a plate, ready to be baked.

Umji sat on the floor, in front of the oven and watched the cookies getting ready. Once it was done, she ran to get Eunha so they would take it out. They let it cool it down before putting them in a box.

“Unnie?” asked Umji and Eunha looked at her. “Shouldn't we try one in case it’s not good?” asked Umji with a cute tone.

Eunha tilted her head. “I know a little girl that just want to taste the cookies.” teased Eunha but gave one to Umji anyway. “So?” she asked after Umji took a bite.

Umji took another bite and started thinking about the taste like she was evaluating some 5 starts food in a prestigious restaurant. Eunha smiled at her sister cuteness. “It’s very good Unnie! Good job!” she finally said and they high-fived each other happily.

After that, they ate while watching TV and Eunha could see that Umji was tired, the little girl’s eyes were closing time to time and Eunha knew she was about to fall asleep soon so she took her little sister’s hand and guided her to the room. Umji rubbed her eyes slowly before seeing the pyjama Eunha put in front of her on the bed. They both changed and went in the bathroom. Eunha put toothpaste on Umji’s tooth brush before putting some on hers too and they both brushed their teeth, Umji was standing on a little stool so she could reach the sink.

Eunha helped her clean by giving her a glass of water and checked if Umji brushed her teeth well then they ran back to the room. Eunha opened the cover and Umji jumped in the bed. Eunha turned off the lights and joined Umji who crawled slowly closer and hide her face into Eunha’s side.

Next morning they were in a rush. Eunha turned off her alarm but fall back asleep. They quickly got dressed and ate then they left the flat in a hurry. “Come on Umji!” said Eunha seeing the little girl stopping in the middle of the corridor.

“We forgot the cookies!” said the young girl and Eunha sighed.

“We will pass by the house tonight before going to the mall, no need for you to carry the box all day. Did you take your lunch box?” asked Eunha walking closer to Umji who nodded. “Great, let’s go then or you will be late to school.”

Umji nodded again and ran to the elevator, pressing the button. Eunha looked at her phone, they could still be on time if they ran. The elevator doors opened and the little girl entered followed by Eunha. The doors were about to close when a hand stopped them. It reopened and they saw their new neighbor, the tall brunette from the day before. She was wearing a long red coat. She smiled and entered the elevator.

“Hello!” said Umji looking at the stranger.

“Hello.” said the tall girl looking at the kid with a smile on her lips. “Going to school?” she asked nicely and Umji nodded happily.

Eunha looked at them and felt awkward, Umji was 6 years old but she got more manner than her and was way more sociable thought Eunha. “Hey. I’m your neighbor.” said Eunha to the tall girl who looked at her.

“I know.” she just said and Eunha looked down not knowing what to answer, she felt so much more awkward now.

Eunha blushed, this girl was really pretty. “Thank you for yesterday, with the christmas decoration, I was way too short to hang it…” said Eunha shyly.

The tall girl nodded. “No problem.” she said with a smile.

The doors opened and they were down the building. Umji took Eunha’s hand and guided her out of the elevator, the tall girl followed them and they left the building. The tall girl smiled at Umji and took the opposite direction of them. Eunha watched her neighbor walking away then squatted to close Umji’s coat zipper, there was some wind this morning and she didn’t wanted her little sister to be sick, she kissed Umji’s forehead and smiled at her.

“Let’s go or you will be late.” said Eunha standing up, Umji nodded and they started to run away.

They arrived just on time at Umji’s school, then Eunha went to her work. It has been two years now that Eunha was working in this company. It wasn’t her dream job, but the coworkers were nice and the boss quite understanding and not too strict.  

Eunha left her office and walked to Umji’s school, she little girl was waiting for her at the gate and smiled brightly when she saw her older sister. “Unnie!!” shouted the kid and Eunha smiled too. She entered the school and waved at the teachers before taking Umji’s hand. They quickly went back home so Umji could let her school bag there and take her box of cookies. Then they left again and went to the mall.

It wasn’t very far away, just two street away, it was a big place, with restaurant and many shops and a big mall. Eunha always went there to shop and do her groceries. As they arrived at the mall Umji was even more excited to see Santa. All the kids in her class were excited and they keep talking about it all day.

“Unnie?” asked Umji pulling Eunha’s coat slowly. “Where’s Santa?”

Eunha smiled at the impatient kid. “We will find him don’t worry.” she said patting Umji’s head. “Let’s find a christmas tree first.” she said and Umji nodded.

“What kind of tree you want?” asked Eunha as they walked to the place that was selling the trees, it was a sort of marquee installed on a side of the parking lot.

Umji looked at all the tree excited to finally have one to decorate at the house. “I want the most pretty one!” said Umji and Eunha laughed.

“Well, a pretty one for sure but not too much big if possible. We will have to carry it till home remember.” said Eunha seriously and Umji nodded.

“Unnie look this one!” said Umji pointing her finger to one tree, they got closer and Eunha laughed.

“This tree is same size as you!” she said and Umji stood beside the tree to compare. “I think it’s perfect.” added Eunha and Umji smiled before hugging the tree. “Calm down you will break it before we buy it!” said Eunha taking her little sister’s hand. “Let’s ask someone if we can buy it.”

They found the seller and Eunha payed for it, the guy put the tree in a sort of big pipe and ended up wrapping it in a net. Umji seemed amazed by the action. The seller handed the tree to Eunha and smiled. “Here ladies.” she said with a wink.

“Thank you.” said Eunha with a smile.

The seller was wearing a Christmas hat and Umji tugged his coat slowly. He looked down at her and kneeled to be at her eyes level. “What is it young lady?” he asked nicely.

“Do you know where’s Santa?” she asked with a cute shy voice and he smiled.

He got closer to her. “He’s close to the second entrance.” he whispered before winking at her. Eunha smiled at him and thanked him again while Umji was impatiently pulling her sister away so they would quickly get to Santa.

They walked hand in hand to the direction the tree seller indicated them but Eunha bumped into someone.

“Oh sorry.” said Eunha checking that everything was right. The other person apologized too and Eunha realised it was one of her coworker so she started talking with that girl. Umji was tugging her coat time to time hopping Eunha would stop talking so they could go see Santa but Eunha was ignoring her so Umji walked away alone, she was hearing some Christmas songs, she followed it her box full of cookies in hand and saw many kids running in the same direction, she followed them, running too.

As she caught the sight of Santa she ran even faster but her foot touched and she fell making the box fell too. Umji and the cookies crashed on the floor. Seeing this the little girl started to cry and one of Santa’s helper ran to her.

Umji looked up at the girl her eyes full of tears and recognized her sister’s neighbor that kneeled closer to her. She was wearing a green and red outfit and a Christmas hat on her head. The tall girl helped Umji stood up and brushed the dust out of the little girl’s clothes gently. She inspected the kid and caressed her cheek.

“You okay?” she asked nicely and Umji shook her head.

“No…” she said in a sob and the tall girl looked at her worried.

“Did you hurt yourself?” she asked again and Umji shook her head. “So what is it?” she asked calmly, wanting to know why the girl was crying that much.

“My cookies…” cried Umji pointing to the biscuit on the floor.

The tall girl nodded and took the box, she put the cookies back into it and handed the box to Umji. “The most important is that you didn’t hurt yourself.” said Santa’s helper with a reassuring smile. “Santa would be sad if you hurt yourself to see him…”

“You know Santa well?” asked the little girl brushing her tears away and the tall girl nodded with a smile.

“I know him very well, you see I’m working for him. Look I’m santa’s helper.” she explained in a whisper showing her cute outfit to the kid. “Want me to take you to him?”

Umji looked down and shook her head. “I don’t have any cookies to give him now…” she said sadly.

The tall girl smiled. “Don’t worry about that.” she said nicely. “Follow me.” she added offering her hand to the little girl who took it immediately.

Suddenly Eunha ran to them and let her christmas tree fell on the floor when she hugged Umji tightly surprising the little girl and santa’s helper who let go of Umji’s hand.

“Baby girl you’re okay?” asked Eunha checking her little sister. “Never do that again.” she said caressing Umji’s head before hugging her again. “You scared me Umji, you can’t leave somewhere without me.” warned Eunha more seriously. “It’s dangerous for you to wander in place like that alone.” explained Eunha but Umji looked up at the tall girl beside them.

“But Unnie… I wasn’t alone.” said Umji reaching for the tall girl’s hand slowly.

Eunha turned to the girl and recognized her neighbor. “I hope she didn’t bother you. I just turned my head two minutes and she was gone…Thank you for keeping an eye on her.” said Eunha shyly, she was embarrassed, it was the first time something like that happened while she was taking care of her little sister.

“It’s okay, I’m kinda here for that.” answered Eunha’s neighbor pointing to herself and Eunha realised how the tall girl was dressed.

“Oh, Santa’s helper?” said Eunha with a shy smile. “Cute.” she added before blushing.

Umji looked at her sister before looking at the tall girl beside her. “Yeah, santa’s helper is so pretty!!” exclaimed Umji with a big smile. “Can we go see Santa now?” she asked with puppy eyes.

The tall girl looked at Eunha waiting to know if it was okay and Eunha nodded. “Yeah we can go see him, and you can also call me Sowon.” said the tall girl to Umji who nodded happily.

Eunha picked up her tree and followed them to the stand. Umji went beside some kids waiting to see Santa too. While Umji was waiting with the other kids Eunha looked at Sowon. “My name is Eunha. We never really got time to introduce each other before.” she said handing her hand to Sowon who nodded and shook it slowly. Eunha looked at their hands, Sowon’s hand was so soft. Realising she still didn’t let go of Sowon’s hand Eunha cleared and took her hand away while blushing.

“Unnie!” yelled Umji as she waved at Eunha. “It will be my turn!” she said very excited and Eunha laughed as she nodded at her little sister.

“She’s very cute.” said Sowon a smile on her lips.

Eunha nodded. “The problem is that this little monster knows that and use it to get what she wants…” explained Eunha smiling. “Our parents always tell me to stop spoiling her but you should see her pouty face, totally impossible to resist.” explained Eunha before realising she was rambling about her life to her neighbor she barely knew. “Sorry I’m talking too much…” said Eunha shyly.

Sowon shook her head. “No it’s nice, you’re lucky, I wish I had siblings.” said the tall girl looking at Umji and smiling. “Looks like she’s done.” she added as Umji ran to them.

“They say 5 minutes and photo ready! Santa is so nice!!” exclaimed Umji as she jumped in Eunha’s arms.

Eunha growned. “Umji you’re not a baby anymore, you’re too heavy now for me to carry you.” said Eunha putting the little girl’s down. “You will break my back!” said Eunha making Sowon laugh.

Umji started pouting. “Unnie! I’m not that fat!” said Umji mad.

Sowon shook her head at this two and looked at the stand. “I gonna see if the photo’s ready.” she said walking away.

Eunha nodded and looked at Umji. “Come on stop pouting, I didn’t said you were fat! But you’re 6 now, you grow up so much, you will be taller than me in some years!” said Eunha seriously.

“But you said it in front of Sowon unnie…” whispered Umji embarrassed.

Eunha giggled. “Oooh Sowon unnie…?” said Eunha arching her eyebrow at Umji who pouted even more. “I didn’t know you were embarrassed in front of Sowon unnie.” teased Eunha and Umji crossed her arms on her chest as she turned her back to Eunha who giggled again.

“What’s with Sowon unnie?” asked Sowon walking back to them and Umji looked at her wide eyes.

“Nothing!” she quickly said and Eunha laughed at her. “Unnie!” whined Umji as she frowned at her sister.

“Here.” said Sowon giving the picture to Umji.

“Thank you Sowon unnie…” she said shyly before looking at the photo. “Wow so cool! Unnie?” she asked pulling Eunha’s coat. “Can I take it to school tomorrow to show it to my friends?!” she asked excited and Eunha nodded before looking at Sowon.

The short girl took her purse out of her coat and opened it. “How much for the pic?” she asked Sowon who smiled.

“It’s free for you.” said the tall girl putting her hand on Eunha’s arm to stop her.

“You don’t have to do that…” said Eunha sincerely as she looked at her neighbor.

Sowon smiled and patted Umji’s head. “Let me spoil that kid too.” winked Sowon and Eunha blushed lightly.

“Then thank you, thank you for everything.” said Eunha and Sowon nodded at her.

“No problem.” she said before kneeling in front of Umji. “Santa’s here every day till christmas. Come back whenever you want.” said Sowon and Umji nodded before hugging Sowon, which surprised she tall girl but she hugged the kid back.

Umji waved at Sowon till they left the mall. Once in the elevator of their building Umji hit her head. “Unnie! We have to go back!” said Umji as she looked at her sister.

“Why?” asked Eunha confused.

Umji looked down. “I forgot the box with the cookies…” she confessed sadly.

Eunha patted her head. “It’s okay we will go back tomorrow and ask if they found it.” explained Eunha. “It’s getting late, if you want to decor the tree before it’s time to eat then we should hurry.” she added as the elevator doors opened to their floor.

Umji nodded excited and ran out followed by Eunha who looked for her keys in her pocket. She opened and Umji ran to the box with the christmas decorations, Eunha brought the tree inside and cutted the net freeing it. She took her coat off and put in on the couch before helping Umji taking hers off too. Then they started decorating the little tree together. Umji was so happy, she could put the big star on top without anyone helping her.

Once the tree was ready, Umji looked at the box. “You still have some guirlandes…” said Umji looking around the flat but it was already well decorated. “Maybe the door need more decorations?” asked Umji but Eunha sighed.

“I think the door if fine, we can’t put more.” she said as she walked to her front door and opened it. They went in the corridor and Umji sighed too.

Then they looked at the door some meters away, Sowon’s door. “Sowon unnie didn’t put anything on her door.” said Umji taking some decoration. “Help me unnie.” said Umji as she walked to Sowon’s door.

“We should ask her before putting anything on her door.” said Eunha but Umji pouted.

“Maybe she’s too busy helping Santa and would be happy we decorate her door.” said Umji putting some cute stickers on their neighbor’s front door.

Eunha rolled her eyes, she wouldn't stop her little sister anyway so she started helping her. Eunha squatted and told Umji to jump on her back.

Umji frowned. “But you said I would break your back if you carry me.” said the little girl confused and Eunha rolled her eyes.

“Yeah if you jump on me unexpected, but here it’s okay I‘m asking you, come on, take a guirland and jump.” she ordered and Umji smiled before doing what Eunha told her. Once on Eunha’s back Umji was high enough to put a guirland around Sowon’s door frame. Umji went down her sister’s back and they admired their work. Then high-fived each other happily and went back into their house to prepare supper.

On the next day, they woke up on time and were slowly preparing, Umji just finished her breakfast so Eunha asked her to put her plate in the sink and go get dressed. Umji was about to go brush her teeth first when someone knocked on the door. The two sisters looked at each other.

“Who is it?” asked Umji surprised.

Eunha shook her shoulders. “I don’t know, I’m not expecting anyone…” answered Eunha even more surprised, they shyly walked to the door and Eunha opened slowly, revealing Sowon who smiled at them.

“Sorry to bother you girls this early but Umji forgot her box yesterday.” said Sowon politely as she handed the box to Eunha.

“Thank you.” said Eunha blushing. She was still in her stupid pokemon pyjama with many pikachu all over her top and bottom, she felt so embarrassed, Sowon looked so chic with her long hair, her red coat and her black leather pants. The tall girl wasn’t wearing her cute christmas hat, she looked really beautiful. Eunha gave the box to Umji. “See not lost.” smiled Eunha and Umji nodded before shaking the box.

The little girl opened it and screamed. “Debak! Thank you Sowon unnie!!” she exclaimed as she hugged Sowon’s waist who put her arms around Umji’s small body and patted her back.

“Well I see you like candies.” smiled Sowon. “I hope it’s okay?” she asked Eunha who nodded. “Well I have to go work.” she said but Umji didn’t let go of her yet. “Umji… Santa is waiting for me...” said Sowon and Umji finally let go.

“Can I come see you tonight?” asked Umji and Sowon nodded.

“You’re always welcome, if your sister is okay of course.” said Sowon as she looked at Eunha again.

Eunha stared at Umji. “If you finish your homework without complaining then we can maybe go see Santa again tonight.”

Umji jumped happily. “I promise I won’t complain at all and I will do all my homework!!” said Umji very determined.

“Great now go get dressed or we will be late.” said Eunha but Umji stared at her.

“Unnie you have to get dressed too.” she said and Eunha blushed thinking again about her pyjama.

She gave a deadly glare to Umji who ran away to get ready. Eunha smiled shyly at Sowon who giggled. “See you maybe tonight.” said Sowon walking away. “Cute pyjama by the way.” winked Sowon as she stopped in front of the elevator. Eunha watched her disappear behind the heavy elevator doors and closed her front door to join Umji in the room.

“Yah!!! Umji-ya!! Don’t eat all the candies!” said Eunha catching Umji full. “Leave some for your Unnie too!” added Eunha sitting beside her little sister who giggled and gave some candies to Eunha.


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_NightDrive #1
Chapter 4: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1311067/4'>All wishes come true</a></span>
Reading this again since its almost Christmas… such a soft story i always love reading it ಥ_ಥ♡ Love all ur wonha stories
Chapter 4: ahhh... it's not even Christmas but I just find the need to read this... so I looked for this and yeah!!! sooo goood.. feels good 😅🤣
Chapter 4: Im smiling while reading this :) its too cute♥️
This has to be one of the softest thing I have ever read. Everything flowed very well, there wasn’t something missing it was the perfect amount of everything! I think having Eunha taking care of little Umji was so cute especially with Sowon. Like every character fit perfectly, no character felt rushed or empty they were just perfect together. I love how sweet Sowon is to little children and how soft everyone would go for Umji’s pout. Overall it was the cutest story I have read in a while. Great Work!
Jojo2199 #5
Chapter 2: Umji is so sooo cute!
Chapter 4: That was soooo soooo cute this made me feel so soft its prolly one of my fave wonha fics
Chapter 4: Waaaaah! So cuuuuuuuuuuute.٩(♡ε♡ )۶ Need mooooore. ٩(๑´3`๑)۶
So cute!
storminatorzz #9
kyaaah this is so cute
Qazxsw12 #10