너보다 환하진 않지만

it is impossible not to love.

we were made to love God;
he made the whole universe out of love.

all living things are inevitable to love;
even the smallest ones can love as well as
the selfish people, obviously they love their selves.

everyone, anyone is capable to show others what
love is; even in the smallest thing you do or
expressing your gratitude towards someone, it
is indeed an act of love.

as the old saying goes “love makes the world go round.”
it is love that made us whole, the reason why we existed,
the reason why we are here.

for kim taehyung, love was the most precious thing he
once had, he once felt and he will not forget.

love was the star that guided his path. it was fate's way 
for taehyung to meet 
her. the one who changed him, 
the one who made him happy and the only person
who loved him truly.

she touched his broken parts and healed them like he
was newly made by the deity. she taught him how to
live, laugh and love. her smiles were the sunshine
that lighted up his days.

he was a flightless bird with a clipped wings, she was
an angel that sent by destiny to show him how to spread
his wings and fly without the fear of falling.

as they supported each other’s wings and became each
other’s happiness, her wings had begun to disappear;
her smiles that once were his sunshine had become the
root of the storms in his life.

it’s funny that the rainbow came first before the rain in
taehyung’s life. he considered her as the rainbow that
touched his dull life and turned it into a wonderland.

it’s still vague how taehyung lost someone who was so
precious to him. it’s still a mystery why she leaved him
without saying her goodbyes. it’s still impossible for
taehyung to love someone other than her.

as taehyung stared deeply to the moon, he dropped the 
words that served as a proof how much he loved her.

“the moon... it would not be brighter than you, joohyun”


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frozen_tears #1
Chapter 1: It's so beautifully written! Im such a vrene trash, so I check your story n i love it! I love the way you write this chapter, it has deep meaning... Hope you continue to write <3
revelarmyl #2
Chapter 1: wait .... what ?? ... this is ... so deep ...

that 너보다 환하진 않지만 is a line from the song 4 o clock right omggg i knew it , that song is so deep i literally remember every single line iwanttocri
Bedour #3
Chapter 1: Wae wae T^T?!
Bedour #4
Vrene yayyy❤️ Good luck~❤️