
BaBi - The Path of a Legend - Apply Open!
BaBi Candidate Reviews




Number of Accepted Applicants

White Rose: #1

Blue Rose: #0

Yellow Rose: #0

Red Rose: #0


elle_amylia / White Rose / Accepted

Hello Elle! Many thanks for being my very first applicant for this story. Let's get right into your review.

Right away I spy Park Boyoung and already you're hitting me right in my weak spots. This lady is lovely and she fits really nicely visually for the White Rose plotline! Her nicknames are very cute and I adore the languages honestly, it's really nice to see Japanese instead of English as the language she focused on learning in school!

Oh my gosh I burst out laughing just in the first paragraph of her personality. I know someone just like Mina - she's either awkward or spouting TMI with very little in between. Her compassion is really sweet and I may have gotten a little too excited when you mentioned cats. If Mina is chosen for the story there will absolutely be an arc centering around the first cat she rescues! Overall the personality is well-balanced and I can clearly imagine meeting Mina on the street somewhere!

I actually really like that being an idol wasn't really on Mina's radar until she was scouted - it makes sense with her personality honestly. I also like that she improved her breathing technique with diving, it's such a unique story! Also wow, 5 cats and 3 dogs? I'm guessing Mina moved out of the dorms as soon as she could afford to since they certainly couldn't keep 8 animals in an apartment with 4 adult women!

It's fun to see that Mina isn't the youngest member of her family - a lot of 'only daughter' apps I've seen have the girl as the youngest family member so I like the twist! I also like that she wasn't actually allowed to go to Seoul alone at 16 - good on her brother being there for her! Can I also say that I adore her friends? Their meeting and relationships are abolutely believable!

As you've likely correctly deduced, the White Rose is the least popular member of the group, and I like how she develops a bit of a complex because of it. The fact that she never feels properly ready for a solo debut until seven years in is probably also affected by that.

The love story is short and sweet and I appreciate the use of an OC! Jiyoung seem like a good match for Mina, and I know I'd enjoy writing their interactions during the story.

Aside from that one question about Minhyuk, I greatly enjoyed getting to know Mina! You can just answer the question in the comments below, and I'm happy to mark her as accepted!


Username / Plotline / Status

Scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam tortor est, cursus vel risus sed, efficitur posuere est. Sed faucibus consectetur enim, in vulputate ipsum blandit non. Integer faucibus ante nunc, pellentesque tincidunt mauris convallis ac. In congue diam eros, vitae volutpat risus eleifend vel. Donec in ornare justo, id fringilla est. Donec justo sem, tincidunt ullamcorper fringilla a, scelerisque at neque.


Username / Plotline / Status

Scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam tortor est, cursus vel risus sed, efficitur posuere est. Sed faucibus consectetur enim, in vulputate ipsum blandit non. Integer faucibus ante nunc, pellentesque tincidunt mauris convallis ac. In congue diam eros, vitae volutpat risus eleifend vel. Donec in ornare justo, id fringilla est. Donec justo sem, tincidunt ullamcorper fringilla a, scelerisque at neque.


Username / Plotline / Status

Scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam tortor est, cursus vel risus sed, efficitur posuere est. Sed faucibus consectetur enim, in vulputate ipsum blandit non. Integer faucibus ante nunc, pellentesque tincidunt mauris convallis ac. In congue diam eros, vitae volutpat risus eleifend vel. Donec in ornare justo, id fringilla est. Donec justo sem, tincidunt ullamcorper fringilla a, scelerisque at neque.


Username / Plotline / Status

Scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam tortor est, cursus vel risus sed, efficitur posuere est. Sed faucibus consectetur enim, in vulputate ipsum blandit non. Integer faucibus ante nunc, pellentesque tincidunt mauris convallis ac. In congue diam eros, vitae volutpat risus eleifend vel. Donec in ornare justo, id fringilla est. Donec justo sem, tincidunt ullamcorper fringilla a, scelerisque at neque.

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In light of I.C.E.'s new comeback I switched out of one BaBi's songs - Color Me Rad is now Shameless


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Chapter 3: can you tell me about rhe boy group? id like to have someone from it perhaps!!
Chapter 5: omg i didnt know there was a story with older fcs being accepted im so excited!!! do you have any fcs you would like to see?
Chapter 9: I didn't know that I would be inspiring you to write a new teaser. Hahaha. I feel honoured!
But, the use of code was so smart! I wonder what other color can be used. Hahaha.
Chapter 8: To be disbanded while being in the light of the fame would be something that fans would be stirring about, of course. I'm interested to see what the company is planning to do to calm them down. ^^
Chapter 5: Thanks for the long and detailed review. I'm so happy that you love Mina. ^^
About the question, it's not actually Minhyuk, but Minho, which is her brother.
I hope you'll het a lot of good apps and have a good day ahead!
Chapter 3: Hi dear, maybe I miss something, but I can't find the password... >_<