Bae joohyun

Do you feel it too?

"Hi im park bogum!  Nice to meet you"

Its a new student. He seems nice. And cute. Pretty cute actually. But she doesn't have interest in that boy. Her mind always come back to a certain brunette. How her monolid-eye looks so sparkling, how her lips make a curve and smile warmly and makes Irene nearly blind. How her personality makes Irene wants to get to know her

How everything about kang seulgi, makes Irene feels many kind of different things. Forget the butterflies, she feel a whole zoo in her stomach when seulgi gets near her. It feels like, she suddenly got a heart attack. She just really like that dork. How can everyone gets scared by her? When she's so slow like that. Maybe Irene should start call seulgi by slowgi, it would make sense. 

Irene laugh inside her mind when she thinks about that. All of the student are still surrounding that bogum boy. She doesn't even care, all she sees right now is kang seulgi, in the yard, running. Irene look from the window, it looks like seulgi's class is P.E. 

Wow look at that toned arm!  Wow irene gawking at the look of seulgi. Because she look smoking hot. 

Damn. Now irene falling for sure. Irene always like the way seulgi treated her. It's so gentle. All the flowers, all the poems, all the songs, all the chats, irene feel like she's on cloud 9.


It's lunch, and like always, solar, jisoo, jennie, and of course irene, eating while laughing. They are now closer and they always hanging out together. 

Irene than excuse herself. She wants to go to the bathroom. When suddenly, someone appear in front of her. "H-hello, my name is.. Bogum. We-we're classmates right?" "Uh huh" bogum fidgeting. 

"M-may I know your name?" "Irene." 

"M-may I ask your number?"

"Okay that's enough. You, kiddo, get lost" suddenly seulgi appear behind irene, then put her hand on Irene's shoulder, side hugging her. She's glaring at bogum, while bogum can't help himself shivering. 

Bogum got intimidated, by a girl, who's shorter than him just a few centimetre, with death glare, and fierce look. Irene think bogum never been so scared until now. The power of kang seulgi. 

"This, is my girl. She's mine. Understand? Nobody can hit on her. You dare to touch her, I'll break your neck" seulgi said with the deadliest stare. 

When everybody thinks it's scary, I think it's hot. Seulgi is so hot. Damn. 

"And you bae, come with me"

Seulgi drag me out of nowhere, I still busy with my own thought, not realizing the hand that hold hers. 

It fits perfectly. How their hands fits perfectly, and how big seulgi's hand is, yet so soft and warm. 

It makes her feel secure, and warm on the inside. 

She feels those things again, the whole zoo inside her stomach, her cheeks feel burned, her hands clammy, her heartbeat raising. 

"So.. Where are you dragging me?"

"I'm gonna take you out" okay.. That's sounds like she's asking me for a date lol

"Hey, irene. Are you an alien?" I'm 100% a human, why she's asking me that?  Is she drunk? What happening? 

"Uh.. No of course not. I'm 100% human seulgi"

"Are you sure? Because your beauty is out of this world" seulgi said while smirking, and I just stand there, not knowing what happening. 

"From now on, you are my bae, no one can touch you, you're perfectly under my protection. And.. After all of this, I want to be honest with you. Actually,... I'm an agent, my final mission is to end my father's business. After this mission end, I want to take you out, on a date.I promise it's gonna be a good date, and-" 

"Finally you say it. I know from the start, seulgi. I know from the start, that you are an agent. Because, I'm the daughter of bae taeyeon. You don't expect that right? I'm just playing around. And, alright. You have to end that mission fast because I can't wait anymore."

"....YOU'RE WHAT!?  SO AFTER ALL OF THIS!?  WAIT DONT TELL ME SOLAR IS-" "no, solar are just an ordinary girl."

"Oof God thank you" 

"But, you're not an agent right?"

"No seulgi. I'm not an agent, but I'm trained like one. So... If you need a partner, I'll be gladly to be your partner"

"Are you serious?  Oh my God I can't believe it."

"Me too. "

"So... Irene.. Uhhh.. I know it's not a good time.. But.. Do.. You wanna be.. Ugh my girlfriend? " seulgi said with a hopeful look, and I can't reject it right? 

"Sure, I'll be gladly to" irene smiles warmly, then pull seulgi, and they kiss. A tender kiss. How gentle of you, seulgi. 

They pull out from the kiss, but not too far, until their nose touched. "I love you, irene"

"I love you too but please call me joohyun"

"Alright, hyun" seulgi smiles and they kiss again. 

What a lovely couple, right?


Finally, seulgi finished her mission, get to college with joohyun, lived together, and lived happily ever after too. 

"I love you so much, kang." Irene said while cuddling with seulgi. "I love you too, kang the second" irene laugh at how seulgi said her last name. Yeah, now she is a kang, not a bae anymore. 

They kissed, and then jumps off the helicopter to do their mission. Now they are partner, for life and for missions. 



a/n: I don't know why it ended up like this but anyway maybe there's some mistake but I will repair it tomorrow. Anyway they are married and partner with each other. Anyway, thank you again and love y'all, sorry if this story is kind of.. Ugly?  And weird?  That's just how I am. And thank you, I just can't write story that good, I still need to learn. This story is so In rush. I know that I'm sorry, but thank you again and again who read this story. Byee~~

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A short update! Sorry been busy with exams anyway love yall


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Dari Indonesia ya, kak?
cjmoo_ #2
Chapter 6: The ending was a little rushed to me but aww they got together~ Enjoyed reading this! :)
cjmoo_ #3
Chapter 5: Chokes at the 'Not in front of my salad' line
chunchon #4
Chapter 1: Uhm dear nathan??
LeeKkura_SinRin143 #5
Chapter 6: This***
LeeKkura_SinRin143 #6
Chapter 6: The is cute!
569 streak #7
Chapter 6: Too short
jasonds #8
Chapter 6: i love ur story but maybe for last chapter the ending is to short hahahaha