Like every day

Save me

Chapter 1


Like every day


Taehyung’s POV


Like every day a sharp noise would wake Taehyung up.

Like every day he would tell himself that he had to change that awful alarm clock.

Like every day he would torture his heavy body to get up from his so, so cozy bed.

Like every day he would…

It was a day like every day but who would have thought that one day so similar to every day could change everything,


After his morning routine he was greeted by a cold voice.


“Take care of your grades. You must be perfect. Be perfect! Do you understand?” Taehyung didn’t expect a warm greeting but to hear something like that… every day…


“Of course, father” after that said his father left the house and Taehyung was alone again.


School started, and the first period ended after an eternity. He went to the dining hall to get to his usual spot. After he arrived and sat down his “friends” left.


“Where are you going?” asked Taehyung obviously confused.


“You’re wondering? Even if you’re the son of a C.E.O you’re nothing more than a pathetic little boy. Hope you enjoy your silent brake” Taehyung’s jar drooped but is closed by the next second. He knows he isn’t the funny and happy boy he used to be but to heat something like that…


“So… my last friend left me, too. Now I’m all on my own...” he thought. It isn’t that bad. He was used to be alone and he would always be…

Taehyung didn’t notice a tall boy coming over until the boy pointed to the seat next to him and spoke shy to Tae.


“Hey… can I- can I maybe...”


“Yeah, why not?” Taehyung shrugged his shoulders and the boy tried to hide his smile but failed. The unknown boy sat next to Taehyung and put his tray on the table next to the other.


“Hi, my name is- I mean if you want to know- I’m Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook. Nice- nice to meet you.”


“Yeah, whatever...” Taehyung look to the boy uninterested and he could clearly see Jungkook’s little smile disappear.


“I- I didn’t mean to bother you- I mean- honestly if you want- I could go...”


“No, you don’t have to. I’m just- I- sorry. I didn’t mean it. I’m Kim Taehyung.”







The brake went by in a rush and Jungkook told Taehyung that he need to go to another hallway.


“Hope to see you tomorrow.”


“Yeah, see you,” and again there would be a little smile on Jungkook’s lips.


The day passed by and Taehyung stood in front of his home. He could tell this house (or should he say mansion) was far too big for only Taehyung and his father. Of course, a big place would be cold and lonely if there would live only a few people but living with his father… it was so much colder and so, so lonely. If only… If only his mother or his brother would be with him. Poor Taehyung couldn’t even remember his brothers face let alone his name. His parents would do anything to erase the memory of someone he called brother. They even burned all his brother’s belongings. He couldn’t save a photo or a letter. Nothing that remains him of his brother and his parents could simply vanish the biggest blemish of their life and tell everyone Taehyung is their only son like it should be. Once his mother died his father wouldn’t burn her things but only to lock them up. The only thing Taehyung had was an old picture of his beautiful mother.


Taehyung wanted to do anything. Anything to distract him from life. Maybe he could read or sleep a bit.


“Yeah, sleep sounds good,” he couldn’t even get upstairs as his phone wanted to be notices. With a sign he took his phone out of his pocket and accept the call.


“Hey, Hyung. Sorry if I interrupt you but-”


“Who’s there?”


“Oh sorry, I forgot. It’s me, Jungkook.”


“Yeah I remember. What is it?”


“I- I just finished dance class. I tough- maybe you would like to- I mean if you want to we could meet. Hang out a bit.”


“Yes, why not? And Jungkook?”


“Y- Yes?”


“You don’t have to be shy. You know... I won’t do anything.”


“I’m sorry. I’ll text you. See you” and with that the line went dead. After he took his key and wallet he left his house. Not long after and he arrived at a small building.



“The next Steep? What an ordinary name for a dance school,” Taehyung thought. He didn’t wait even ten minutes until Jungkook appeared.


In the beginning it was very awkward between the two but soon after Jungkook became more opened. For Taehyung it was hard to talk to the other boy. He doesn’t know how to be with the younger, but it was going easier time by time. And after some more time Taehyung seemed to be comfortable. He didn’t know the boy long or good enough to call him a friend, but he thought or better said he wished to call Jungkook his friend… like a real friend.










Jungkooks dance classes were always Wednesdays and Fridays and Taehyung would always met him there like today. It was Wednesday, and he got there to the same time like every week.


"Hyung? What do you do here?"


"To meet you, of course. What do you think?"


"Didn't I tell you?"




"My classes. I have to be here another two hours. I'm sorry hyung but if you like I could ask if you could come in, only if you want of course, and wait for me."


"Yeah, whatever"


This is the very first time that Taehyung is in a dance school. It's like he imaged it but at the same time completely different. They're in a big room together with ten other people. Two walls are comity covert with mirrors and the others are plane white and in the back of the room are two boxes.



"Ok guys, please go in your spots so we can start," and like there lives depend on it everyone (also Jungkook, of course) got to their place and the teacher starts the music. Taehyung focus was on Jungkook after all it was the first time that he saw the junger boy dance. He tried to hold his focus on Jungkook, but his look gone more often to someone else and after some more time this certain person got his full attention.

His dance is breath taking and it looks like he was born to dance.

It didn't looks like he is moving to the music, no it looks like he is the one who controlled the music.

"Breathtaking," "amazing," and "beautiful," were the only things he could think of while he saw the man dancing.

Time went by in a rush and Taehyung wishes he could stay here and watch him dance only a little more. Because of his thoughts he didn't notice that Jungkook was slowly coming to him.


"Hyung? What do you think?"


"Hm? What do you mean?"


"Hyung," Jungkook whined, "You came here for me but the one who got your whole attention is Mr. Jung," it was only a matter of seconds and Taehyung would turn red.


"No, I saw your dancing it was good, really,"


"Yeah? Than what was the last dance move you saw?"


"Maybe, yeah, I think was like this," and Taehyung stand up and then first slides to the left, raises his hands up to bring them down again and then slides to the right to do the same again.


"Hyung! I did in the first ten minutes,"




"In two hours you saw me only ten minutes dancing? Am I so boring?"


Taehyung shook his head, "of course not. I- I was only distracted," after that said you could see how a smirk creeps in Jungkook's face


"So? you were distracted by Mr. Jung? Of course, you were. Your look reveal everything. If you want I could summon him," and Jungkook leans in to whisper some more to Taehyung, "I think I'm his favorite student. Maybe I could play cupid and who knows," at the end Jungkook only shrug his shoulders and Taehyung turned red.

Before he could protest Jungkook called Mr. Jung. He came over to them and Jungkook introduce Taehyung and Mr. Jung.


"Mr. Jung that is a friend of mine Kim Taehyung and Taehyung like you have noticed this is my dance teacher Mr. Jung," and Mr. Jung hold out his hand to Taehyung to shake and he shook the man’s hand.


"Hello Taehyung. It's nice to meet you," not long after Taehyung turn suddenly shy and avoid eye contact whit them.


"It's nice to meet you Mr. Jung,"

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OgoPogo #1
Chapter 1: I like it so far and I'm really curious how the story will go on :) please update soon!