Hopefully (Taeyeon, Tiffany)

WTHI Extras

A/N: I actually wrote this scene alongside the first half of TMoMM. I considered incorporating it into the fic, but that didn't work out. Nevertheless, I quite like how it turned out and didn't just want it to go to waste.

Taeyeon takes a breath. “I wanted to talk to you for a moment.”

Tiffany’s expression is inscrutable. The first time that Taeyeon had been properly introduced to her, she had been dressed like a normal student in a t-shirt and jeans, her face bare and open. Now, she’s in her stage outfit: a sparkly metallic jacket over a white crop top, short shorts, thigh-high boots and full makeup. She looks beautiful but also unapproachable, like a figure to be admired from billboards and magazine covers, not a person to talk to, to befriend, to know. Taeyeon can’t help but wonder if Jessica ever sees Tiffany like this and how she feels.

“If that’s okay,” Taeyeon adds hesitantly.

“It’s fine,” Tiffany says. “Let me just go tell my manager.”

Taeyeon nods and takes out her phone. No new messages. Tiffany returns quicker than Taeyeon expected her to, her hair down and her boots exchanged for a pair of ballet flats. It’s not a big difference but it makes her look just slightly softer, more…human.

“Come with me,” Tiffany says. “Let’s talk backstage.”

Taeyeon absently thinks that there must be fans in the audience who would cry with envy at the opportunity she’s getting, but all she can focus on is how to not completely screw up this conversation.

“You’re probably going to show up on the Internet later,” Tiffany says apologetically. “There were a number of fans taking pictures of us just now.”

“It’s fine,” Taeyeon says. This is only a little of what Jessica has been put through, but barely a fraction of what Tiffany has to face every day. “That was an impressive show,” she offers, awkward but sincere. “You were really good.”

“Thank you,” Tiffany says, like a mechanized response but somehow genuine despite that. “Jessica tells me you have quite the voice yourself.”

“Ah, she’s exaggerating. I don’t even sing as well as her.”

“Yes, she’s a great singer.” Tiffany’s expression goes distant, wistful, like she’s thinking of some happy memory she wants to return to. “I wish we could have some kind of collaboration together. But even if that were possible, I don’t think she’d want to. I don’t think she’d want this kind of life.”

There’s such a soft sadness in her voice that Taeyeon feels uncomfortable just listening to her. It almost feels like Tiffany’s talking not to Taeyeon but to herself, like Taeyeon’s an eavesdropper in her stream of consciousness.

“Do you?” Taeyeon blurts out.

Tiffany’s eyes come back into focus, and she trains them on Taeyeon, who has to fight to maintain eye contact. Tiffany’s gaze is so…intense that it’s rather hard to meet head on. She smiles, and it’s nothing like the one that the nation is in love with. Just like her voice, it’s soft. Sad. “I chose this life, didn’t I?”

“Sometimes we don’t know what the choices we make really entail when we make them.”

“That’s true,” Tiffany says quietly. “That’s very true.”

“I didn’t mean—” Taeyeon clears . “I didn’t mean that’s how it is for you and Jessica.”

Tiffany says nothing. At least, not out loud. Her eyes are swimming with words that Taeyeon can’t bring herself to try and decipher.

“Actually, that’s why I wanted to talk to you.” Taeyeon steels herself. “About Jessica, I mean.”

“I figured,” Tiffany says, with a smile that’s more like a grimace. “You’re very dedicated, coming to a festival just to find an opportunity to talk to me.”

“Well, I mean, I like your music too. It’s not like it’s a chore to watch you.” There’s a reason why Tiffany is the most popular idol in the country. It’s not the same reason Jessica is with her, and Taeyeon can’t help but feel like the idol in front of her isn’t the same person as the girl who had tried to help Yuri cook only to set off the smoke alarm and make Jessica collapse in laughter. “Watch you perform,” Taeyeon tacks on hastily, not wanting Tiffany to get the wrong idea.

“It’s not a chore to watch me perform,” Tiffany echoes. “I can’t remember the last time I got such a big compliment.”

Taeyeon flushes. “I didn’t mean—”

“No, that was very genuine. I like it. I don’t get to hear things like that often.”

“Jessica must tell you lots of things like that,” Taeyeon says without thinking.

“She does.” That wistful look comes back into Tiffany’s face. “Or she did, anyway.”

Taeyeon watches her carefully. “Are you two not…a thing anymore?”

“A thing,” Tiffany says thoughtfully. “It depends on what that thing is, I suppose.”

Taeyeon remembers Stephanie being open, earnest, laughing at Jessica’s bad jokes while elbowing her for them, talking about pizza and spaghetti with lit up eyes, singing a segment of her new song for them shyly. That’s nothing like the person in front of her, like Tiffany, with her shuttered eyes and elusive statements. She wonders if this is how Jessica feels and why it pains her so much to be with Ste—Tif—her.

“Did Jessica say we’re not ‘a thing’ anymore?” Tiffany asks, staring at Taeyeon like everything hinges upon her answer. Her gaze is more intense than ever, like she’s trying to pull the truth out of Taeyeon with sheer force of will.

“Uh, no she didn’t. She didn’t really say…anything…” Taeyeon trails off, as Tiffany closes her eyes and sinks back in her seat, like all the air has been let out of her.

Tiffany doesn’t open her eyes or sit up. She looks smaller like this. Tired. Defeated. “What do you want to hear from me then?”

“Do you love her?” Taeyeon doesn’t mean to ask the question, but it spills past her lips like Tiffany had tugged it out of her.

“Do I love her.” Tiffany repeats the words like she’s testing them on her tongue. “Don’t you think she should be the one to ask me that?”

“I mean, I’m sure she wants to.”

“You love her, don’t you,” Tiffany says, and Taeyeon is already spluttering, “What? I just—” when she adds, “Like a friend. Or a sister.” She smiles at Taeyeon’s expression, even chuckles a little. “Sorry, I didn’t mean it to come out like that.”

Taeyeon makes a gagging sound. “My lunch just threatened to make a comeback.”

“Oh, how are its promotions going?”

Taeyeon can’t help a laugh at that. “Better than my breakfast’s, but not as good as dinner’s. What can I say, I’m a dinner stan.”

Tiffany grins. “I’m trash for late night snacks.”

“Okay, I think we all are,” Taeyeon says, thinking back to all the various ramen concoctions she’s made over the years. “What do you eat though, like lettuce?”

“Sometimes,” Tiffany says, sounding completely serious. “Sometimes I’ll make lettuce wraps with leftover kimbap filling. It’s better than eating actual kimbap.”

“Better?” Taeyeon can’t imagine lettuce being better than rice and laver.

“Healthier,” Tiffany corrects. “Less fattening.”

Taeyeon looks at her critically. “You look like you could use some fattening up.”

Tiffany gives a tired laugh. “That’s not what my company says.”

“Your company sounds stupid.”

“They are, but don’t let them hear me say that.”

“I won’t tell,” Taeyeon says solemnly.

“Thank you, that’s very kind of you,” Tiffany says, and Taeyeon can’t help a smile. Tiffany is actually pretty fun to talk to once she loosens up a bit. “I should be getting back. My manager probably just sprouted a few grey hairs with me gone so long, or at least that’s what he’s going to claim. You would think I’m the reason for every single one of his grey hairs.”

“You should tell him that he also gives you grey hairs,” Taeyeon says. “Not that I’m saying you have any.”

Tiffany chuckles. “I probably do but it’s covered under the hair dye. My sister always tells me I should eat more black sesame to keep my hair healthy.”

“And do you?”

“I consider it a victory to be able to eat two meals a day,” Tiffany says, as she starts to walk back. Taeyeon hurries after her. Tiffany is only a little taller than her, but walks so quickly it’s like she has Sooyoung length legs. “I’m not Juhyun, I can’t really bother to eat healthy.”

“Oh right, you’re good friends with Seohyun, right? I heard she was supposed to be in this festival too but she pulled out.”

“Yeah, she had a scheduling conflict. It’s too bad. I’m sure she would have wanted to meet you.”

“Meet me?” Taeyeon asks in surprise.

“Well, she’s wanted to meet Jessica for ages, and at this point, she isn’t going to get closer to that than meeting Jessica’s friends.”

“So she knows?” Taeyeon says carefully. “You’ve told her?”

“About Jessica? Yes, she knows. She’s one of my closest friends.”

Taeyeon bets that Jessica would love to meet Tiffany’s friends, to be introduced to them as Tiffany’s girlfriend. After all, that’s how Jessica introduced Tiffany to Taeyeon, Sooyoung and Yuri. Jessica’s friends know Tiffany, have eaten and joked and laughed with Tiffany, while Jessica’s never even met any of Tiffany’s friends. The inequality of it all must hurt.



“Thanks for coming to see me.” Tiffany gives a small, close-mouthed smile. “For looking out for Jessica. She’s lucky to have you as a best friend.”

“Oh, well.” Taeyeon scratches the back of her head. “I’m just doing what friends should do. Thanks for, you know, not kicking me out and sacrificing your manager’s black hairs to talk to me.”

Tiffany laughs, and Taeyeon can just imagine the camera flashes going off. Wait, she doesn’t need to because actual ones are going off around them. Great. She can just imagine herself showing up in pictures with Tiffany. She wonders if Jessica will see them.

“Please, take care of Jessica.” Tiffany’s expression is very sombre. “I mean, I’m sure you are already, but. Please.”

“Okay,” Taeyeon says slowly. “I will.” She hesitates. “Do you want me to tell her anything else?”

“I—” Tiffany looks like she has a whole list of things she wants to tell Jessica, but in the end she just shakes her head. “Anything that I could say she already knows. Or at least I hope she does.”

“You, uh, take care of yourself too,” Taeyeon says awkwardly. “Treat yourself to actual kimbap once in a while.”

“I will,” Tiffany says with a startled laugh. “I’ll…see you around, Taeyeon. Hopefully.”

“Right,” Taeyeon says. “Hopefully.”

Tiffany walks away, and Taeyeon can see her manager already making a lecturing motion and pointing to his temple, and despite herself, Taeyeon smiles.

A/N: I actually wrote this scene alongside the first half of TMoMM. I considered incorporating it in/to the fic, but that didn't work out. Nevertheless, I quite like how it turned out and didn't just want it to go to waste.

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Soneisa #1
Chapter 5: That’s beautifully written
Soneisa #2
Chapter 4: I’m hoping for YoonHyun but this is surprisingly good
Soneisa #3
Chapter 2: Why am I hoping that Taeyeon has hidden feelings for Jessica despite finishing both stories
anightangel #4
Chapter 4: Oh geez... yoonyul is next!! This is a good series!
Chapter 5: This is too cute it would ba a crime not to comment on T_T. Your words just make my heart so fuzzy
Chapter 4: WELL THIS HEART JUST EXPLODED WITH FEELS. Sparksfly, I thank your parents for bringing you into the world. Wait that sounds so wrong but you know, I’m really glad I stumbled upon you and your magnificent works :D
Chapter 4: OMG THIS JUST MADE MY YOONYUL HEART SO HAPPY I HAVENT EVEN READ IT YET HAHAHA. Omg omg omg I need to read this. Why did I just found this now huhu. Thank you so much you really really are amazing!
Chapter 5: *banshee wails at the wenrene content like the trash i am*
aydwgashwhfejdjewj no it really ended nooooooooo when i read the last line, the tears just pooled T_T i don't wanna let go of this AU too!!!!
Chapter 3: tiffany in pain......is the best kind of hurt T_T and i definitely agree with tiff being SO hard to write a POV for. tiff the enigma, i s2g lol

i'm in with the locking them in the closet together thing omg 7 minutes in heaven. XD
Chapter 5: This is so good... You never failed to amaze me with ur story buddy... I love it so much .... :))