Chapter Three

Where Flowers Bloom - BTS AU

My cheeks grew hot as everyone directed their gaze from the front of the class to me. I swallowed the hard lump in my throat and slowly raised my arms in the air. I looked to Taehyung who sat diagonal from Jimin, next to my desk. He furrowed his eyebrows at me before standing from his desk.

"I can't allow you to be called out alone on your first day." He commented as he stood next to me, raising his arms back in the air.

"Kim Taehyung, is there a problem?" Ms. Choi asked, "(Y/n) already said she was the reason for you being late. Unless it was a lie to cover up for you there is no need for you to be back there as well."

"Ah, Ms. Choi, while it wasn't a lie it also wasn't entirely (Y/n)'s fault. I am also at fault, had I not bumped into her this morning and caused a commotion we wouldn't have been late. I wasn't looking where I was going and caused her harm. Me being back here with her is the least I can do to try and make up what I did to her. It is her first day after all, she can't be getting in trouble alone, now can she?"

"Kim Taehyung!" Ms. Choi exclaimed.

"Yah~" Jimin groaned, "I'll go back too, it's my fault Taehyung bumped into her. I didn't give him a ride today because I rode with a friend. If I had picked him up none of this would have happened."

Ms. Choi sighed as Jimin stood from his desk and headed towards Taehyung and I. He winked at me as he stood on the side opposite of Taehyung.

"From this point on (Y/n) we're friends." Jimin whispered with a childish grin.

Taehyung slowly turned his head, jaw dropped. He covered his mouth with his hand before dropping his hand back to his side and sighing in defeat.

"I wanted to be your first friend but I guess ChimChim beat me to it." Taehyung muttered with a slight smirk.

I snickered slightly, "ChimChim?"

I glanced at Jimin out of the corner of my eye to see his face slightly pink.

"Seriously? You had to say that Tae?" Jimin grumble.

"Yes Jimbles." Taehyung giggled.

"That's adorable." I giggled as I nudged Taehyung with my elbow.

Jimin puffed out his cheeks, "Ms. Choi! (Y/n) lowered her arms and her and Taehyung are making fun of me!"

Ms. Choi gasped dramatically and placed her hands on her hips, "Well now! We can't have that now can we? Taehyung, (Y/n), Fs! For both of you!"

Taehyung gasped and grabbed his chest, "NO! Ms. Choi please! Not for (Y/n)! Give me two Fs instead!"

Taehyung dramatically fell to his knees and crumpled into a ball and hit the floor with his fist while pretending to sob.

"Scene! Amazing job Taehyung!" Ms. Choi exclaimed while clapping her hands.

Taehyung stood and dusted off his knees, "Thank you Ms. Choi, I try."

I looked back and forth between Taehyung and Ms. Choi dumbfounded. Jimin placed his hand on my head and I flinched.

"It's just me, don't freak out. I'm not Namjoon, I won't break you." Jimin whispered with a light chuckle. "Ms. Choi is also the drama teacher, Taehyung is in drama so they often put on these little random improv skits. It's kinda weird but once you get used to it they're actually quite amusing."

I hummed in response to his words, "So Taehyung likes acting?"

"Not just acting, he likes singing as well! You should hear him sing once, his voice is really nice!" Jimin grinned.

Taehyung scoffed, "Why don't you sing for her Jimin? Your voice is sweet, she'll like yours more."

I turned to look at Jimin, "You like to sing as well?"

Jimin's cheeks turned a strawberry pink color and he shook his head rapidly, "N-No!"

Taehyung snorted before walking up and messing with Jimin's hair, "You're not a very good actor Jimin. Why are you blushing? Are you embarrassed? There's nothing wrong with liking to sing!"

Jimin's cheeks turned even redder, "Easy for you to say! You take drama class! And it is too! Unlike you I actually have an image I have to maintain! I worked hard for my reputation!"

I giggled slightly at Jimin's response, "Don't tell me you're some kind of bad boy! I wouldn't be able to take that seriously!"

Jimin huffed, "I am NOT a 'bad boy'. I am a cool, refined ladies-man."

Taehyung snickered, "More like lady-man. I don't know any other guys that can hit high notes like you!"

"I used to have friends at my old school that could hit some pretty high notes!" I exclaimed as I remembered the notes Seungkwan, Jihoon, and Seokmin used to hit when they'd sing while we were in the music room.

Jimin scoffed, "Psh! I bet I could hit higher notes!"

Taehyung busted out in laughter, "I get it! It's love at first sight! Now that she brought up her friends you want to prove that you're better than them! You want to impress her!"

"Yah! It's not like that Taehyung! HEY! When are you going to start class Ms. Choi?" Jimin asked.

"Well I mean, if the three of you would stop gabbing and take your seats…" Ms. Choi replied with a sigh.

Jimin quickly made his way to his seat and Taehyung and I shared a quick snicker with each other before taking our seats.

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Pusirek #1
Good morning! I really look forward to the continuation of the fanfic!