Lay As Wolf

Exo One Shots (Halloween Special)


-a sweetheart with a dark secret

-wants to share his secret with you hoping you still will be on his side

-afraid he could kill you

Giggling to yourself you made your way happily out of your home dressed in your best clothes, making sure to look great for tonight. Yes, today's the will have a romantic date with the love of your life, your boyfriend Lay. You've been together for exactly a year today. Lay wanted to celebrate halloween which is also the day of your 1st anniversary as a couple with a romantic picnic under the moonlight. He said he wants to tell you something tonight and sounded very insecure about it which you thought was making your boyfriend even cuter than he already is. As you finally reached the end of the street you saw Lay already waiting for you on the corner of the ending street. "Honey!" You yell waving at him as he turned around flashing a smile with his popular dimples. "You here" he laid his hand over your waist as soon as you were beside him as he bend down to give you a peck. "Let's go in, shall we?" You boyfriend said taking your hand in his as you two entered the wood. "Shall we sit there?" You pointed at a place you thought were fine for a picnic but your boyfriend just smiled and dragged you a bit further into the dark wood. About 5 minutes later he stopped and turned to face you "Close for eyes Honey" he almost whispered but you did as told as you felt him backhugging you and going some more steps along with you. "You can open your eyes now" he whispered into your ear never stopping to backhug you as you slowly opened your eyes. You were about to completely faint as you now faced a wonderful full moon that looks so close to you that you asked yourself if your boyfriend dragged you to the end of the world but it was just a cliff. Not only that but as you finally managed to turn away from the flashing moon you noticed candles flickering everywhere and food laying on a blanket at the edge of the cliff. "H-honey wheb did you do all of this?" You managed to stutter. "It's nothing Honey, I just went here a bit earlier and then went back to pick you up." You felt him smiling as he laid his on you your shoulder kissing your neck lightly. "Your shining eyes make the work more than worth it Honey!" He said and you couldn't other but turn around in his embrace, putting your arms around his neck looking into his eyes and as if he could read your mind he bend down to connect your lips, you both stand there kissing passionately as he now pushed you in the direction where the blanket was, never letting go of your lips. Only as you reached the blanket he disconnected your lips "Let's sit down Sweety!" He whispered looking overly happy after your kiss. "You are the best boyfriend on earth, you know that?" You said holding onto him one minute more before he could sit down. He just smiled completely satisfied kissing your cheeks "Only the best for the best" He said kinda confused by his own words "Wait you know what I meant right? I mean you are the best so I want to give you the best too?" He asked making sure you understood what he meant earlier. "Haha you are too easy to confuse Honey" You laughed letting go of your boyfriend now to make yourself comfortable onto the blanket as he joined you. "Honey? You wanted to tell me something?" You looked at him with curiosity as he looked down trying to avoid your eyes. "I never told this anyone...." He started and you see his discomfort as he shifted a bit away from you looking ashamed. "Honey, no matter what is know I love you with all my heart..."You wanted to comfort him but he cut you off. "I'm not a human Y/N!"Lay trembled and you were confused. "What do you mean Honey? I mean I know you are a unicorn but..." You tried to understand but he spoke up again. "I'm not a unicorn, I'm a monster a terrible beast." Lay almost cried but he tried to look at you to make you realise he's serious and in no way joking. "Beast? You aren't a beast Honey!" You said not sure what your lover is talking about but trusting that the fluffy human being that your boyfriend all but a beast. "I'm a wolf Honey!" He said now looking directly into your eyes, transforming himself as his beautiful figure changed into the figure of a dog likely form.....a small fluffy wolf looking up at you as you were completely shocked. You starred at the white fluffball in front of you as the wolf now looked down not daring to face you and looking all ashamed. You now realised what just happened as you just started to laugh like crazy sitting down beside the supposed to be monster like wolf. "You call a small fluffball a monster? How dare you honey?" You said patting the head of the baby wolf beside you as he transformed back into his old self. "Wait you aren't afraid of me" he looked at you confused. "Are you serious this is just the most adorable creature I ever saw. Now transform back I wanna cuddlr that fluffball." You laughed and he looks at you surprised but full of relieve. 

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