

It started with saving his life once, however, once became twice, twice became thrice, and never once did it end. To some, immortality was a blessing, to Zhong Chenle, it was a curse to save the same boy again and again.


"Just when did I come into existence?"

Chenle couldn't remember, actually, he didn't know. It happened too quick for Chenle to process. Suddenly he was leaning against a brick wall, scuffing his converse against the sidewalk. The squealing of rubber on asphalt was enough to turn his attention away from the lollipop in between his lips. Without thinking, he's running in front of the highschool student standning in the road like a deer caught in headlights. His arms move to cover his face, he feels the wind get knocked out of his chest, in front of him the truck is stopped dead. A white skid mark stains the asphalt where the sole of Chenle's shoes melted from the friction. His feet feel hot, almost hot enough from him to kick off his shoes. However, the sheer shock of having just stopped an automobile in its tracks was enough to render him paralyzed. The lanky boy behind him appears even more surprised than him, "What the hell-"



immortal au


jisung | 17

chenle | 19



happy reading :)


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330nai #1
Yey. Like it pls next