
Till My Heart Dies.
As the movie played, your neck was getting tired and naturally your head went sideways to myungsoo's chest, you snuggled in his chest and soon fell asleep ,still having his arms around your waist. He gently removed few strands of your hair that were covering your beautiful face and kissed your hair. He carried you in a bridal style gently taking slower step not to wake you up and lay you on the bed. Ommonim was out for a trip with her friends,so it was only you and myungsoo in the house. He was sitting on the floor with his arms at the edge of the bed looking at you sleeping,slowly he your hair,kiss on it and went exploring round your rooms. He sat on your study table and look through the books that you've been reading,he clean your table and arranged your books nicely. His favourite colour was black,so he tend to see it very clearly. 'Errrr, a black notebook, it's not gonna hurt if i take a peek'. ############# 10 Things Time Do Before I Die. 1: Fall In Love. 2:Make Omma Happy, Find a Companion for her ♡♡ 3:Vacation With Omma. 4:Catch Infinite Live On Stage. 5:Wearing A Wedding Dress. 6:A Song For Me. 7:Wall With Photographs Of Him. 8:Spend A White Christmas With Whom I Love. 9:Die Peacefully 10:Die in the person's arm whom i love. Myungsoo sat on the balcony and was gazing the skies as the words that yoojae wrote keep appearing in his mind. He watched yoojae sleep from afar mouthing 'I will make it happened.. ' and dozed off while sliding the notebook in his pocket. 'AHHHHH' You stretched your arms wide and yawn loudly. You turn here and there to stretched your body and saw myungsoo was sleeping soundly at the side of the balcony that had sofa ,he laid there with his hand holding tight on his coat. You bring over your blanket and gently cover him up with leaving a peck on the forehead and left the room. 'Hmm, let's have udon from brunch' You took out all the necessary ingredients and start cooking, Slowly putting the ingredients in the pot and stir, suddenly,something was tightening your waist and rested his head on your shoulder. 'Udon, mmmm, my favourite' his warm breath blown to your ears. 'Myung, you gotta move away if you wanna have breakfast fast' yoojae giggled. 'Nope, I wanna stick with you. ' He snuggled his head on your shoulder making you feel loved by him . 'Aigoo, as you wish ' Myungsoo still had his arms around your waist,even tho having him behind you was kinda disturbing, you gotta admit that you love how warm his embrace are. He unwrapped his arms and went to get the bowls and utensils. He waited eagerly as you lay the dishes out. He confiscated your eating material. 'Hun, im hungry too' You pouted. He scoop the noodle and brought closer to you. The room was filled with laughter and happiness #################### WEHEEEE. 2CHAPTERS FOR TODAY, SORRY TO KEEP YOU GUYS WAITIN. LOVE YOUUU ~
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naznew #1
Chapter 62: Great story..sad and beautiful
XoXo_inlab #2
great story!!
Chapter 62: :( I hate sad endings :( bad author :'( u made me cry
Chapter 10: The story just got ruined for me by the person under me -_- not fair
Oh My god, I cried a lot. Myungsoo is so lucky to have Yoojae in his life. Remember what they promised to each other? That they will hold each other hearts forever? YooJae made it, She donated her heart to Myungsoo for him to live longer because she said that She will love myungsoo until enternity.

Oh God, This was truly DAEBAK! The title really suits the story. Thank you Author-nim! I love youuuuuuu. ♥
im tearing up ;~~; i love it i really do love this fic <3
SweetMelody123 #7
Your ending suits your title a lot!!
such an unexpected twist with heart transplant^^
like your story and good luck for your exam
Update soon!!