[*] 5

that's not my name - a binu au

moon bin quickly walked out of the door to catch up to eunwoo .

eunwoo was already about a hundred feet away , obviously not caring to wait for the other boy . 

"dongminnie ," moonbin whined . "eunwoo , dongmin " he continued to call out , not receiving response from the boy who only walked quicker . 

"broooo , eunwoo my dude , " he started . 

"babe" moon bin tried one last time .

this time , eunwoo froze in his place . 

he slowly turned around . 

and then moon bin received the scariest death stare he's seen since he accidentally outed minhyuk to his now boyfriend . 

"" moon bin saw eunwoo mouth before turning back around and continuing his speed walking . 

"ba-babe, come back" moon bin cried out , laughing , oblivious to the weird stares both boys were receiving as the wide college campus swarmed with students moon bin failed to notice as he called out to his roommate . 

moon bin finally got to his senses and realized the busy students walking all around , losing eunwoo in the crowd . 

he continued walking past buildings , not finding his roommate until two hands wrapped around his neck , pulling moon bin's entire figure into an alleyway.

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