
Do you feel it too?


Seulgi do her mission that night. This mission is tough, even for herself. She team up with jensoo, because admit it seulgi, you're single. You doesn't have a partner because you said you don't need one. And look now who's need help because she is like that. She is a person like that. 

Well, even though jensoo are in hiatus, they will never let seulgi down. They always willing to help seulgi. Wendy are with joy and yeri. They are doing another mission. Well,Irene is at home, so jensoo doesn't have to protect her. She is safe at her own home. 

But seulgi insisted to ask kai, to just watching her from afar and protect Irene's house. Kai is one of people that seulgi trust. Along with Wendy, joy, yeri, and jensoo. She trust them. But they are just friends. They barely talk though, but they are close with each other. 

Jennie, was the first to be am agent. She was famous of course. She doesn't have a partner like seuli at first, until one night when she has a mission to discover a black market, who sells people or children. Jennie manage to save a girl, who had been kidnapped for three days. 

And that girl is jisoo. She immediately bring that girl to the company, the company then train her and now jisoo become Jennie's partner because they always Match with each other. 

They even fall in love with each other, and always succeed in every mission they take together. They are inseparable. 

Then kai comes, along with Wendy, joy, and yeri. Then they become friends, when they found out about seulgi, they immediately talk to the chairman of the company, Ms. Kim, to take seulgi with them. Ms. Kim thinks that will be a good opportunity, because seulgi's father is a boss Mafia, so it will be easier to them to discover it

Fortunately, seulgi is curious about her dad to, so she join the company happily. They began to do mission, and seulgi became famous. That's how it all begins. 

But seulgi is just, an ordinary girl. Yeah, she has the stone cold face that will make you shiver when you look at her fierce feature, but can't help it to swoon over her, because really, she is beautiful and handsome at the same time. 

Everyone who has seen her smile, became her fans immediately, because, who wouldn't?  With that cute smile, that make her eyes disappear, and bear-like face. Maybe, if she always do that, she will gain more friends. But she choose not to. 

Because, the more she have friends, the more she have to protect. Because she's an agent, she have to keep her feelings away and buried them deep down in her stomach. 
But she can't help it. Not when she look at that little cutiepie humanbeing in front of her. She can't help it to feel those tingling sensation and butterflies on her stomach, and her breathe hitched, her heart stop, and her smile brighten. 
She can't help it, really. She just want to shoved her in her pocket and protect her from anything. 

That's how seulgi describe bae joohyun, or Irene, in front of jensoo and Wendy. 

And they're just like "uuhhh okay seulgi you've fallen for her. Just.. Just stop it it's so cringey but cute at the same time" and Wendy be like "can you guys stop being all lovey dovey in front of me? Really? Not in front of my salad" while yelling and crying. She's such a drama. 

Yeah, I've fallen for her, and I will make her mine. No matter what. 

She comeback home with many cuts and bruises all over her body. And she's wandering around, will Irene will notice this? Will she take care of me like that one time again? If she will, then I don't mind getting beat like this, if it means she will taking care of me. 

Then, the next morning, when seulgi come to Irene class, it's still early and seulgi just have to make Irene worried as hell by seeing seulgi got beaten up like that. She scold her, but seulgi just grins, like an idiot. "Idiot. Who do you fight now?  Don't you ever tired of fighting?"
"Ooohh you don't even know, Irene. I'm fighting crimes you know? Yesterday there was a thief so I beat him, we got into a fight and yeah" 
"You should call police seulgi. Just.. Look at you!  Ugh don't ever do that again seulgi. You make me scared"
And seulgi just have to see her, with that soft brown eyes, that makes her feel like she is so special in seulgi's eyes. 

Seulgi's brunette hair falls down softly to her shoulder, and Irene have to hold the urge to touch seulgi's hair, because it looks so soft. 

Then seulgi smiles, and give Irene a sunflower. "A sunflower, to my sunshine" she said while winking and grinning like an idiot. Ugh, I love that dorky-what
What?  I didn't say I love her... 


Well, that's not the point, because I came back to reality when seulgi smiles brighter and go to her own class while smiling like a dorky she is

Then solar came to the class with a shocked, worried, and scared face. "Did.. Did seulgi just smile? I.. I think.. I think I just see a sun, her smile is so bright, it's brighter than my future" said solar whole still gawking. 

"Hey Irene. Whatcha doin' huh? Reading some books? Typical of you. But I'm curious. What is seulgi doing here earlier? 
Is she talking to you?"
"Uhhh.. Yeah? Why?"
And I regret asking solar why, because when solar open , all of the gossip is spill out. As expected of the queen of gossip. 

She continued to talk, and stopped when the teacher come in. She bring a boy. I think it's a new student. 

"Hello everyone! My name's bogum. Nice to meet you"


a/n: I think this chapter is about seulgi's pov. Maybe the next chap will about Irene! BTW thank you again and I love yall

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A short update! Sorry been busy with exams anyway love yall


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Dari Indonesia ya, kak?
cjmoo_ #2
Chapter 6: The ending was a little rushed to me but aww they got together~ Enjoyed reading this! :)
cjmoo_ #3
Chapter 5: Chokes at the 'Not in front of my salad' line
chunchon #4
Chapter 1: Uhm dear nathan??
LeeKkura_SinRin143 #5
Chapter 6: This***
LeeKkura_SinRin143 #6
Chapter 6: The is cute!
575 streak #7
Chapter 6: Too short
jasonds #8
Chapter 6: i love ur story but maybe for last chapter the ending is to short hahahaha