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Let me tell you guys one thing this story is not going to be M-Rated but still I'm giving you WARNING! because this story is not about rom-com it's going to be base on Polygamy, , ual abuse, Child abuse, and the age difference (18 years). Yes, you have read it right, if you guys aren't comfortable with the plot, so this one is not for you. So, please don't waste your time here or come here to bash me. I'm humbly requesting you not to report the story if you found any kind of issue. Thank you~♦

Let's meet the cast of today's Chapter


It was so hard for everyone to believe that Kwon Jiyong can commit a sin especially for his father Kwon Soon Jae. He looked around at this family it was the moment when he felt weak in his knees there was no power in his legs so he couldn’t keep standing there it was emotionally a huge burden for him because Jiyong is not just a filial but also a great son and a person he was dearly proud of. He couldn’t have even imagined in his dreams that something like this would have come up this moment was still unbelievable for him.

“Chanyeol,.....” he whispers and holds on his left arm to support himself

“Dad!,..... Are you okay!?” he also got worried, Seung Hoon also comes forward to help his guardian angel. “Sir,....”

“Seung Hoon, give me water” Chanyeol helped his father to sit on his chair

“Here” he handed the glass of water on the other hands Jiyong who didn’t able to come forward to face his father. It’s been just a few minutes that have passed since Park Hyun Sung and his daughter had left the house but nothing remains the same after them.

“I’m sorry Dad,.......” Jiyong whispers while sobbing Soon Jae and Chanyeol both looked at him but anyone can tell, they weren’t ready to accept his words “But, trust me they were lying, I haven't done this I...I can’t anyone, Dad, I can’t……” his voice start to vanish in his throat.

Now Chaerin who was silently watching everything in the corner comes forwards in his direction. Who was also in disbelieve? “What the hell was that? Kwon Jiyong how can you do that to me!” she screams while grabbing him from the collar of his coat.

Jiyong holds her face “No, Chaerin it’s not like that“ he holds her hands with care. He became tense seeing tears in his beloved wife. “How can you do this to me!” she screams on his face it wasn’t the right moment for him praise the beauty of his wife but she was still looking so pretty with the tears in her eyes but it was the second time in his life when he found her so weak in front him. Chaerin is not just a great wife but also the strongest woman in his life. She only had once in his life when they had lost their child due to the miscarriage.
“Why are you doing this? Chaerin please don’t believe them it’s not like that!” he also screams “How can ing I do that!?” Jiyong hold her both arms tightly he was also kind of squeezing them to make his wife believe in him “Chaerin,.....look” because she was avoiding his gaze “I am a father, Chaerin. I also have a daughter why would I do something like this to someone else daughter”

“But you were there!” she whispered and looked away from her husband's face “What!?” Jiyong got confused  “Jiyong, you were there in the ing club!” she shouts  “And that wasn’t a lie did you heard me Jiyong? ” Jiyong pushes her away from a little he hold his hair and scream “No!.... ahhh!!... no, I didn’t do that… I was there but I didn’t do anything!” Jiyong was devasted.

Chanyeol was smiling seeing his brother in pain was somehow was interesting and entertaining for him. Chaerin could see the pain in his eyes. She was again about to believe him but then something hit her mind she holds Jiyong again and turns him over “You were there, didn’t you… Four days ago, It was our plan that night I was about to come there to pick you up but you just not refused my offer but you canceled the plan too.” Jiyong got lost in his thought  “But still, I came there to receive you but at the right moment you refused to came out of the club and said that you will stay there with your friends. Didn’t you!” she scream on his face. Jiyong was still confused over his action, did he said that to his wife? If he did then why can’t he remembered anything from that terrible night

“Now tell me Jiyong, how am I ing suppose to believe you!?” she screamed while crying. Jiyong holds her face in-between in his both palms “Please…..Don’t cry Chaerin, it’s not how you are seeing it” she shakes his hands away “Yes!... yes, you are a father you have a daughter but that night…. But that night you forgot it Jiyong”

“No…” he shakes his head to deny the words of his beloved wife “You forgot everything, your daughter and her mother who has loved you for years and gave you everything…. H-how…...could you!!” she screams and turn around she did not stop there and run upstairs.

“Chaerin!!” Jiyong calls behind her but she wasn’t listening to him so he has to run after her.

Chanyeol was still shocked and surprised with all the situation, although he enjoyed his brother's current condition he can’t even imagine a fight between Jiyong and Chaerin. He was still looking toward the stairs when Soon Jae calls out his name softly “Chanyeol! Are you going to spend your whole day here?” Chanyeol snaps out of his thought “ Ummm… no, Dad” he simply replied “Than let's go we have an office to attend we can’t spend our whole day here to watch this drama in between them” Soon Jae tried to stand up and Seung Hoon help him.

“But, Dad. I don’t think you should leave for office today I don’t think you are in good condition right now.” Chanyeol showed his concern in his words towards his father. Soon Jae smiled “But I can’t, not today. We are having an important meeting with Su Jin Lee for our new Hotel line and you already know it’s our really important upcoming project so we can’t take a risk. I can’t sit here son because I’m sure Jiyong isn’t going to leave the house today” and Soon Jae also refused Seung Hoon to coming along with them he asked him to stay there to look after Jiyong. Seung Hoon bowed to them and handed Soon Jae’s bag in Chanyeol’s hand and both father and son left for the work.



 As soon as Chaerin reached her room, she closed the door and locked it to stop Jiyong to stay outside “Chaerin!... Chaerin please, please open the door dear… Charin…!!... listen“ Chaerin back hit the door as she was crying Jiyong stopped knocking on the door as he could hear her voice she was crying. Jiyong felt like his heart will explode. He could not bear it anymore “Chaerin my love…. Listen to me, dear. Please don’t cry” he requested in his soft and polite voice “Believe in me. I … I didn’t betray you… trust me… Charin… Charin!? I know you can hear me. Give yourself a time I won’t force you to put your trust in me but don’t the promise in between us and I can never break your trust” he politely pats the door last time and leaves. “Did you listen to me, honey?” he sounded soft and hopeless at the moment. Chaerin on the other hand wanted to open the door and hugged her husband but she didn’t because she was so mentally disturbed to coming to any conclusion. She pulled her hair and scream loud because that’s all she can do at the moment. “Why,.............why,..........why Jiyong-ah, w-why………..? We promised.”



Chanyeol was following his father as usual while carrying his bag, they stopped right in front of Soon Jae office and their manager who was waiting for them was already standing there

“Son, give me my bag and you go with Ji Hoon” Soon Jae looked at Jihoon and ordered him to take Chanyeol with him and give him the all info and details that he needed for today's meeting. Ji Hoon their Manager asked “But sir, didn’t Sir Jiyong was about to lead the team and the meeting too!?” because not just Ji Hoon but also Chanyeol was also got so surprised with his dad sudden decision. Means how can Soon Jae prefer him over his filial son Kwon Jiyong well anyway he was keep staring at his father's face, is it a dream?

“What do you mean, didn’t you heard me what did just I had asked you to do?” because Soon Jae wasn’t in a good mood and his question about Jiyong was good enough to piss him off. “Now go we don’t have enough time so go call the team for a meeting before so we all can discuss and lead him about the all info that he needs to understand, you got my words now?”Ji Hoon nods and bowed them before running out to call the team for the meeting.      

“Chanyeol?” he looked back at his son who was kind of lost in his thought. His eyes got widened and he snapped out of his thoughts, he was like “Huh!.......... What!?”  Soon Jae shakes his head left to right like what he is going to do with this boy “Why are you still here son? Didn’t you  listened to me well?”

“I’m sorry Dad” he bowed down his head “Actually I’m not in the position to do or thought something that happened at home,....I…….” Soon Jae put his hand on his shoulder “Get yourself back son, you have to lead a team in just a few hours, okay?” Chanyeol pressed his lips to give a sweet smile to his father “Good boy now go to Jiyong’s room Ji Hoon will provide you the all files and information there now go”  

“What??” Chanyeol got surprised “No, dad I can’t. I’ll go to my cabin”


“Yes,.........Just do as I said, okay now leave me alone” Chanyeol was still surprised with his father's words but leave his cabin with a smile and he hurried toward his dream cabin. The cabin of CEO of the company as he holds the cold handle of the door, he let out a deep breath he was nervous “Okay, Chanyeol lets go” and push the door inside the cold wind touched his whole body. He stepped in his eyes huge puppy eyes were shining bright he walked slowly toward Jiyong’s desk, The whole room was well furnished in black. He touches the chair as he tried to feel the coldness and power of the chair “Finally,......... “ he slowly sits on the chair and he felt like he is the ruler of this world. He leaned back and closed his eyes to relax him selves “Wow! I had never imagined before” he inhales a deep breath to feel the aroma of the room, it smelled like burned ashes because of Jiyong’s burned cigars. This smell was way better than any perfume and way more addicted to a drug that he had ever taken.

He stands up from the seat to see the view from outside of the giant window of Jiyong’s room “It was my dream… I wanted to be here…” he turns back and looks at the chair “But… Jiyong,” he kind of felt sad “I wish, I wish if this scandal can ruin him… then,.......... maybe I” he smiles but suddenly Chanyeol’s happy expressions change like he was someone else “But he is my brother…. and I know he can’t do it……... but what if???” he was thinking deeply. “What if he has done it?” Then Ji Hoon knocks on the door and asked for his permission “Sir, can I came in?”

Ji Hoon came in happily and handed him the all papers work and files too, also take the seat to explain to him in detail before the small meeting with the team before the grand finale.



In the evening the washroom was filled with the steam of the hot shower water and the water was running over Dara’s body from head to toe. No one knows since she was standing like this in the shower and how many times she had taken showers so can not just wash her body but also she can clean her soul too but it was all useless. She keeps herself standing all alone right there under the shower and she keeps staring at the bruises all over her body, through the huge size mirror which was hanging right in front of her on the wall. Her back was covered in bruises on the neck and most of the shoulder area including her legs was covered with the mark of the nail scratches.  Besides this, she was heavily bruised by the whip and being hitten with different objects.

Suddenly Jisoo knocked on the door who was Dara’s caretaker “Unnie! Are you okay?” she knocked again “Unnie??

“Yeah!” Dara finally opene

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Finally I'm working on Page 4 😭 I'll try to update sooner


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Tariki_inday #1
Chapter 6: don't stop writing are very talented... hope ur doing fine... i thought i cant get the update anymore... i luv to read it again... 😊😊😊
737 streak #2
Chapter 6: ✨💗✨💗✨

He is surely in a difficult situation as he faces it all and some facts come to life. It is true that dealing with everything that was about to happen and it will be hard for him to face others, family and friends especially. Every action has a reaction, there is no doubt about that, but we'll see what's the catch, in the end. Things can be manufactured. Hmm. 👀

*sighs* His wife is in a huge dilemma, and it's obvious that she doesn't know what to do. This whole situation is crazy... I mean, if I were in her shoes, I would probably react the same... if it were my husband and he did the same... supporting him would be difficult... so I don't know... Everyone is different. 👀👀

Things are getting more and more complicated for all of them, but that's what I like about this story! It keeps the attention and if one focuses, it's easy to understand! 👌✔

Thank you and I can't wait to see what happens next! 💗🌹

737 streak #3
Chapter 5: ✨💗✨💗✨

In a way, I can understand his wife and the thoughts that were going through her mind so her behavior, as I mentioned earlier, is normal. Such accusations are never easy to handle or deal with, let alone when the person accused is your husband. the father of your child. The person with whom you share a bed, but the events that followed afterward caught me off guard a bit. The conversation she had and what she was told, how her husband stood up for her after everything that had happened, really hit her spot and she was able to snap out of it. *smiles * I'm impressed.
But it only goes to prove that not everything is as it seems and all the characters here have a story to tell. *winks* This confirms my first thought, that there was more to this family than one could imagine!

So far Chanyeol is doing his part in the investigation, but this is going to be tiring, from what I can conclude since there are things that are not being said. Hmm. Let's see how this develops. *smirks*

*blinks in shock* Blackmailing? Really? That is a big NO! Things are getting heated that's for sure, but I love the way it keeps my attention!

Thank you! 💗🌹Another great chapter! 👌✔ Can't wait to see what happens next!

P.S - Sorry, I didn't have much time to read for the past two days, but I am back now. 💗🌹

Daraxxi_2Ne1 #4
Chapter 6: Thanks for updating. The plot is interesting that's why we keep checking for updates in your story. A lot of secrets will unravel in each character. I think all of them have certain secrets. I'm looking forward to what will happen to Dara and Jiyong and the rest of the characters.
Chapter 6: More twist and drama authornim
737 streak #6
Chapter 2: ✨💗✨💗✨

Surely, such things are not pleasant to hear for any family, especially if that person has a wife and daughter. I can actually understand his wife and her reaction. It's hard to know who to trust, of course, she had lived with her husband and one would think that she knows him well, but that doesn't actually mean anything. There are cases where people lived with their spouse for years and in the end, they find out that they had no idea about their spouse's true face. *sighs* 👀😱😨

I feel sorry for his wife. *sighs* It's normal for her to feel that way. What woman wouldn't, right? *shakes head*

It surely threw everyone off their tracks and it's no wonder that Chanyeol is zoning out, thinking about everything. Did he do it? Did he not do it? One starts doubting everything and it's crazy. It goes to show that one's life can change overnight for 360 degrees and there is nothing one can do about it, but try to calm down and come to the bottom of it.

Dara is surely persistent in making them pay. But who wouldn't be, right? It's not going to be easy, because r*pe is difficult to prove (My major was Criminal Psychology and Psychology), and based on my experience the victims of r*pe go through hell. *sighs* It's not pretty but I hope that things will go well for Dara in the end and justice will win. If Jiyong really did that then he needs to pay. If he didn't, the real culprit must be caught.

Chanyeol's reactions... at times he confuses me. In a way, it seems that he is happy that his brother is in trouble and at times he seems worried. I would say there is some rivalry between them? Hmm. I might be wrong, we'll see. That's just based on what I noticed. 👀👀

Those who know him, partly believe in his incense and partly they are doubting it all. Things are getting interesting. 👌✔

His father has a point, an investigation needs to be done. 👌✔

I can't wait to see what happens next!
Thank you! ✨💗🌹👌✔

Chapter 6: Welcome back authornim
737 streak #8
Chapter 1: ✨💗✨💗✨

Interesting: 👌✔

Characters: 👌✔

Keeps the attention: 👌✔

Intense: 👌✔

I love the first part of this one. The Kwon family has surely caught my attention at this point and their ties with the government, all that makes me wonder about their background and what else will be revealed about them and their ties inside and outside the family. Also, there was a situation with Chanyeol being drunk right away, learning that he is Jiyoung's half-brother and Nana is Chanyeol's future wife. But there is surely more to the relationship between the two half brothers, but we'll see. ✔👌😉 So far, so good. 😉 (I'm a er for Chanyeol *drools*)

I could literally imagine his wardrobe and the collection he has. It suits him well. 👌😉😍 But I adored his state of panic and how he described the way his father will react if he doesn't show up. Then the wake-up scene was quite something and Nana's reaction to it. 👌✔ Loved it!

Things escalated fast! *blinks* 👀😱😨😰 With Dara's appearance everything changed and surely her pointing at Jiyoung that he r*ped her came as a surprise to everyone. It's only the first chapter so I am not sure which side to take, so for now, I will be neutral. Either way, the act itself is hideous and NO WOMAN deserves that. A no is a no.

Thank you for this chapter! ✨💗🌹👌✔

Can't wait to see what happens next! 👀

737 streak #9
Something tells me that this will be a great fic as well! UGH, I need a vacation where I can read all day long. XD

Can't wait! <333