
Save me

Taehyung’s POV


“Tae, sweetie come to me,” his mother called him from the kitchen. He hurried to her side and had to tiptoe to look over the kitchen counter. “Tae look what I’ve got,” and Taehyung looked where his mother pointed out. His face brightens up by the sight of his favorite Christmas cookies from non-other than his lovely mother. “Mommy! Can I get one?” Taehyung asked while he reached out to the cookies, but the woman slapped his hand away. “Tae, honey since when did we eat sweets before dinner?” his mother asked while she shook her head. “But mommy!” the little boy whined and pouted. The woman looked to the little boy who showed his mother his best puppy-eye look that he got. “Tae, I’m not falling for that,” she said while she was crossing her arms in front of her chest. Even if she said she wouldn’t fall for Taehyung’s pleading look she lost the grip in her arms and sigh nevertheless. She was weak for him and he knew it. Who couldn’t fall for the little boy’s tricks? After all he was only six years old. “Alright little monster. Go get one,” his mother finally gave in. She smiled as she saw her younger boy sitting on the kitchen stool while chewing on the delicious cookie.


Some time passed but the boy was still sitting in the kitchen and watched his mother while she was preparing the dinner. “Taehyung, I wish you could stay forever as sweet as you are now,” his mother suddenly said sadly. “Mommy? What do you mean? Do you think I won’t be sweet when I grow older?” the little boy asked his mother while tears were forming in his eyes. “Of course, sweetheart, you will always be someone who is loved by everyone,” she said while she was gently the boy’s cheeks “but it won’t ever be as easy as it is now. When you grow older you’ll remember and understand my words,” his mother uttered while she fondled his head. “And remember Tae no matter what happens I will always love you. You and your brother. You’re everything I ever dreamed of,” she smiled at her son who returned her smile. “So please, be happy even if something should happen. Remember that no matter what I’ll always be there for you. So will your brother and of course your father will be there too.” The woman than pecks her son’s forehead.



“I love you Tae.”






Taehyung sight as he climbed out of his bed. Looking in the mirror he noticed dried tears on his cheeks. “I love you, too Mom,” the boy mumbled, “and I miss you. I miss you so much. You said you were going to be there for me, but you left me. Everyone left me,” at this point Taehyung was already sobbing.



At this time of the year Taehyung would always have this dream or other that were related to his mother or his brother. The dreams were related to the time where he was happy the most. Why? Because at this time he was with his mother and his brother. At this time, they were a family. A happy family.

But also, were the dreams related to the time where he was hurt the most. Why? Because at this time his brother had left him. At this time his mother had passed away.


After Taehyung calmed down and changed he went down to leave the house to go to school. The last thing he wanted was to run into his father but before he could reach the door his father called him.  
"Taehyung, what are you doing after school these days?" the boy looked down to avoid eye contact with the elder man "I- I'm out with a friend," Taehyung couldn't even stand to look at his father. He was afraid of his father's reaction. How would his farther react? He was wasting time with friends while he should actual stay at home and learn. "You're out with friends? I didn't expect that you've still got friends. Anyway, I hope for you that your grades are better by now." Taehyung froze in his spot and completely forgot how to breathe. He folded his hands in a fist but not because of anger, but because he was trying to fight the tears that were threatening to fall. "Well I've got better things to do than to talk to you. You can go now," and without to waste another second Taehyung stormed out.

It was undisputed that his mood for school was ruined. Usually he would go to school nevertheless but today was 
different. Instead of going to school he decided to go anywhere else. 

Before he could realize he stand in front of a well-known building. 

"Of course, you would go here," he thought. He looked to the sign that showed "The next step". 

After a last glance he went away. "Why did I even get to the dance school?" he thought as he sat on a bench near the building. Taehyung started to consider what to do. His own father treated him like a foreign and still demanded good behavior, he lost all his friends and the last one who stayed with him was still to unfamiliar to tell him about his 
problems. He wished he had only one person who he could talk with, someone who he didn't had to change for, 

"Taehyung? What are you doing here?" his thought of trains was interrupted as Hoseok was standing in front of him. "Mr. Jung?! I- school was cancelled," Taehyung lied. "I know you're skipping school," Hoseok simply said. "How- how did you know?" Taehyung asked shocked.

"Just so you know once I was also fifteen years old, I was also skipping school and you’re a really bad liar," he 
chuckled while Taehyungs expression softened. "So, what are you really doing here?" 
He was not sure if he should tell Hoseok but something about the older convinced him to do so.

"First, I'm not fifteen. I'm seventeen, to be exact almost eighteen," now it was Hoseok's turn to be shocked. "You're almost eighteen? I thought you were older as Jungkook but not that you’re eighteen! I- I'm sorry. I don't want to 
interrupt you," he looked at Taehyung and scratched his neck. 

“It’s all right Mr. Jung. I-“ 


“What?” to say Taehyung was confused were an understatement. 

“You can call me Hoseok. I’m not your teacher and I’m not that much older,” at this Taehyung was sure that a blush crept on his cheeks. “Alright Hoseok, like I said. I got into a fight with my father,” he sighted but as he saw worry in 
Hoseok’s eyes he regrets that he had told the other. 

“We had only different opinions,”


“It wasn’t that bad,” 


“And I’m fine,” 



Taehyung couldn’t tell Hoseok, yet, if ever. How could he tell him about something like that? He couldn’t go to him and say: “Hey Hoseok. Nice to meet you again. Yeah, I’m skipping school because my dad was telling things like “You’re unimportant. Your grades are” or “You’re worthless” and by the way he is always like that. Not one day passed without him looking down at me. So, yeah… But I’m fine.” How would the elder look at him than? Maybe with those eyes that would see nothing and pretend like nothing ever happened? Those eyes which look at you with so much pity but do nothing? Taehyung hatted the pity and the pity looks he got all his life. They always only pity him. Never would someone try to help, so why should he burden someone with his problems when the person could not do anything about his situation?


“You’re sure you’re fine?” Hoseok asked and got a (sad) smile and a nod from the younger. “Then? Why are you 
skipping school?”
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OgoPogo #1
Chapter 1: I like it so far and I'm really curious how the story will go on :) please update soon!