
Better that We Break

After that incident, we became a good friends. Well, actually I wanted us to be more than just friends. However, I guess that was not our time. It was more than enough to have him as my company eveytime I need someone to talk to.

That time, I was still having a boyfriend. I tried to ignore my feelings for Sean, because I did not want yo cheat on my boyfriend. I tried to be faithful to him. However, everything's changed when I caught him, once again, cheat on me. We were having a date that time. He had a new phone, so I checked on his. It turned out to be a disaster after I checked his phone calls history. It gave sort of trace of whatever you've sent to a number. He named it "Mom", but the message he sent to "Mom" was not supposed to be a message to a real mother. It was like a message to his girlfriend. I checked his inbox, and I found nothing. So, I guess he did not know how to erase the history since it was his new phone. I gave him the phone immediately, and said "You are so clever, until it's so hard to know what you're thinking. Do you think I wouldn't know, huh? From now on, I want us to end. It's done." I left while holding my tears not to drop. He chased me and asked what's going on, and I just ran away from him.

I ended up calling Sean, because I did not know whom else I should call.

He said, "Hey, are you crying? What happened?"

"I... Can you pick me up?" 

"Of course, where are you?" His husky voice sounded super worried.

I told him where to pick me up at a park near the school, and he came fifteen minutes later. I had stop crying while waiting for him, but when he came and sit next to me on the bench, I just hugged him and cried again.

He my hair and said, "What happened?"

"I'm so stupid." I yelled while crying.

"No, you're not. You're the smartest girl I've ever known. Can you tell me who made you cry like this? Said him, frustrated.

Still, I was not telling him anything. I just cried.

"Is he cheating on you again?" 

I stopped crying and let go of my hug. "Am I that transparent?"

He erased my tears on the cheek, "You are. I already knew it as soon as you called me while crying. Who else that could make you cry like this?"

Possibly you. However, I didn't say it out loud. How dare I? 

"Listen, you deserve someone better. Don't waste your tears for a coward like him."

"I'm not crying because of him, I'm crying because I feel so stupid. To be cheated twice, that is so stupid."

He grabbed my chin and said, "Hey... You need to make mistake in order to learn. It's okay." Then he hugged me very tight.

He was very warm. His voice calmed me down in a second. I was so very lucky to have someone that time. It was better than crying all day long inside my room. I was just going to thank him when he did an unexpected thing. He got very close to my own face. I just looked at him felt very surprised. Then, he kissed my eyes. I closed it immediately. 

When he finished, I open my eyes and said, "Wha... Whaat... Iis.. that.. fff? I stuttered.

"Your eyes deserve a reward. It has been worked vey hard today." Then he smiled and my hair.

I didn't know what that meant, but that made me feel so good. I felt the butterflies inside my stomach moving excitedly. I couldn't believe that just happened. I wanted the time to stop, so I could enjoy this forever.

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Can you guess whose songs I used in every chapter of the story?


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Chapter 6: That poem at the end was beautiful! Thank you for the story, I enjoyed it!