All wishes come true

Santa's Helper

On the next morning, the two sisters were rushing, neither of them hear the alarm and now they were late. When Sowon knocked, Umji was eating her breakfast. Eunha went to open and let Sowon in the time Umji finished to get ready.

“Sorry we’re a little in a rush this morning.” apologized Eunha as Sowon followed her to the living room. Umji had full when she greeted Sowon.

“Mooning Sohon unnie!” mumbled Umji before Eunha scolded her for talking with full. Umji finished her food and ran to the bathroom.

Eunha put the lunch boxes in the bags and add orange juice and a little bottle of water. She could feel Sowon’s eyes on her as she was preparing the bags.

“What?” asked Eunha as she turned around and meet Sowon’s eyes.

Sowon blushed. “Nothing, I can’t wait to taste this.” said the tall girl as she helped Eunha and took the bags. “Umji we will be late!” said Sowon and Umji arrived running, she put her coat and took her packbag from Sowon’s hand to put it on her shoulders.

Eunha took her scarf and once again rolled it around her little sister’s neck while Sowon helped her put her gloves on.

“Ready?” asked Sowon and Umji nodded happily, she was excited to go back to work with Sowon.

“See you later unnie!” said the little girl as she hugged quickly Eunha before opening the door. Eunha watched them walk out to the elevator and waved at them when they entered it.

Eunha took her time to get ready, she was starting later this day, it was her last day then she would be free to stay with Umji all say. She smiled thinking about nice activities they would do and even thought if she would invite Sowon sometimes if the tall girl was free.

Eunha arrived to work and saw a message from Sowon, she answered and ended up texting the tall girl all day, making her not really focus but at least time was flying fast. Without realising, it was already the end of the day. She greeted her coworkers, and wished them good time on their vacations too then she left.

As she walked to the mall Eunha walked by a book shop and stopped immediately, she was curious, now that she knew Sowon was a writer she wanted to read her books, see how her writing style was, what her stories were really about. So Eunha entered and tried to find the fantasy section.

She walked through the shelves, looking at the letters, she didn’t remembered Sowon full name… she focused hard, she knew she read it on her mailbox some days after Sowon moved in.

“Come on Eunha think harder…” said Eunha to herself. She stopped in front of the names ‘KIM’ she eyed this part. “Kim… Kim Sowon.” whispered Eunha. “That it.” she said looking for Sowon full name but she didn’t find any book written by a Kim Sowon so she walked to the desk to ask the young girl that worked here.

“Hello.” smiled the girl as Eunha walked to her. “What can I do for you?” she politely asked.

Eunha smiled. “Hello, I’m looking for a book the author’s name is Kim Sowon, she wrote two book and will probably publish a third one soon…” said Eunha and the young girl typed some words on her computer. “She write fantasy books.” added Eunha and the girl nodded.

After some minutes the young girl sighed. “I’m sorry, I don’t have any Kim Sowon on my list. Are you sure it’s the author’s name? I have Kim Sohui, Kim Sohyun, Kim Sojung, Kim Somin…” said the girl trying to see if it could help.

Eunha shook her head. “It’s okay, maybe I made a mistake, I will ask for the name again.” said Eunha disappointed, Sowon was probably using another name to sign her books… “Thank you, have a nice day.” politely said Eunha before turning around to leave.

“Have a nice day too.” answered the young bookseller and Eunha left.

She arrived at the mall and found Sowon and Umji playing around and laughing together. Sowon was teasing the little girl who run after her and suddenly slipped before falling hard on the floor. Sowon quickly got closer and helped Umji up.

“You okay?” asked Sowon as she brushed Umji’s clothes. The little girl nodded.

“I got you now.” she said as she grabbed Sowon’s sweater and Sowon smiled.

“That was a trap, you fell so you could caught me?” asked Sowon and Umji shook her head.

Eunha arrived beside them and smiled. “What are you two doing?” she asked glad Umji was fine.

“Unnie!” said Umji hugging Eunha. “I slipped but it was a good think so I could caught Sowon unnie, she keep messing my hair!” whined the little girl and Eunha patted her little sister’s head before messing her hair too making Umji groan. “Yah! Unnie!!” said Umji getting away from her sister with a pout on her face.

Eunha and Sowon laughed so Umji crossed her arms on her chest and frowned.

“You’re so mean!” she said and Eunha giggled. “Why do you mess my hair?” asked the little girl to the two girls in front of her.

“Because we love you!” said Sowon and Eunha nodded.

“And because you’re too cute when you pout!” added the short girl and Umji pouted even more.

“Aww so cute!!!” exclaimed Sowon getting closer and pinching Umji’s cheeks making the little girl laugh with them.

They went home all together once again and Eunha didn’t wantto let go of Sowon that easily, she didn’t know how or when but they were holding hands and it felt so nice. Eunha bit her lips, never holding hands with someone had made her feel so good. How could Sowon have such an effect on her... Eunha looked at Sowon who smiled at her as they arrived in front of their building. The elevator ride seemed very slow, Eunha’s eyes traveled around Sowon’s body, from her long legs to her round chest and to finish her beautiful face. Her long hair falling on her shoulders and her sweet smile were making Eunha’s knees weak. Eunha found it hard to breath suddenly and her cheeks were burning.

The short girl swallowed hard as she caught Sowon’s eyes on her too. They both jumped when the door opened on their floor. Eunha really wanted to spend more and more time with the tall girl...

Sowon wished them a nice evening and she went to her flat. Eunha wanted to stop her, to ask her to stay, Eunha wanted to grab the tall girl and take her inside with them but it was too late, Sowon was entering her flat so Eunha followed her little sister in and closed the door behind herself. She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

On the next days, Eunha didn’t see Sowon much, the two sisters would wake up later than usual since they were on vacations and they would hang out at the park, going to see movies or stay home and play video games. The only time they would meet Sowon was where they went shopping at the mall, they quickly stopped by to say hi, but they didn’t spend much time there.

Eunha already missed the tall girl and would try to go check on her mailbox at the times Sowon would arrive from work or something but Eunha wouldn’t meet Sowon…

December 24 was here and Eunha started preparing everything for diner, she wanted to cook something nice for Christmas, Umji was even more excited than usual knowing Santa would bring her gifts during that night.

It was around 7 when someone knocked on her door. Eunha checked her reflexion in the little mirror close to the door before opening. Umji ran to see who it was and jumped in Sowon arms as she saw the tall girl standing by the door.

Sowon make sure not to drop anything as Umji crashed into her. “Missed me?” asked Sowon with a smile and Umji nodded without letting go of Sowon.

Eunha grabbed Umji’s sweater and pulled her away. “Let Sowon enter the flat at least.” said Eunha as Sowon giggled and entered following the two sisters around.

Eunha took the wine bottle and the box Sowon was holding and put it on the table. “What did you bring?” asked Eunha curious as she looked at the box. Umji went on a chair to see what was in the box too.

Sowon smiled as she saw how curious the girls were. “It’s just a dessert.” said Sowon. “You should put it in the fridge.” she informed Eunha who opened the box and smiled, it was her favorite cake, chocolate and strawberries.

“How's Santa today?” asked Umji as she looked at Sowon with a smile. “He will have loooot of work this night!” she said excited and Sowon nodded.

“Oh yeah, a loooot of work but he’s so ready don’t worry.” said Sowon before looking at Eunha. “It was my last day at the mall, they take away the stand tonight.”

“What will you do now?” asked Eunha.

Sowon shook her shoulders. “Write more books?” answered the tall girl and Eunha smiled.

Umji frowned. “Santa will leave the mall?” she asked worried and Sowon nodded.

“After christmas he need to go back to his house and rest, then he will have to build all the new toys and for next year, it’s a really important job you know.” explained Sowon seriously and Umji nodded, convinced. “Don’t worry he should come back next year at the mall to listen to people’s wishes again.” she added and Umji seemed very satisfied with this explanation.

“You will help him again next year?” asked Umji tilting her head.

Sowon smiled. “Maybe, if I can.” she answered and Eunha smiled at them, Sowon was so sweet with kids.

“Umji go wash your hands so you can help me with the food.” said Eunha and Umji nodded as she ran to the bathroom.

Sowon came closer to Eunha, she placed herself behind Eunha that was cutting meat. She approached Eunha’s face. “I have a gift for Umji…” whispered Sowon in Eunha’s ear. “When will she open her gifts? after midnight or tomorrow?”

Eunha looked at the bathroom direction making sure Umji wasn’t coming back yet and she turned to face Sowon, she regretted her move immediately, they were so close now, Eunha swallowed hard. “Tomorrow morning.” informed Eunha before quickly turning around so she would not feel Sowon’s hot breath on her face anymore but she was now feeling it on her neck.

“Okay, will bring it when she will go to bed then.” smiled Sowon happily as she took a step back.

Eunha nodded and Umji arrived, she jumped on a chair and asked her sister was needed to be done, Sowon washed her hands too and helped them, they all cooked together, laughing and joking. Sowon teased Eunha because she was short and had hard time getting stuff in the high shelf.

Luckily Sowon would help her. “I’m not that short…” pouted Eunha with a cute face as Sowon handed her the spices from the top shelf. “It’s you that is too tall… I look like a midget beside you but I’m tall comparing to most girls…” explained Eunha and Sowon smiled.

“You’re right, you’re not small.” said Sowon seriously and Umji looked at them wondering if Sowon would add something funny again or not. “You’re the perfect size so I can do this.” said Sowon putting her arm around Eunha’s neck to hug her. “See perfect, don’t you think Umji?” asked the tall girl and Umji laughed before nodding.

They finished to cook and set the table, Umji wanted to sing some christmas songs so Sowon took her phone and played some, Umji started singing along and using the remote as a microphone. Sowon sang with her and soon Eunha followed them.

During the diner, the girls talked, Eunha learned more about Sowon and Sowon heard some funny stuff about Eunha, Umji was very talkative and would tell stories about silly stuff Eunha and her would do all the time.

“So, how’s writing going?” asked Eunha and Sowon shook her shoulders.

“Finally finished it, now I have to wait for my editor to tell me if it’s okay.” said Sowon seriously. “I hope she won’t send it back to fix too many stuff.”

Eunha shook her head. “I’m sure it’s perfect.” she said then she looked away shyly. “hmm, I went to the library but I didn’t find any Kim Sowon writer… I was curious and wanted to read your work…” explained Eunha as she blushed.

Sowon nodded. “I use another name, similar but to exactly the same. Kim Sojung.” she explained while eating the good food they made together. “But you don’t have to buy my books, I have it at home, I can lend them to you.” said Sowon nicely.

Eunha arched an eyebrow. “You have your own books at your place?” she asked confused. “Do you reread them or something?” she asked and Sowon shook her head quickly.

“No no, I never reread, I’m too scared to find stuff I could have exploited better!” said Sowon laughing. “My editor send the finish first copy to me before making more to sell.” she explained and Eunha nodded understanding.

Once they were done eating, Sowon helped Eunha clean the table and the kitchen while Umji choose a movie to watch, There was some cake left and Sowon steal a strawberry before Eunha put the rest of it in the fridge, Eunha smiled and pouted.

“Don’t eat all the strawberry, it’s my favorite.” said Eunha and Sowon took another strawberry between her fingers. She slowly approached her hand to Eunha’s face and smiled. Eunha opened and Sowon feeded her the strawberry, they both looked at each other and blushed.

“Found the mooovie!!” yelled Umji running to the kitchen making the two girls jump apart. Umji eyed them weirdly. “Why are you two red?” she asked innocently and Eunha cleared .

“It’s hot in here.” she just said quickly puting the last pieces of cake back in the fridge and walking away from Sowon. The tall girl was making her crazy. Her heart was beating fast and her breath was like taking away. Eunha took a deep breath as she walked to the living room and took some blankets out of the closet, she threw them on the couch and accidentally covered Umji with them.

The little girl pushed them away to breath. “Unnie!!” she whined with a cute voice. “Why did you do that?!” she asked and Eunha laughed.

“I didn’t see you I swear.” said Eunha and Sowon laughed as she helped Umji by taking the blankets totally away from her.

Umji looked at Eunha and clearly didn’t believed her sister. She took one of the blanket and sat on a side of the couch, she patted the seat next to her and smiled at Sowon who took the invitation and sat beside Umji unfolding the blanket correctly. Eunha watched them and bit her lips, she had no choice now but to sit beside Sowon.

Eunha started the DVD and went to sit beside Sowon who opened the blanket so Eunha could come under it with her. The movie started, it was Umji’s favorite, she knew all the dialogue, she would redo some scenes and make the two girls laugh. Once it was done, Umji wanted to see another movie so Eunha put another one.

This time Umji was less active, and fall asleep in the middle of the movie. The little girl’s head was resting against Sowon’s arm and Sowon didn’t dare to move, not wanting to wake the little girl up. When the movie was over, Eunha turned and saw Umji sleeping against Sowon.

“I will take her to bed.” said Eunha in a whisper and Swoon nodded slowly.

Eunha took the blanket away and straightened Umji to be able to carry her, but she wasn’t a baby anymore. “Let me help you.” said Sowon lowly. The tall girl took Umji in her arms and followed Eunha to the room.

“Put her anywhere in the bed I will push her when I will go to sleep later.” said Eunha and Sowon smiled, she put the little girl on the big bed and rested her head on a pillow before taking her slippers away and covered her gently with the blanket.

Eunha turned off the nightstand light and took Sowon’s hand to guide her out of the room. They both walked to the living room and Eunha watched her phone, it was midnight. She opened ono of the closet and took out the presents that were hidden under some clothes. she put them under the tree except one that she gave to Sowon.

“Merry christmas Sowon.” said Eunha shyly and Sowon smiled. “It’s nothing big, don’t expect anything fabulous…” added Eunha even more shy now.

“I have a gift for you too.” said Sowon as she put the gift Eunha just gave her on the coffee table and went out to of the flat, she came back immediately with two presents. She put the bigger under the tree and gave the other one to Eunha. They both sat on the couch and opened their gift, not wanting to wait till the morning.

Sowon discovered a nice lunch box. Eunha smiled at her. “I want you to eat healthy food now.” added Eunha and Sowon tried to hide her smile as the looked at the cute little plastic box.

“Thank you, I love it.” answered Sowon sincerely. “This will motivate me to cook, I will think about you everytime I see it…”

Eunha looked down shyly and opened her gift too, she smiled as she took out a long red scarf. “It’s beautiful.” she said rolling it around her neck and smiling happily.

“I saw that you gave yours to Umji and you didn’t have any for you so I thought I could offer you one.” explained Sowon shyly.

Eunha frowned. “How did you know Umji was wearing mine?” she asked curious.

Sowon her lips. “The perfume on it smell like you, and it’s not a perfume a little girl wear you know? plus it’s so long that if we don’t roll it three time around her neck she would walk on it.” she said and Eunha nodded. They stayed silent a moment then Sowon looked up at Eunha. “It’s the best christmas I ever had in years.” she said sincerely. “For once I’m not alone and I feel so happy to be with you guys, Umji gave me so much love this past few days…” confessed Sowon as her eyes got teary.

Eunha smiled a bit. She took Sowon’s hand in hers. “I feel happy since I met you too.” confessed the short girl shyly. “All I wished for christmas was to feel less lonely and I met you. I think my wish came true.” smiled Eunha and Sowon melted.

“You’re so cute.” said the tall girl as she came closer and slowly hugged Eunha who hugged her back immediately. They stayed a moment in each other arms, feeling safe and not alone anymore.

Eunha pulled away slowly and looked at Sowon in the eyes before leaning closer and kissing the tall girl on the lips. Eunha didn’t really know what pushed her to that but she felt like doing it. She felt like she needed to feel even more close to Sowon. It was shy and Eunha moved away a little, brushing her lips gently against Sowon’s but the tall girl put her hand behind Eunha’s head, slowly bringing her back closer to kiss her again.

All Eunha could focus on was her lips kissing Sowon’s, their breath into each other mouth and their hands on each other’s bodies.

She was so lost into her own desires that she kept her eyes closed as Sowon gently broke the kiss and pulled away slowly. Eunha opened her eyes when Sowon giggled.

“What?” asked Eunha blushing madly.

Sowon smiled. “You’re just too cute.” said the tall girl giving a quick kiss on Eunha’s lips. “Best christmas ever…” whispered Sowon and Eunha looked down shyly.

Eunha took Sowon’s hand in hers and intertwined their fingers. “We could watch another movie?” proposed Eunha shyly and Sowon nodded.

They both fall asleep on the couch in each other’s arms. On the morning, Umji ran in the living room screaming.


The two girl jumped awake and looked at Umji who rushed to the tree. Then she looked at Sowon and Eunha. “You already opened your gifts?” she asked seeing the open gift on the coffee table. “You stayed here all night?” she asked again and the girls blushed but Umji looked around before looking back at the girls. “Did you see Santa?” she asked all excited.

Sowon smiled at how excited Umji was. “No we were probably asleep when he dropped the presents.” she said before smiling at Eunha who got herself closer to Sowon and hugged her side while looking at Umji who stand by the little tree now waiting for instruction.

“What are you waiting for?” asked Eunha smiling at her little sister. Sowon put her arm around Eunha and hugged her back while they were looking at Umji hesitating.

“They’re all for me?” asked the little girl confused and Eunha nodded. “The four of them?” she asked again not believing it but Eunha nodded again.

“Don’t you know how to read?” asked Eunha teasing her little sister. “There’s your name on all this presents.” she said and Umji looked closer before taking the gifts and opening them. She got clothes, a new board game that was Sowon gift, new video games and a stuffed toy. The little girl was very happy.

Umji turned to the girls cuddling on the couch and walked to them before jumping on them. “What did you guys got?” she asked smiling.

Sowon showed her new lunch box to Umji who looked at it closer. “So pretty.” said Umji and Sowon nodded.

“I know right, I guess Santa want your sister to cook more lunch for me, what do you think?” asked Sowon and Umji laughed as she nodded.

“And you unnie?” asked Umji looking at her sister who pointed the scarf she had around her neck. “Wow so nice.” she said touching it. “And so fluffy!” she added laughing. “So I can keep yours?” asked Umji happily and Eunha nodded with a smile.

“Should we try one of your new game?” asked Sowon nicely as she looked at the video games Umji got. “Or we could try this one, or try all of them, we have all day right?” she said as excited at Umji.

Umji smile grew wider. “Sowon unnie are you staying all day with us?!” asked Umji happily and Sowon nodded.

“If you guys want me.” she said and Umji hugged her tightly.

“You’re okay with Sowon staying longer unnie?” asked Umji to her sister who smiled and nodded at her.

“I think Sowon will spend a lot of time with us…” she said as she looked at Sowon and squeezed her hand gently.

Now Eunha knew she would never feel alone again. Her christmas wish came true.




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_NightDrive #1
Chapter 4: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1311067/4'>All wishes come true</a></span>
Reading this again since its almost Christmas… such a soft story i always love reading it ಥ_ಥ♡ Love all ur wonha stories
Chapter 4: ahhh... it's not even Christmas but I just find the need to read this... so I looked for this and yeah!!! sooo goood.. feels good 😅🤣
Chapter 4: Im smiling while reading this :) its too cute♥️
This has to be one of the softest thing I have ever read. Everything flowed very well, there wasn’t something missing it was the perfect amount of everything! I think having Eunha taking care of little Umji was so cute especially with Sowon. Like every character fit perfectly, no character felt rushed or empty they were just perfect together. I love how sweet Sowon is to little children and how soft everyone would go for Umji’s pout. Overall it was the cutest story I have read in a while. Great Work!
Jojo2199 #5
Chapter 2: Umji is so sooo cute!
Chapter 4: That was soooo soooo cute this made me feel so soft its prolly one of my fave wonha fics
Chapter 4: Waaaaah! So cuuuuuuuuuuute.٩(♡ε♡ )۶ Need mooooore. ٩(๑´3`๑)۶
So cute!
storminatorzz #9
kyaaah this is so cute
Qazxsw12 #10