Friends shouldn't help

I Double Dare You
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A/N: Hi all, thank you for the reviews last chapter, I know it’s a very old fic, and so I was surprised that you all wanted to read it still, that was nice to see. I’m still going to do my best to complete this and do so on a good note, I will do my best :) Thank you all.


Sponsor Mentions: As always, thank you very much to my sponsors. I appreciate all of you so much: fabricsoftener, AvryGeist171, royalshipper2122, DTHDHR, Bernkaset, Casti1004, jasonds,  ZombieJuhyun, Rita_1211, 112714, Karasxo, falsuki, wittyadie95, Fantasiii, Km62201n, Eris78, captainsnsd, User_name1200, Androsssss, hiraiim-trash, theRequiem78, jyrus_21, Seosunny, cwright01, kingdomcomes, sleepyhead, Jewster88, InformedPuppy, Fladoodlem8, ericakate, Ody1204, dga214, pinkpinkypin, Seulgalaxy, Moonstunt, SleepyRu,  victoriatrrsx, Cheorrybat, Sarcasaticree, pokjl-123, Shouto818, PandaExpress69, j33200, shinneay, dmac20, Chan_94, Normallyotp, Tashphobic, NoJamDubu, kiyomamoo, justsomeanimelover, iamforeverlame, Mmm2392,. Thank you so much for being sponsors. ^^


Kang Seulgi decided that she needed some real advice. She needed advice from an older friend, not to say that Joy, Yerim, and Seungwan weren’t being helpful in their own ways, because they were. The monolid girl just felt it was time she asked for the help of someone with experience, someone who already had a girlfriend of their own. She was quickly running out of time before Friday, and still she has no idea where to take Bae Joohyun on a date. It’s why the first chance the art major got she asked to meet with Byulyi. She’s one of her closest older friends who should be able to give her some sound advice, no? At least that was the hope anyway.


“So, can you help me?” Seulgi asks after she finished explaining the situation to Byulyi. The dark-haired soccer star sat across from her in silence the whole time as she listened to her younger friend quickly explain to her the situation. Poor Seulgi was panicking so badly through most of it, that all Byulyi could get was bits and pieces, but they sounded like the most important pieces of information.


“You weren’t expecting for Bae Joohyun to say yes to a date with you, and now you need help figuring out where to take her, is that right?”




It’s exactly that. No one else has been able to offer her any useful advice and she needs to think of a good first date. She is hoping to leave a great first impression on Bae Joohyun, simply because she is Joohyun. This is the most beautiful and wanted girl in the entire campus. The one person who has never said yes to anyone, ever. The pressure is on to impress her. The last thing Seulgi needs is Joohyun being so horrified and disappointed that she tells everyone she’s the worst date in the history of dates, not that Joohyun seems the type to do such a thing.


“Well,” Byulyi looks thoughtful.


“Yes, yes…” The brunette waits for what could indeed be wise and sage advice. 


“You can always run away now, Kang Seul.” She answers. “It’s not too late to save yourself the embarrassment and leave school forever.”


“What!” Seulgi reacts after a long moment of silence. Is the soccer star serious right now? What in the world sort of advice is that? Seulgi fears she might be better off listening to Joy and Yerim. Because, even if they are evil kids, they are doing their best to give her actual advice.


“I’m kidding.” Her friend assures. “Wheein already told me about what happened, how you asked Joohyun out and she said yes. People are still talking about it, apparently.”


The art major sighs. People are still talking about it, which blows Seulgi’s mind. It’s like they have nothing else better to do than talk about herself and Joohyun. She understood the first day and everyone being in shock. It’s now another day and people still won’t move on, don’t they have classes, jobs, or anything else they can be doing.


“Yeah, they are. But, really what should I do?”


“You know, Seul. I don’t think you should be stressing out too much. Joohyun clearly said yes because she likes you, you don’t have to go overboard. Sometimes, it’s the simplest things that matter so much.”


“The simplest things.”


Seulgi knew she should have just come to Byulyi in the first place, because she got more out of her advice than anyone else so far. She really shouldn’t be stressing out over this date. The most important thing is to have a nice time. Joohyun did say yes and that’s also what matters. Seulgi reaches over and hugs the older girl in thanks.


“Thanks, Byulyi. Wheein was wrong, she said you wouldn’t be able to help me at all.”


“What, she said that?” 


“Haha,” Seulgi laughs at the slight frown on Byulyi’s face. “I’m sure she was just messing around, you know how girlfriend’s are.”


“Yeah, sure. Anyway, promise me you will take it easy and try to have a good time on your date?”


“I will, thank you. I better get going or I’ll be late for class.”


“See you, Seul.”


Seulgi thinks she really has been over analyzing this entire thing. She should just do something nice but simple, and most importantly fun. She has an idea now what to do and it’s a good thing she has some time before Friday evening.


“Okay, Seul, perhaps it’s not hopeless after all.”


As Seulgi makes it to class, three others who should be in class are currently trying to help their best friend out. Seungwan, Joy, and Yerim can see Bae Joohyun sitting at the picnic table, only she’s without Yongsun an Wheein this time around. The three decided they would bravely go over there and talk to her, on Seulgi’s behalf. Or rather, Joy and Yerim decided they would and Seungwan only came along to keep them out of trouble, or try her best.


“You go, Yerimie.” Joy pushes the shorter girl forward. “I’m scared of her.”

“And do you think I’m not!” Yerim pushes Joy back. “It was your idea to go talk to Bae Joohyun, I wanted to go to class.”


The taller girl laughs and shakes her head. “Oh, yeah right. You agreed with me that we should talk to her on Seulgi’s behalf. Now go over there, I don’t want her to kill me.”


“No, you go! I don’t want her killing me either, oh…” She looks at Joy with a smile and Joy immediately gets it.


“Seungwan, you go!” They push the older girl forward, who nearly chokes on air she is so stunned. She isn’t going to be any sacrifice, thank you very much. She was only here to help keep the peace.


“Hey, when did this become about me! Why can’t you two go, she scares me as well.”


“We’re too pretty to die!” They complain and start pushing her forward, which isn’t all that fair since she doesn’t have anyone helping her. Pretty soon, it becomes a match of the three girls pushing each other forward.


“You go!”


“No, you!”


“You go, old woman!”


“Who are you calling old!”


Bae Joohyun closes her book in frustration as she can hear the loud and obnoxious commotion from Seulgi’s friends. She sighs before speaking.


“Either one of you come over here or none of you, but make a decision soon because I was trying to studying.”


Her voice, although not coming out in a loud tone, is soft in nature but also quite authoritative that it makes all three girls stand in attention. They are all scared of Bae Joohyun. The quiet and mysterious older girl who always looks disinterested with everyone and everything, well except for when it comes to Seulgi. They all witnessed with their own eyes how she looked interested when Seulgi asked her out.


“Uh…” Seungwan’s mind goes blank.


“Well…” Yerim also has no words.


“Okay, we’ll come over there, but don’t hurt us!” Joy says with a nervous chuckle that has both Yerim and Seungwan facepalming at the taller girl. They should simply leave her here, only Joy grabs them both by one of their arms and drag them toward the table where Joohyun is sitting.


“Damn, so strong. Have you been working out?” Yerim asks and actually starts feeling her bicep right there. Joohyun looks at them with the most unamused look in the history of unamused looks. 


“Hey, me later,” Joy complains with a red-face and pushes Yerim’s hand away from her arm. “We need to talk to you, uh, Ms. Bae Joohyun.”


“Ms. Bae Joohyun.” Joohyun thinks with alarm. What is wrong with these three to address her with Ms, like she’s a professor or something. Still, they are here so she supposes she will hear what they have to say. This should be interesting if nothing else.


“Ignore her, she’s just being silly.” Seungwan says nervously. “We do want to talk to you, Ms. Bae, ma’am.”


Both Joy and Yerim facepalm at that, and Joohyun looks like she will get up and leave in a moment.


“Wait, ignore her.” Yerim smiles. “We do need to talk to you, it’s about our friend, Seulgi, you know, the one who asked you out the other day.”


“Yes,” Joohyun nods. “I do remember because I was there.” She answers it what could be considered a joking tone of voice, and they don’t know if they respect her for it, or are more scared.


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Chapter 4: The coolest and funniest thing I've ever read
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
Chapter 4: she's Bae irene after all ❤
Yoonchoding07 #3
Chapter 4: this was so sweet
Chapter 4: They're so cute 🥺
Have time to read this today hoho
153 streak #6
Chapter 4: I loved this one, well I actually love everything from you hehe
Chapter 4: CUTEEEEE
Re-reading this! ❤
Chapter 4: Wow ❤️
Chapter 4: Wow ❤️