Sunrise and sunset


Irene the delinquent student who is a Queen bee at school. She loves to bullied other students, make them do her homework or just make them cry. 

Irene is always like that, until one day she falls in love with the students saviour, the one who always help the other student who got bullied by Irene 

And that someone is none other than the only kang seulgi. 


"Why do you always to bully people huh? Is that make you feel superior?!" Kang seulgi yells at the girl who is currently standing with her arm crossed, looking at her with such hatred

"Is that important to you? You don't even know me. Oh, unless you're in love with me? That's why you always look after me huh?" Irene, still crossing her arms, now smirking at seulgi who's now standing facing her

"What? Me? In love with you? You have to be kidding me. I prefer to be in love with that dying tree over there than you." 

"Ooh let's just see kang seulgi" irene then leave seulgi standing alone wondering what does irene even mean? 


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shinchan222 #1
The plot is very interesting. Very excited for the next update. Hope u will update soon.