Okay, now what?

I Double Dare You
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A/N: Hi all, so it’s been a while, but this is also another old fic on my list, and here I am going to do my best to finish it, I hope to. Seulgi asked Joohyun out on a date to the surprise of everyone she did say yes. Now, we join Seulgi who may or may not be panicking on where to take Joohyun. 


Sponsor mentions: As always, thank you very much to my sponsors. I appreciate all of you so much: fabricsoftener, AvryGeist171, royalshipper2122, DTHDHR, Bernkaset, Casti1004, jasonds,  ZombieJuhyun, Rita_1211, Karasxo, falsuki, wittyadie95, Fantasiii, Km62201n, Eris78, captainsnsd, User_name1200, Androsssss, hiraiim-trash, theRequiem78, jyrus_21, Seosunny, cwright01, kingdomcomes, sleepyhead, Jewster88, InformedPuppy, iamforeverlame, Fladoodlem8, ericakate, Ody1204, dga214, pinkpinkypin, Seulgalaxy, Moonstunt, SleepyRu,  victoriatrrsx, Cheorrybat, Sarcasaticree, pokjl-123, Shouto818, Revelsone, PandaExpress69, argonots, j33200, shinneay, dmac20, Normallyotp, Tashphobic, NoJamDubu, Chan_94, and kiyomamoo. Thank you so much for being sponsors. ^^


To say Kang Seulgi was having a bit of an internal meltdown was an understatement. The monolid girl was way passed freaking out about the events that happened earlier in the day. For one, she couldn’t believe she was dared to ask out the most beautiful girl on campus. But also, survive asking her out, where so many others had failed before her. Not only did Seulgi survive, if that wasn’t the most shocking of events, she has Bae Joohyun’s number and Joohyun said yes. If none of this happened to her, Seulgi wouldn’t have believed it.


“How did I manage to ask Bae Joohyun out and how did she say yes?”


Seulgi doesn’t think she’ll understand what happened for the life of her, not even if she lives for the next 60 years, will she understand, because whenever Joohyun gets asked out she always says no. The art major is currently in her dorm, finished with her classes for the day, and trying to pull herself together. She’s going to need to and soon because she still has no idea where to take Joohyun. Seulgi really should have planned this whole thing out better. But just because she has no idea, doesn’t mean her friends have no suggestions since her phone has been blowing up with messages left and right. She received the typical suggestions from Seungwan and the more outrageous from Joy and Yerim, which wasn’t surprising.


BffWannie: You can always go to dinner, Seul. It’s a practical first date.


EvilChild1: Oh, take Joohyun to a bar, Seulgi! Nothing is better than getting drinks, it’ll loosen you both up, and maybe who knows what else will get loose.


Joy puts a suggestive wink emoji after that has Seulgi shaking her head. She doesn’t know why she would expect anything else from Joy. Yerim isn’t any better with her suggestion.


EvilChild2: How about a strip club, but you strip for her as a surprise? Or is that too soon? Strip laser tag!


“What?” Seulgi mouths in disbelief. She simply puts her phone down, because it’s not helping. She’ll have to think of something and soon since Joohyun did agree to go out. 


“I better think of something and soon.” Since Friday will be here before Seulgi knows it, and she can’t call Joohyun to tell her she has no idea where she’s taking her. The girl is only her crush and object of her affections, she can’t be lame now after actually scoring a date with her. Seulgi’s going to need a miracle and quickly.


One person, who wasn’t too concerned with where she would be going, but the fact that the only person she actually does have a romantic interest in has asked her out, is Bae Joohyun. The business major went about her day feeling good. Joohyun hasn’t felt quite this good in awhile, and that’s all because Kang Seulgi walked over to her and asked her out. Joohyun would not have believed it herself, had she not seen it with her own eyes. But, truly when Seulgi started walking over to her she didn’t know what to expect. She was pleasantly surprised when it was to be asked out, since Seulgi is the only person on campus she’s actually interested in. 


Joohyun doesn’t think she’ll ever forget how adorable Seulgi was either, not when she asked, and certainly not the reaction when Joohyun agreed. The older girl can’t say she blames Seulgi for being so surprised, as it’s no secret that she always turns everyone down when they ask her out. However, if there was any person the older girl would have wanted to ask her it was Kang Seulgi, and now that it’s happened. Joohyun can’t help that she’s excited about it. She looks forward to getting a call from Seulgi and more importantly she can’t wait to spend time with her, alone. The business major has admired her from afar for a while, and so it will be nice to spend time getting to know Kang Seulgi on a personal level.


“Clearly she feels the same if she asked you out, Hyun.” Joohyun thinks to herself. She doesn’t have much time to think of her excitement when her phone is ringing. The raven-haired girl looks to see it’s Yongsun calling her, which doesn’t surprise her. Naturally, her friend is still in shock after the earlier events. Not that Joohyun blames her for being shocked, since Yongsun has never seen her say yes to anyone for as long as she has known her. 


“Hello? Joohyun answers the phone and has to pull it away from her ears because of the loud scream from Yongsun on the other end. 


“Bae Joohyun!” Her friend shouts at her in a mix of shock and surprise. Joohyun is almost afraid to put the phone back to her ear, she does value her eardrums after all. 


“If you’re going to scream at me the whole time, I’m putting this phone on speaker.”


Yongsun laughs in apology. She hadn’t meant to shout that loudly, but how can she not be still shook over the events that happened earlier. Both herself and Wheein could barely believe what they had seen, and had they not been sitting there when it happened, both would have thought they were in a dream. Wheein had been so shocked by what she saw she had to run tell her best friend Hyejin right away, since it was such a huge news. Campus goddess Bae Joohyun was asked out and said yes, how could it not soon spread all over the place? Everyone will be shocked when they learn that Joohyun did finally say yes to a date, but first things first. Yongsun needs to talk to Joohyun since it’s very clear her friend must like Seulgi, otherwise, why would she agree to go out with the art major?


“I’m sorry, Hyun. But I’m still in shock, you never say yes to anyone, ever. Imagine all the broken-hearted people when they find out that you are actually interested in someone.”


Joohyun makes a face at that. She truly doesn’t care about the so-called broken-hearted people who will be disappointed by this. They were already told no in the most polite ways possible, and if they couldn’t understand that, it’s no longer Joohyun’s problem. She is more focused on the fact that Seulgi asked her out, since it’s more relevant.


“You’re being dramatic, Yong.”


“Yeah, right.” Yongsun laughs. “People are going to be devastated by this news, I’m sure. Oh, well, that doesn’t really matter, since you failed to tell me that it’s Kang Seulgi that you like.”


Joohyun goes silent on the phone. It’s not like she can possibly deny it or anything at this point. She did agree to go out with Seulgi on a date, and you don’t do that for no reason.


“Well…” Joohyun begins. “You did ask me if I liked one of them.” She brings up the earlier conversation where Yongsun mentioned if she had liked one of the four younger girls at the table, and plus she had just agreed to Seulgi’s date. It doesn’t take a genius to see that Joohyun probably likes Seulgi.


“I knew it!” Yongsun says victoriously. “Wheein owes me 100 dollars.”



“Nothing, never mind.” She laughs again. “Anyway, I think it’s cute that you finally like someone, Hyun. Plus, Seulgi is adorable too, and I can’t wait to hear all the details about your date this Friday, maybe she’ll be your girlfriend after this.”


Joohyun thinks Yongsun is getting ahead of herself when she mentions the possibility of Seulgi being her girlfriend. They need to go on a date first and see if there’s possibly anything more that could lead to them dating. 


“Let me at least go on a date with her first before you start saying she’s going to be my girlfriend.”


“Hey, she might be. I saw how you looked when she asked you out, and let me tell you, Bae Joohyun, you’ve never looked at anyone like that, ever. Kang Seulgi must be your girlfriend at some point.”

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Chapter 4: The coolest and funniest thing I've ever read
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
Chapter 4: she's Bae irene after all ❤
Yoonchoding07 #3
Chapter 4: this was so sweet
Chapter 4: They're so cute 🥺
Have time to read this today hoho
159 streak #6
Chapter 4: I loved this one, well I actually love everything from you hehe
Chapter 4: CUTEEEEE
Re-reading this! ❤
Chapter 4: Wow ❤️
Chapter 4: Wow ❤️