
Till My Heart Dies.
The envelop was staring at you again,sighed and cried to sleep.Again waking up ,it felt like a dread doing it everyday. You bathed and off to school, as you walked across the school hallway. People were treated you like a plague. 'Unbelievable, she even got a law suit ' ' I know right, damn such a shame ' There were girls badmouthed you. Suddenly a pail of water was thrown at you from the top, you quickly rushed to the washroom but someone knocked into you instead of helping,she poured flour on you, throw eggs at you and kicked you on the stomach that made you cried in pain. 'DON'T HURT OUR HAEJIN AND MYUNGSOO! OR ELSE YOU ING GO TO HELL!' They kicked you one last time. 'Yah! ' After hearing the loud voice, the girls stood there in stunned. Woohyun grabbed the girl on the girl's collar and pushed her against the wall. 'Oppa.... biane..... ' 'WHO! ' He yelled,the girl kept quiet. 'I ING SAID WHO! WHO! ' He yelled loudly. 'Ha.....e......jin' 'AISHHH! ' Woohyun let go of her and they ran away. 'Tsk, I told you not to appear out of nowhere right?' Yoojae curling in her body , feeling uncomfortable. Woohyun tooked out ho's handkerchief and wiped your face. 'How could they did this to a pretty face ' He whispered ,suddenly his hand were on your stomach. 'YAH!' you tried to move his arms. He rubbed your stomach gently and applied the medicated oil. It felt much better. 'Gomowo' You muttered. 'I gotta go see her. ' Woohyun walked away but you, 'No, don't.... ' You grabbed his arms ,but he released it. Woohyun went searching for haejin and you followed him behind, you were few feets away from him. Haejin were sitting on a bench with myungsoo, his arms were tightening haejin's waist nearer to him, you couldn't bare the sight, you left and went home. Woohyun confronted her. 'What did you do! ' Woohyun yelled. 'Yah! Don't yelled at her' Myungsoo interrupt. 'Shut up! YOU DON'T INTERFERE! ' Myungsoo backed off a little. 'Yes oppa? ' Haejin acted cute. 'I'M NOT YOUR OPPA! AND WHY DID YOU BRIBE THE GIRLS !' 'I DIDN'T! ' Haejin yelled back. 'FINE! YOU'RE NOT GONNA ADMIT RIGHT?! YOU'LL SEE! ' He screamed on top of his lungs . 'Stop it' Myungsoo grabbed his collar. 'You're gonna ing regret this' Woohyun rolled his eyes and walked off. He tried to get through you but you weren't answering. Woohyun got into the car and searched for you. You were sitting on a bench near the Han River. You were filthy, flours and eggs got all over you. Woohyun bought you a dress to changed into. 'Yoojae.. ' He turned and sat beside you. 'Ohhh' You quickly wiped your tears and grabbed the dress and went to the washroom. You changed and went out clean well the fact that you smell like a vanilla cake. 'I'm sorry,woohyun, sorry to burden you' 'Hey, you're not' You turned and smiled at him. 'It's been a long time since we went here huh? ' Good times, good times ' you laughed sheepishly and made woohyun blushed for no reason. If weren't for myungsoo, i would have made her mine way back...woohyun sighed. 'Why are you sighing?' Yoojae laughed. 'Nothing, Oh ya. Take care of your health,just a reminder ' He winked and send you back home. You did a fist pump with him and went in. You went in and saw the black notebook, the list. Out of the ten list, only one was accomplished,you drew a heart and a smile beside it and note down the date when your omma went on a date. So many things left to do yet so little time, you sighed and off to bed.
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naznew #1
Chapter 62: Great story..sad and beautiful
XoXo_inlab #2
great story!!
Chapter 62: :( I hate sad endings :( bad author :'( u made me cry
Chapter 10: The story just got ruined for me by the person under me -_- not fair
Oh My god, I cried a lot. Myungsoo is so lucky to have Yoojae in his life. Remember what they promised to each other? That they will hold each other hearts forever? YooJae made it, She donated her heart to Myungsoo for him to live longer because she said that She will love myungsoo until enternity.

Oh God, This was truly DAEBAK! The title really suits the story. Thank you Author-nim! I love youuuuuuu. ♥
im tearing up ;~~; i love it i really do love this fic <3
SweetMelody123 #7
Your ending suits your title a lot!!
such an unexpected twist with heart transplant^^
like your story and good luck for your exam
Update soon!!