Thanks Woohyun.

Till My Heart Dies.
It was another dreadful morning for you. As usual, you dressed up and went off to school. 'Ladies&Gentlemen ,please proceed to the school hall for our morning assembly. Thank you. ' Hmmm, maybe another school holiday for us, you muttered and went up to the hallway , 'WOOHYUN? ' You walked to him,and sat beside him. 'Ya, why are you here? ' you nudged his shoulder making him a lil startled. 'Erm, nothing ' He pinches your cheek and pushed you to your class area. You fiddled with your fingers while waiting for it to start. 'Good morning, im haejin from senior class,' You looked up and was shocked to see her on stage. You were hoping that she's won't make the lawsuit into a big matter,again. 'I'm here, because i would like to seek forgiveness towards my foolish act on Yoojae from the senior class. She didn't stole my wristlet but i did, I was the one who hid it .Im really sorry towards yoojae. ' She bow 90degress down. 'EHHHH ' you were confused and went out of the hallway. Seeing that myungsoo watching you, your heart aches. You ruffled your hair , and reflected. You saw woohyun walking, you ran to him, tapped his shoulders and hugged him tightly,his arms held you slowly on your waist. Myungsoo followed you behind but decided to talk to you later. 'I know you did this, thank you,thank you so much' You whispered in his ears and held you tightly. Woohyun removed your hands, and hold your hand and walked to the park,coincidence myungsoo was there you didn't see him, but he saw you. Woohyun and you sat on the bench and held your hand still. 'Yoojae ..' 'Mmm' 'I want you to be happy' 'I am, wae?' You looked at him with suspicion, 'I know you too well,pretty' 'Tsk, tell me' 'Be happy with myungsoo alright?' 'He hated me...' 'Trust me, he didn't, i saw him crying at night everyday and he's always asking for you, he was sorry for his act, but you know, he's an egoistic and doesn't know how to express his feeling. So he had a hard time,arasso?,anyway you're sick too' Every word that woohyun said hurts him. All he wanted was you, but life is full of sacrifices. Woohyun tears were flowing but you didn't see as he wiped his tears fast not to make you feel guilty. His heart is crying for your love.But, he gotta abandoned his feelings and make you happy. Sick??? Myungsoo thought 'woohyun? ' You looked at him. 'Thank you' you hugged him tight and off to class. Woohyun went off with his head hung down low ,he tapped his shoulder. 'Hyung??' 'Sup?' woohyun meddled with his hair. 'Thanks' Woohyun tapped his shoulder and went off. Woohyun was glad that yoojae's now fine. You ran up to the auditorium for your class,you tried to look for myungsoo, but he wasn't there. Hours passed , it was your free period and was allowed to go home instead, you tried finding him but he was no where in school. You were expecting him to call you but then he's just ego,really ego.
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naznew #1
Chapter 62: Great story..sad and beautiful
XoXo_inlab #2
great story!!
Chapter 62: :( I hate sad endings :( bad author :'( u made me cry
Chapter 10: The story just got ruined for me by the person under me -_- not fair
Oh My god, I cried a lot. Myungsoo is so lucky to have Yoojae in his life. Remember what they promised to each other? That they will hold each other hearts forever? YooJae made it, She donated her heart to Myungsoo for him to live longer because she said that She will love myungsoo until enternity.

Oh God, This was truly DAEBAK! The title really suits the story. Thank you Author-nim! I love youuuuuuu. ♥
im tearing up ;~~; i love it i really do love this fic <3
SweetMelody123 #7
Your ending suits your title a lot!!
such an unexpected twist with heart transplant^^
like your story and good luck for your exam
Update soon!!