A Coffee of the Latest Report

Through Summer, My Boss

Baekhyun had an irritating habit of speaking in English. Most of the time Jongin knew that he did it mockingly since Jongin's resume had revealed his 2 year study in America, where he barely did anything but drink. For some reason Baekhyun's favourite pasttime was using random English phrases and watching Jongin struggle to understand anything beyond the phrases needed to order food or buy beer. It was on a Wednesday when Baekhyun called Jongin at the start of lunch.

[Incoming Call: Mr. Byun]

"Hey Kim, did you do the last paper I sent you?"

"Yeah, I just finished it up."

"Okay!! [In English] I need coppee!!"

After that, he hung up, and Jongin began to translate the short sentence. "I need copy" was what he came up with, not entirely outrageous considering they were discussing a paper, and Jongin hadn't been sent on Baekhyun's coffee run since his first week. Nonetheless, he was wrong, and Baekhyun found himself waiting around for a drink that was never coming.

[KakaoTalk Notification!] (1.15pm) ByunBaek: Where the hell are you?!!

[KakaoTalk!] (1.16pm) Kim Jongin: Copy room of course.. I think it's jammed, it's taking forever

Barely half a minute passed before Jongin heard breathless laughter ringing down the hallway; the copy room door swung open and Baekhyun was stood there, hand clutching his abdomen as his laughter continued. "You're an idiot! Isn't Coppee the same in Korean and English?!" he managed to force through his laughter. The realisation caught Jongin by surprise and he, too, began to laugh. Baekhyun closed the door to the tiny room as people were walking by, allowing the two males to laugh and shove each other in peace. "Baek, I swear to God. CoFFEE and CoPY." he forcefully pronounced, but Baekhyun continued pronouncing both with a P. Jongin could barely contain his laughter which was now starting to hurt his stomach, but after both boys calmed down a little and the copy machine ceased whirring, Jongin looked Baekhyun dead in the eyes.

"Okay, look. Repeat after me. Coffee." he stated, biting down on his lip over-exagerratingly to form the F sound. Baekhyun attempted to follow the instruction, but was a little off. "English teacher, genius, native master, show me again." he teased, gaining a roll of Jongin's eyes as he once again pronounced the P and F sounds respectively, eyes moving to Baekhyun's lips to watch him repeat them with a little more success. But the younger was momentarily speechless as he watched the boss bite down on harshly his soft lip for the F sound. After a couple of seconds, Jongin said the letters once more, quieter "P.. F." he whispered, his eyes fixed on the smaller male's lips while Baekhyun's were focused on watching Jongin's curious gaze. "P... F.." he repeated in a similarly small voice.

There was no hesitation, nor any doubt in Jongin's mind that what he did next was equally as ridiculous as the situation they were in, but one hand came to cup the slender jaw of his counterpart which he had admired so often, with the other gently pushing the boys abdomen to trap him against the wall of the copy room. He waited just a couple of seconds for any protest from the other, but after none came, he closed his eyes in the already-dim room and leaned in. Jongin's lips were hotter and plumper than Baekhyuns, and Baekhyun's were far softer. As Jongin kissed him, their heads tilted at a perfect angle, he noted how sweet the taste was, later deciding this to be strawberry lip balm. Baekhyun felt the youngers thick lips enclose his own, his bottom lip slightly between the other males and caressed gently; but the tall male tasted bitter in the best way, like coffee in a morning or cigarettes after . Jongin's body pressed naturally against his bosses, pushing off a bunch of papers but neither cared; and Baekhyun's slender fingers found their way to the small of the others back, carressing the material of the shirt. Momentarily, their lips parted, but only to reconnect after breathing, when they kissed slightly deeper, Baekhyun's curious tongue pressing against the hot upper lip of the taller male and Jongin's teasingly meeting it. The atmosphere heated up, and both males pulled back in unison with their own lower lips coyly captured between their teeth. The feeling of bliss Jongin felt meant he kept his eyes shut for a few seconds before opening them to look at Baekhyun, whose cheeks were noticeably pink even in the gentle light of the copy room. Or coffee room, perhaps.

A sharp punch to the chest dragged Jongin from the serenity of the moment. ", are you stupid?!" Baekhyun breathed, "I expected this to happen in a bar where we could write it off as a drunk mistake but now look what you've done." he continued, and it was the first time Jongin had heard his boss whine; and it was a genuine, though very endeering, whine. Jongin grinned and responded, "What, you can still play the mistake card. The innocent boss was forced into a copy room and kissed by the crazy new kid. It could work." and immediately he received another blow to the chest. ". Crazy, sure enough. Jesus." the older male muttered, wiping his lips on the back of his hand. It hurt Jongin slightly to see, but there was still some amusement in Baekhyun's reaction, the same boy who had gripped onto Jongin's shirt only seconds before. "I didn't want it to be a mistake, Baek. At least for me." he explained, hand sliding nonchalantly into his pocket, slight pride still ghosting his features. The smaller male shook his head as he streamed digits through his hair for a few seconds before responding, "I heard about guys like you, and tried my best to avoid them. ." he trailed off, head still shaking in disbelief as he quickly left the copy room and returned to his office, leaving Jongin grinning and collecting the useless copies he had made.

For a couple of days, the cute lunchtime messages from Baekhyun stopped. But, although they had previously become a source of happiness for Jongin, the latter had become quite content with simply reminiscing over the closeness of their physical contact on Monday. When Friday finally rolled around, Jongin decided to send a message to his boss in lightheartedness.

[KakaoTalk!] (7.20pm) Kim Jongin: *congratulatory bear emoji*

[KakaoTalk Notification!] (7.21pm) ByunBaek: Huh?!

[KakaoTalk!] (7.22pm) Kim Jongin: You actually managed to avoid me all week, I'd say that deserves a congrats!

He smiled smugly as Baekhyun bluntly responded "crazy bastard". Was he being rejected? Jongin had been rejected plenty of times before, but somehow this didn't feel the same. Perhaps it was because it wasn't true rejection, or perhaps it was because he genuinely didn't mind rejection from someone like Baekhyun, as it was still done so humourously. The elevator whirred ten minutes later. The boss came out and marched childishly over to Jongins desk, arms folded across his chest. "All week? Tuesday to Thursday are the days we didn't talk, idiot. That isn't a week." Baekhyun stated, the messages had been obviously playing on his mind. Jongin laughed before answering, "Felt like a week , or even two. I missed your lunchtime messages." he complained, exagerrating with a jutted lower lip. ". Then why don't you ever message me first? I do it ever single day and you don't even.." Baekhyun trailed off before finishing, the slight embarrassment apparent in his face. "Ah, that's what it was?" Jongin asked, gaining an eye roll and slight shove from the elder. "I did today. Happy?" he pried, eyes fixed on Baekhyun's irritated expression. "Whatever," the boss responded, "let's drink."

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ShxnHyxk #1
this is cute.. I need to know what is happening to baek pleeaassee > <
Chapter 5: Baek is sick, that’s why he doesn’t want jongin to get closer to him , isn’t it? I hope Baek will get better
; w ; I hope the angst isn't too angsty
Chapter 5: Baekhyun has mentioned a few times before that he's sick. Is it something serious??? If it is then i hope he gets well soon. I don't want Kaibaek to be separated. T_T