Lovely Day

The Loved One

Chorong went to the the nearby shopping mall with Ilhoon.

" Hoon ah , do you want to eat anything ? " Chorong kneel infront of Ilhoon 

" I want ice cream.It's been awhile omma " Ilhoon pouted at the ice cream stall.

" Araso , come." Chorong hold Ilhoon hand and walk to the ice cream stall.She bought one for Ilhoon and fo herself also.They sat on the branches with Ilhoon beside her.

" Omma love Ilhoon ? " Ilhoon ask all of a sudden.

Chorong looked at her son confiusly.Trying to understand what her son is asking about.

" Of course omma love you dear , you are my child." Chorong patted Ilhoon's head gently.

" Okay.." Ilhoon simply replied.

" Why do you ask honey ? " Chorong is trying to figure out what the reason his son asking that kind of question.He never asked like that before.Maybe after the three were born , she neglected Ilhoon and only focus on the others.She has a bad feeling about Ilhoon's question.

Ilhoon just silence.He won't answer his mom question.Chorong just forget about the question and patted Ilhoon's head gently.

" Come , we need to buy some household thing right now." Chorong stood up and offer her hand to Ilhoon.Ilhoon grabbed his mother hand and walk together.

" Omma , walking make Ilhoon tired.Can omma lift Ilhoon ? " Ilhoon open his arm waiting for his mother to carried him.

Chorong peeked her son nose gently and quickly carried Ilhoon into her arm.

" Aigoo you are growing too fast my handsome boy.. " Chorong peeked Ilhoon cheek.

While they enjoying there time together , a familiar voices call Chorong.

" Rong unnie ! " Chorong turned around and saw Bomi was there.

" Oh ! Bom ah ! " Chorong greeted Bomi cheerfully.

They hugged each other.Ilhoon in the middle struggle between his mom and Bomi.

" Aigoo Hoon ah you are all grown up right now.." Bomi said then she peeked Ilhoon cheeks.

Ilhoon smiled and then placed his head at his mom shoulder.Chorong patted his son gently.A few minutes later , Ilhoon fall asleep.

" He must be very tired." Bomi said and shook Ilhoon's hand.

Chorong nodded her head and just smiled.

" Why don't we have some coffee ? I'll treat you." Bomi said and helped Chorong to lift her stuff because Chorong has to lift Ilhoon.

They arrive at the coffee shop nearby.Chorong placed Ilhoon laying down next to her.

It's been awhile she didn't hangout with Bomi.

" So how are you ? " Bomi ask and then she take a sipped of coffee.

" You know , doing some household job and take care of my kids." Chorong replied while patting his son's .

It was a peaceful conversation.Chorong realised that it's already late and she need to be home before dinner time or else Changsub will having an headache.

She then lift Ilhoon that still asleep and saying goodbye to Bomi.



Chorong reached home and ask Changsub to help her.While Changsub lift the stuff that she have buy , Chorong carried Ilhoon and went to her own room.She don't want to placed Ilhoon is his own room because the three youngster will be so noisy and wake him up.

Chorong walked to the kitchen and saw Changsub is cooking while carrying Hayoung.

" What can I help you yeobo ? " Chorong ask as she shook Hayoung's hand.Hayoung open her arm and waiting for Chorong to carried her.

Chorong smiled at her spoiled child's temperament.Chorong then take Sungjae from Changsub support.

Sungjae hugged his mother tightly and put his head on Chorong shoulder.Chorong his soft hair with affection as she patted Sungjae's back.

After a few minutes , Sungjae fell asleep in his mother arm's.Chorong then put Sungjae into his own room.After placing Sungjae into the room , she went back to the kitchen to help Changsub or else he might burn the kitchen.

" I didn't see Ilhoon just now , he will often go to the kitchen and ask for food." Changsub says while cutting the vegetables and look at his wife.

" He's sleeping inside our room.He mighted be very tired." Chorong answered softly.The she remembered something.The questions asked by Ilhoon to her this evening.

" Yeobo , when I went out with Ilhoon this evening , he asked me a question that suprised me." Chorong said seriously.Changsub looked at her with curious curiousity.Chorong then tells Changsub everything.Without she noticed it , her tears falls apart.She then cried out loud.

Changsub looked at his wife lovingly.He then reached Chorong hand's then looked deeply into Chorong's eyes.He wiped Chorong tears from her cheek.

" Am I a bad mum to them ? " Chorong said while crying.

Changsub shook his head.

" You are not a bad mum , you just do not give him a full attention.Maybe he feel that we neglected him." Changsub said while hugging Chorong.

Since the three of them were born , they were less concerned to Ilhoon.Perhaps because of that , he felt himself neglected by his parent.

" Maybe I should treat them fairly.." Chorong said while wiping her tears.

" You look like Garfield when crying." Changsub said while squeezing his wife's nose gently.Chorong blushed then stabbed her face.Changsub just smiled at Chorong.

" Omma.." Hayoung pulled her mother pants gently.Chorong look at her lovingly.

" Hayoung ah.." Chorong said as she carried Hayoung into her arm.Hayoung placed her head at Chorong shoulder while reaching her father's hair.

" OUCH ! " Changsub screamed in pain while Hayoung laugh at her father.

" So you are having fun with appa ha ? I'll pinch your chubby cheek ! One two three ! " Changsub said while pinched Hayoung's cheek make Hayoung laugh.

" Hayoung ah , why don't you bring Namjoo unnie here so we can eat dinner together araso ? " Hayoung nodded her head and ask for her mother to put her down.

After her legs reaching the floor , she quickly run to the living room to get her sister.Chorong and Changsub looked at her and laugh.

" I'm glad I'm marrying you.." Changsub say all of a sudden.Then he back hugs his wife.Chorong startled then she turned around.She put her hand around Changsub neck.

" I'm also feel grateful because I'm marrying you.." Chorong said while playing with Changsub's hair.Changsub start to kiss Chorong lips lovingly.

" Yeobo .. " Chorong refused after realising they shoudn't do that.

" Why ? Oh come on let's continue.." Changsub make a puppy face hoping his wife want to continue.

" You know we have kids in this house , not only BOTH of us.." Chorong said.The answer make Changsub laugh.

" Aww baby , we can just say that we are making another siblings for them .. " Changsub said as he wink his eyes to Chorong.

" N-No.T-They are s-stil a kids." Chorong said shyly.

" Araso , promise me you will continue maybe other day or tonight.." Changsub whisper to Chorong's ear as that make Chorong blushed.

" OMMA ! APPA ! LET'S GO EAT DINNER TOGETHER ! " Hayoung screamed when she saw her parent is so lovingly.She seem jealous because she hear what her parent are talking about.

" Hayoung is the maknae so no more maknae in this home." She crossed her arm which that make Changsub and Chorong chuckled.

" Araso araso Hayoung ah , don't worry , there's no more new maknae in this home. " Changsub said as he kneel infront of her adorable daughter.

" YEAH ! " Hayoung screamed in happiness.

" Shh , you might wake your oppas up.." Changsub said as he help Namjoo to climb her chair.

" Okay , Hayoung is sorry.Omma , can help Hayoung ? " Hayoung said as she open her arm hoping for her mother to help her climb the chair.

" Okay.." Chorong smiled then help her daughter to climb the chair.

The family eat their dinner so quietly.After finished their dinner , Chorong wshed the dishes alone while humming.

After she finished washing all the dishes , she went to her room to take a bath.There she can see Ilhoon is still sleeping at her bed.

Chorong then went to Ilhoon and laying down next to him.She then patted Ilhoon gently.

" Omma is bad because didn't pay attention to you.. " She said.Her tears is dropping.

After taking showered , she went to the living room.

" Tomorrow I'll be late for home , are you okay with it ? " Changsub say as soon as Chorong sit.

" Of course , but why darl ? " I asked.Changsub rarely be home late except there's an emergency.

" I have some work to do..but I'll promise after finished my work , I'll be home okay ? " Changsub says as he peeked my nose gently.I nodded my head and smiled.

" UWAAAAAAA !!!! " Namjoo cried.

" Ugrh there's much be something wrong upstairs.Let's go." Chorong sighed and quickly walked to the upstairs.Changsub following behind.

After reach at the siblings room , she can see Namjoo is crying out loud.

" Baby what's wrong ? " Chorong asked as she kneel infront of Namjoo.

" Omma , Hayoungie ruined Namjoo colour book ! UWAAA ! " Namjoo cried again.Changsub carried her and wipes her tears.

Chorong sighed and walked toward Hayoung.

" Hayoung darling , why you ruined your sister's book ? " Chorong asked and take Hayoung to her lap.Hayoung scared that her mother would scold her.

" Hayoung ah , omma won't scolded you so don't worry okay ? Now tell me why you do that. " Chorong says as Hayoung nodded her head.

" Hayoung tore unnie book because unnie said my face was bad." Changsub and Chorong looked at each other while shaking their head slowly.

" Namjoo ah , why did you say that to your sister ? " Changsub said while putting Namjoo down and kneel infront of her.

" Namjoo didn't mean it." Namjoo said while wiping her tears.Chorong give her the insights she understand.She then walked toward s Hayoung and held her hand.

" Hayoung ah , unnie is sorry okay ? " Namjoo said to Hayoung.

Hayoung nodded her head thenhug Namjoo.

" Omma , appa .We are good now ! " Namjoo said cheerfully.

" Good girl.Now it's time to sleep." Changsub says while lift his daughter to their bed.

" Good night appa , good night omma.Namjoo love you." Namjoo said while waving at her parent.

Chorong and Changsub kissed Namjoo on the forehead.

" Good night too sweetheart."

" What about Hayoung ? " Hayoung said.She looked at her parent sharply while crossing her arms.

" Aigoo our baby , you too sweetiepie.Good night." Chorong said while patted her head gently.

" Good night both of you.." Chorong and Changsub said while walking out from the room.

They then go check their son , Sungjae.

" He really looked alike you yeobo.." Chorong said while stared at Changsub.

Changsub just smiled and nodded his head.

Chorong give Sungjae a kiss at his forehead then walked out from the room.

Chorong and Changsub walked together while holding each other hand.

" Now we have one babies left." Chorong said while hugging Changsub's arm tightly.

After reaching their room , Chorong quickly laying on the bed and peeked at Ilhoon's cheek.

" He look s very calm.I hope he can be like this this everyday , not trouble me , being a good boy.He's the one who always give me a headache but I still love him.." Chorong said as she kiss Ilhoon's forehead.

" Because he's your son , our child." Changsub said while playing with Ilhoon's chubby hand.

" You don't know how happy I am when I know I am pregnant with our first child.." Chorong said.

" I know love and I'm happy to know that I'm going to be a father." Changsub said while playing with his wife's hair.

" And you should be grateful to me because I've been 4 times of the hardest times you know." Chorong said while glared at Changsub.

Changsub smiled.

" Of course I must be grateful to you dear and I'm grateful to marry a woman who is 31 years old Park Chorong."

Changsub chuckled because he knew his wife doesn't like people who talk about her age.

Chorong was sulky and continued to lie down while hugging Ilhoon.Changsub just smiled.

" Goodnight dear .. You know I love you.." Changsub says.

Chorong smiled alone.

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