Be my girlfriend

I Double Dare You
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A/N: Hi, thanks so much for the reviews last chapter. Here’s chapter 4 and I think I can finish this chapter here, and still complete in a good way.. Thank you everyone for reading, sticking with it, for the patience as I try to make sense of my hectic fic schedule and what not. Just wanted to thank all of you for reading and I appreciate the reviews as well.


Sponsor mentions: As always, thank you very much to my sponsors. I appreciate all of you so much: fabricsoftener, AvryGeist171, royalshipper2122, DTHDHR, Bernkaset, Casti1004, jasonds,  ZombieJuhyun, Rita_1211, 112714, Karasxo, falsuki, wittyadie95, Fantasiii, Km62201n, Eris78, captainsnsd, User_name1200, Androsssss, hiraiim-trash, theRequiem78, jyrus_21, Seosunny, cwright01, kingdomcomes, sleepyhead, Jewster88, InformedPuppy, Fladoodlem8, ericakate, Ody1204, dga214, pinkpinkypin, Seulgalaxy, Moonstunt, SleepyRu,  victoriatrrsx, Cheorrybat, Sarcasaticree, pokjl-123, Shouto818, PandaExpress69, j33200, shinneay, dmac20, Chan_94, Normallyotp, Tashphobic, NoJamDubu, kiyomamoo, justsomeanimelover, iamforeverlame, Mmm2392, Sapphicblink, CheezeeMyoui, aya_ah98, bangton, blazeaf, Supergirl, Lorna123, Revelsone, madam_mac, aya_ah98. Thank you so much for being sponsors. ^^


It was finally Friday, the day of her date with Seulgi, all Joohyun needed to do was get through school and a few hours of work for her father afterwards to make it. She could do it, as she had something to look forward to later. Had she not had anything to look forward to, Joohyun isn’t sure she would be able to stand school in particular today. The main hype surrounding her date with Seulgi has died down. There’s still the occasional whisper or murmur from people. Sometimes the people she turned down will look at her weirdly, but she’ll send them a quick glare or two, and that makes them go away. 


“Bae Joohyun!” Someone screams at the top of their lungs that it startles the poor business major so badly. What in the world is even happening? Joohyun turns around, although she is terrified to even do so, to see one of the boys who asked her out running toward her.


“Bae Joohyun!”


“W-What is it?” She kind of doesn’t even want to know. She wanted to go about her day normally. Joohyun doesn’t want to deal with any random weirdo.


“I know you have rejected my plea for your heart.”


“Say what now?” She frowns, and now other people are staring at the boy in particular as he is being a bit much. 


“But, say it isn’t so, you don’t really have a date with another, do you? Might I make another plea for your heart.”


“Um, is he reciting lines for like a play or something?” Someone asks, and Joohyun can only shake her head in dismay. This is ridiculous and way too unnecessary. She has a date tonight with the only person she likes romantically in this whole university, Joohyun has no time for this other foolishness.


“I’m sorry, but as you already know, as everyone here knows.” She addresses everyone in the hall, since apparently the entire school knows and it’s all anyone’s been talking about for the last few days, which makes no sense to Joohyun. Because why should random people be so invested in her personal life.


“I do have a date, and I will be going on said date, which means I don’t want to go on a date with someone else. Thank you, and have a good rest of your day.” Joohyun proceeds to shut the boy down and everyone looks on with wide-eyed looks before breaking out into applause, especially since the boy simply looks so defeated. Well, at least he should get the hint, as everyone should get the hint. Bae Joohyun has a date and it’s not with anyone who’s asked her out previously, and it won’t ever be according to the girl herself. Joohyun really hopes the rest of her day doesn’t continue on like that, otherwise she might just skip the school day entirely and go straight to her father’s office, because at this point, being at her father’s work is much better than school. Especially with everyone acting like complete crazy people. 


“I hope Seulgi is having a better day so far than I am.”


Seulgi wasn’t having the greatest start to her day. The monolid girl had been so anxious off and on for her date tonight that she ended up forgetting she had assignments due for class, forgot her wallet back at her dorm, so she had to go back to get that, ended up late to school, which all of that wasn’t even the worst of it. By the time Seulgi arrived to school some of the rejected boys that Joohyun let down were waiting for her, and trying to ask her for advice on how she got the Bae Joohyun to say yes, and they really wouldn’t quit asking. Some of them even had pencils and note paper to try and take notes, where Seulgi didn’t know if she should laugh at them or point out that either way Joohyun would still say no, even if she did have some advice, which she didn’t have anyway. They eventually did give up because they had to go to class. Today so far wasn’t the best of starts, but at least she had a date later on to look forward to.


She really is looking forward to tonight, possibly more than she has ever looked forward to anything in a long time. It took Seulgi almost the full day prior to calm down after Yongsun randomly mentioned Joohyun’s father, as if she needed that anxiety right now, but once she stopped thinking so much about something that didn’t seem all that likely to happen. The brown-haired girl was calm and all set for tonight. Joohyun said she would be ready around 6 : 30, and they would meet at her father’s office, to where they could get going from there. Seulgi had it in her head that all Joohyun needed to do was to have some fun. From what she can see, Joohyun doesn’t have a lot of time for herself to do anything fun, not with school, and the work she does for her dad too. Seulgi just hopes she’s making the right call with the plans she did end up making. Her friends have also been texting to find out about said plans too, and Seulgi isn’t about to tell them anything.


As much as she cares about and trusts her friends. Seulgi would rather not give them too many details either, as she simply has a bad feeling telling them too much is somehow going to be bad luck. If the art major can help it she’s not about to tell them anything, and hopes she won’t even run into the three of them today. However, these are her friends, and Seulgi knows it won’t be but so easy to avoid them, no matter how big the university is. The moment she leaves her second class, two familiar people reach out and grab her, one arm now being held by one of them, and she already knows who it is.


“Hello, Joy. Hello, Yerim.” She nods. “It is time for the usual grabbing me and taking me somewhere.”


“Hey, this is the only way you’ll talk to us.” The taller girl looks at her like she’s offended that Seulgi would even suggest this is a regular thing for the three of them.


“Seungwan is waiting for us with food, so at least there’s that.” Yerim tries to say, and Seulgi can’t deny that the idea of food sounds good right about now. She could use some sort of snack if she’s going to be stuck in an interrogation.


“Fine, but let’s try and make it fifteen minutes or less because I have an art club meeting.”


“It’s always art club with you.” The two younger girls shake their heads in disbelief, but still drag her to where Seungwan is indeed waiting with some food. Seulgi grabs the sandwich for later, since she is sure she’ll be starving at some point. Seulgi doesn’t even talk because she knows it’s coming. Someone is going to ask her sooner or later, so she’ll wait.


“Oh, hey, you really are working out.” Yerim can be heard grabbing Joy’s bicep again and that makes both Seulgi and Seungwan look at the two younger girls with wide eyes. What in the world is going on?


“Hey, later.” Joy turns a healthy shade of red, but doesn’t exactly push Yerim’s hand away from her.


“Um…” Seulgi begins.


“Are you two a thing or…” Seungwan starts.


“Hey!” The younger two complain together with bright red faces. “This isn’t about us, this is about Seulgi and Ms. Bae.”


“Ms. Bae?” Seulgi is confused and worried for more reasons than one. Seungwan chuckles nervously and tells her to ignore that. The last thing she wants to tell Seulgi is how they walked over to Joohyun the other day and possibly caused a major embarrassment for no reason. After all, what their friend doesn’t know won’t hurt her.


“Anyway, where are you taking her?” Joy asks first.


“Did you decide on a date, Seul?” Seungwan wonders.


“Does it involve stripping?” Yerim chimes in. 




The other three girls wait with bated breath as they want to know what it is. Ever since, Seulgi got the date with Joohyun in the first place they’ve all been super invested, as if it’s their own date. But they’re just being concerned friends who are worried about their best friend. They want for Seulgi to have a good date, hell they want her to end up with a girlfriend after this too.




“It’s none of your business.” Seulgi laughs at the shocked expressions on all their of their faces. They all can’t believe Seulgi did that to them. Did they just think they were worried and concerned friends? Perhaps they should reconsider that stance.




“It is to our business, had we not dared you, then you wouldn’t even have this date in the first place.” Seulgi is reminded by Joy that she was dared to ask. The monolid girl supposes Joy isn’t wrong. Still, she isn’t going to tell them anything, nothing important anyway.


“Fine, I’m going to take her to dinner and a boat ride,” she makes something up at random.


“Oh, how romantic.” Seungwan nods in approval. “It’s a lovely first date idea, don’t you think so, guys.” 


Joy and Yerim seem to be sharing a silent look that Seulgi knows means more than what it appears. The evil duo have some sort of weird, telepathy thing going on, Seulgi is sure of it.


“Boring and typical.” Joy nods.


“Very boring and typical, as expected of you, Seulgi.” Yerim agrees with the taller girl.


“Hey, that’s not nice, you two.” Seungwan looks at them with reprimanding looks. “Seul is only being sweet and thoughtful.”


“Boring, you mean.”


“Sweet and thoughtful!”


“Lame and boring!”


Seulgi looks as her friends are going back and forth. It’s her chance to get out of here as they fight about her fake plans. She needs to for her own sanity. The art major doesn’t even say anything, just grabs a bag of chips, and a soda as well before running off. Her friends might be the end of her at this rate.


“Imagine if they knew what my real plans were.” Seulgi lets out a sigh when she’s far away. Of course, her real plans are for Joohyun to know anyway. In a matter of hours she’ll be heading to meet her date, sometimes Seulgi still has to pinch herself. She has a date with Joohyun tonight, and can’t believe it. Seulgi in her excitement has to shout out she’s so happy.


“I have a date with Bae Joohyun today!”


“We know. We know!” The people around her eye her with looks that make her chuckle with embarrassment. She can’t believe she just did that. What is wrong with her, she apologizes quickly before walking off to her art club meeting. She hopes Joohyun is having a better day than she is.


In truth, Joohyun felt like ever since she shut down the annoying boy in front of so many people things were looking up. No one was bothering her anyway, which was great, since she was using her break time to study. Ever since, she came to the pond area with Seulgi that day the older girl has been coming here more, since it’s a perfect place to have some peace and quiet. She really must thank Seulgi again when she sees her later. She’s been able to think in peace without any interruptions. Sometimes, Joohyun kind of hopes she’ll run into Seulgi here, but it’s probably the sort of thing where they miss each other probably by a few hours or so, as they have different schedules. At least, Joohyun does have their phone conversations to look forward too. Since she was able to talk to the younger girl again yesterday, for what was another conversation that lasted for hours but felt so effortless. Joohyun really likes how they can talk easily to one another, something she is sure wouldn’t have happened had Seulgi not asked her out. The business major remembers one particular part of the conversation that was really fun, as she tried to get Seulgi to give her a hint about their date.




They’ve been on the phone for an hour now, Seulgi seemed a little nervous about something at first, and once the younger girl explained that Yongsun had spooked her a bit about her dad. Joohyun was sure to ease any fears, making sure she knew that she wouldn’t be meeting her father right this moment. Not unless Seulgi was to be her eventual girlfriend of course, something she lightly teased about. Joohyun really can’t help that now even she’s been considering the real possibility of Kang Seulgi being her actual girlfriend one day. 


“Are you sure I can’t get a hint about tomorrow?” Joohyun tries to see if Seulgi will tell her anything.


“No,” the younger girl chuckles. “It wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you.”


“Aw, but Seulgi, not even a little hint for me?”


Seulgi swallows nervously then, and thanks god Joohyun can’t see her blushing right now. 


“Well…” Seulgi starts. “You’ll find out tomorrow, I just want you to be surprised.”


“I can make you talk, Seulgi, I can be very convincing.”


The older girl doesn’t say it in any sort of threatening way. It sort of sounds, cute? If Seulgi were being honest. Of all the things she could have imagined about Joohyun, cute behavior hadn’t been one of them. Yet, she does find there’s more to Joohyun than meets the eye, and she can’t wait to find out more.


“Y-Yes, I’m sure, but you’ll find out tomorrow.”


“Well, alright then, tomorrow. I’ll be ready around 6 : 30. Please don’t forget.”




She didn’t find out anything, but Joohyun also finds she wants to be surprised. She for the most part only had school, extracurricular school activities, work, and the time she does spend with Yongsun and Wheein. Other than that there’s not a whole lot of time for fun, or she can’t really remember the last time she did something purely fun. It’s another reason why she hopes tonight will be fun. She could use a night where she’s just not thinking about school or work, nothing but having a nice night out for a change.


“At least, I’m almost finished with this part of the day.” She won’t have to be in school much longer. Meaning she is a bit closer to her date tonight. Ideally, she would have wanted to be at her apartment or meeting Seulgi somewhere else first, but since the monolid girl was nice enough to wait until she’s finished at her father’s office. She decided to just have a bag she could change into something date worthy. Yongsun and Wheein of course had tons of input there.


“You want to dress nicely, but not too nicely.” Wheein teased. “I mean you don’t want her thinking you’re going a low key or something, I mean unless that’s what you want.”


“No, ignore her.” Yongsun’s words are also in mind too. “Wear something like a cute turtleneck and some skinny jeans, it’ll be late, you might be cold.”


Joohyun had certainly gone with Yongsun’s advice, although she was positive that Wheein was simply messing with her. She also has no idea where she’s going so, jeans and a nice turtleneck seemed like a practical but cute idea if any. The alarm on her phone rings to remind her that her break is over and she needs to head to her last class of the day. Joohyun is so close to being out of here it’s not funny.


“Almost out of here.”


She just needs to make it through her final class, she’s made it this far, Joohyun is sure she can get through the last one. All the major craziness seems to have died down. The raven is just about to make it to her final class of the day when her phone pings with a text notification.


“If this is either Yongsun or Wheein with more suggestions, I’m not even going to…” 


Joohyun doesn’t finish that thought since it’s not from either of her friends.

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Chapter 4: The coolest and funniest thing I've ever read
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
Chapter 4: she's Bae irene after all ❤
Yoonchoding07 #3
Chapter 4: this was so sweet
Chapter 4: They're so cute 🥺
Have time to read this today hoho
159 streak #6
Chapter 4: I loved this one, well I actually love everything from you hehe
Chapter 4: CUTEEEEE
Re-reading this! ❤
Chapter 4: Wow ❤️
Chapter 4: Wow ❤️