Impossible, why?



Sunggyu: Your friend since you entered middle school , you two had always joined the same CCA group which was the violin orchestra

but then when the both of you entered college he auditioned and his band named INFINITE,

thus he didn't have time for the CCA schedule as his was a tight one

He's seeing someone now, which is his current girlfriend .It was weird as she was your bestfriend and

they look awkwardly together. You accompany them to events and all of you have took a very long bus ride home

During the long bus ride home, it was only sunggyu was the one talking to you instead of to his girlfriend .You thought,

Why are they even together when they don't even talk and its been 3 bloody years. He lost his mum when he's a child and tend to call your mum like his. And he's really confused towards his feeling.




YouBestFriend: Your childhood friend that was dating sunggyu, really love her alot&appreciate her.

always share problems with each other . To make it simple, you guys are super close.



You: No words can describe you, I love you. as what sunggyu always say. Lost your dad when you’re 5 . 


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