Episode 6: Affection

Suspicious Partner | Season 2 (Rewrite in progress)




a gentle feeling of fondness or liking.

the act or process of affecting or being affected.





On Monday, Nam Ji Hyun walks into her office with a huge smile on her face. To be fair, her commute today consisted of walking down one flight of stairs which would make anyone happy. But, add to that she had gotten a good amount of morning kisses to tide her through the day and many, many hours of some rather lovelier going-ons over the weekend and what you get is one perfectly content and happy woman.

"Bong Hee!" Eun Hyuk greets her with his usual cheer as they head over to the kitchen together. He puts together a cup of tea for her and makes an espresso for himself using their fancy new coffee maker.

"So..." he starts, "I had given this more thought. You should really hire a wedding planner and I have a friend who knows someone."

He smiles at her, looking proud of himself. Bong Hee remembers again that on Friday over drinks, she had vented a little bit about the stress of planning a wedding and CEO Byun had nodded along, adding his complaints about how expensive everything is.

Eun Hyuk had listened sympathetically to the both them; but later, after a few drinks, he had joined in to complain that Ji Wook hadn't picked him yet as the Best Man and everyone knew he would make the greatest Best Man there ever was. After all, he could throw a wicked bachelor party. This latter bit had earned him a glare from Bong Hee so he had hurriedly assured her it would be a completely civilized, men's-only, evening of normal and boring entertainment.

"Lawyer Ji," Bong Hee argues, "For one, what world do you live in where Koreans have best men and bachelor's parties? For two, do you expect me to believe any such night for men would be boring and civilized?"

Eun Hyuk grinned. Hey, it was worth a shot. And just because this wasn't the norm, didn't mean he couldn't do it anyway for Ji Wook. Maybe it would set a trend he teased. But, at the death glare from Bong Hee, he had laughed and decided to drop it.


As for the wedding itself, he looks back at Bong Hee as she sips her tea. A wedding planner would mean a bit more cost but, it would take some of the stress off his two friends and put this wedding back on track.

"So... what do you think?" he asks again.

"Well..." Bong Hee pauses, seeming to mull over the suggestion. "It's a good idea Lawyer Ji.... but, the thing is, we've decided to do something else. We're just going to register this week at City Hall and consider it a done deal."

Eun Hyuk looks at her with surprise.


"What do you mean, "a done deal"?"

The shocked look on Eun Hyuk's face made Bong Hee smile wryly but she had expected such a reaction. Actually, it was very mild compared to what their families would say.

Weddings in Korea were generally large affairs. Traditionally the parents paid for the event and it became their chance to announce the joining of two families and impress everyone with a lavish celebration. Guest lists could easily run upwards of 500 people.

It wasn't the norm to have a small or simple wedding. Not having one at all was even more unheard of. There would be friends and acquaintances who would feel insulted for not being invited. People might whisper that it was because the family was too ashamed, or cheap or were completely against the match to pay for a proper event. Or, they might think it meant a baby was on the way hence a wedding in haste and secrecy.

"Ji Wook-oppa and I discussed it and we'll plan something small with just friends and family once he's not so busy. But, for now we just want to get registered and get married. Also, haven't you heard? Small weddings are quite the trend! Even the government is encouraging people to cut down on spending."

The average wedding cost in Seoul had recently hit a high of 260 Million won, more than 10 times the average household income. Bong Hee had been doing a lot of research and putting together a compelling argument because, even though she and her fiance felt pretty happy about this decision, at the end of the day they would have to face the big guns. Their Ommas.

Eun Hyuk in front of her whistles softly in shock and awe.

"Daebakk... you two are really going to do this, aren't you?"

Bong Hee nods determinedly. It's not that she never dreamed of a wedding; it's just that more than anything, she wants them to be able to start their married life where there would be no ambiguity; no question that she belonged to him and he to her.

Instead of a grand affair in a ballroom stuffed with people she barely knew, she imagined No Ji Wook and her standing under the blue, blue skies with just the people they loved, promising themselves to each other. And, she would be happy too if she could avoid the media chaos stemming from her notoriety as the Nation's Murderess. The fact that she married the prosecutor who almost convicted her but then absolved her would make headlines.

Ji Wook had been all for it. She knew he was not a fan of people in general; though he had been been willing enough to go through a big wedding if that was what she wanted. But, when she had brought up just going ahead and getting married, his eyes had lit up.

Really? When? Can we do it this week? Are you moving in starting right now?

She had laughed as he peppered her with kisses and questions. They had spent the rest of Saturday morning cuddling and talking about the things they never found time to discuss before until he had had to leave to check on his case and she had gone home to grab a change of clothes.

On Sunday he had brought his work home and spent most of it going over his case files; but she had been there with him helping transcribe a few of his footnotes and labeling some video files. It had felt like the old days again. Bong Hee sighs happily thinking of him.

"Well, if doing this can make you smile like that again, then it must mean you're making the right decision." Eun Hyuk nods at her encouragingly. Bong Hee had almost forgotten her friend was still in the kitchen with her, lost as she was in her daydream.

"I know it won't change the fact that he'll be busy," she smiles wryly, "But at least we'll be together every step of the way. And he'll know that I'll always be here for him."

Her friend nods and looks at her for a long quiet moment.

"Bong Hee... you're really something. I'm glad No Ji Wook found you." he lifts his mug in salute.

Bong Hee smiles gratefully, though her eyes feel suspiciously wet. If anything, she was the lucky one, not only because she had found the love of a good man; but also because of the friends their life together had brought.

"Lawyer Ji," she says, a lump in "will you be my witness for the marriage registration?"

He looks back at her, his face stunned though she swears she can see a suspicious gleam in his eyes as well.

"If you were planning to be Prosecutor No's witness then that's too bad; because I asked first," she teases.

"What about your Omma?"

"Oh, Omma will be there, no doubt. But I want you to sign that paper with me. Will you do it?"

In Korea they did not have bridesmaids or bridesgrooms. But all couples had to register their marriage and they would often ask the people dearest to them to stand as the required witnesses when the marriage papers got filed.

And there had been no better friend to Bong Hee than the man before her. Aside from her fiance, Eun Hyuk had been the person she could rely on any time. They had first met when he had been the only lawyer willing to take her murder case (upon No Ji Wook's request) and he had been a pillar of comfort for her through all the ups and downs of her work and love life.

Eun Hyuk had been a good and true friend to them and he would never know how grateful she was for everything he had done.

He seems to swallow hard for a moment but then he flashes her his trademark grin though his eyes still looked suspiciously wet. "I'd be honored" he replies. She smiles back and they clink mugs in salutation to the happy event.

The intern walks past and glances at them. Mondays are his early days and he's already been busy reorganizing their client files while she had sauntered in a little late despite her easy commute (sometimes a woman's hair just won't cooperate). He looks at them both and although his face was carefully neutral, Bong Hee felt sure he was judging them for slacking off. But maybe that was her own guilt talking.

She smiles at him.

"Good morning Eun Ho-shi, would you like some coffee? Or tea?"

He shakes his head, "No, but I'm all done. Files are sorted by case year and then alphabetized." He pauses looking at them expectantly.

"Great!" Bong Hee, exclaims, "um.... nice job." But he still seems to be waiting.

"What should I do next?" He finally asks. Oh, was he waiting for further instructions? Bong Hee looks at Lawyer Ji who is technically the boss now but he shrugs.

"I have to follow-up with one of my clients right now. Can you take care of this Lawyer Eun?" And with a nod and a lazy smile he saunters out. Gee, thanks.

Bong Hee thinks hard. Yoon Eun Ho is the first Intern they've had so she's never had to deal with one before. What did one make Interns do? Could they make him work with clients even if he hadn't taken his bar exam yet?

Actually. Bingo.

"Come with me, Intern Yoon" she walks over to her desk, opens up a drawer and pulls out a folder. Inside was a list of clients who had yet to pay their fees. This was was one of those problems with being a small law firm. They handled eveything themselves and sometime trying to chase down errant clients got a little bit hairy.

"Eun Ho-shi, please call these people and remind them, politely of course, that they still need to settle their bills.

For the rest of the morning Bong Hee sat at her desk going over a case file and taking calls. Once in a while she would look up to check how Intern Yoon was doing and she could see small tell-tale signs of him getting increasingly frazzled. She smiles. Oh, it was so evil of her but she knew well how those few particular clients could drive anyone insane.

There were the criers with their sob stories who made you listen endlessly to their circular arguments. And the belligerent ones who claimed they hadn't really needed a lawyer after their case was won. Or the ones who were unhappy with the settlements and refused to pay the rest of their bills. She's dealt with all of those before and sometimes it was enough to make one tear one's hair out. Good luck, Intern Yoon.

She's busy flipping through her documents when she hears a sound. Did the Intern say something? She pauses and looks at him, but he is still on the phone though his pen was tapping faster and faster.

She takes out her client's confidentiality form to make sure all the signatures and dates are filled in and  then she hears it again. There it is. It sounded like a 'meow'. She looks up suspiciously at her Intern. He wasn't making cat sounds was he? He notices her looking and tilts his head questioningly. No, it couldn't be him.

Bong Hee gets up and walks around. Perhaps a cat had accidentally got in somehow. She hears the meowing again and realizes it's coming from Lawyer Ji's desk. She peeks underneath and sees a pair of pale blue eyes staring right back at her.

"Meow.." the pretty cat greets her hello. It has fluffy cream-colored hair and pale brown markings on it's face and is just the cutest thing ever.

"Oh, hello there," Bong Hee coos. The cat is sitting in a little carrier looking at her curiously. Aww.... she wants to pet it so bad but she's not sure she can take it out. What was it doing under Lawyer Ji's desk?

Right at that moment she hears her mobile phone ring. She walks over to pick it up and the Caller ID reveals it's Lawyer Ji. How unsurprising.

"Bong Hee, I forgot something."

"Let me guess: is the something an adorable cat?"

"Ah... yes. I'm really sorry but are you going to be at the office for a while? Can you watch Choco for me? Just for a little bit. I was going to take her to a vet near here for a check-up but I have this one meeting first."

"Hmm...let's see...." Bong Hee teases "Ok, Yes. I will watch your adorable little ball of fluff. On one condition. Can I let her out to play?"

Lawyer Ji agrees with a sigh of relief, then hangs up. Bong Hee looks at the pretty little cat gleefully. Hello there, precious.... come to Auntie Bong Hee. She opens the little door and the cat hops out and gives her a happy rub. Awww....

"Look, Intern Yoon. This is Choco. Isn't she the cutest?" She turns around to call over the Intern but almost falls back in surprise when she realizes he is already standing behind her. How did he move so silently?

He crouches down and Choco comes over to give him a hello which makes a smile crack on his face. Bong Hee looks on shocked. That was the first smile she's ever noticed on him. The cat seems to sense another willing victim of her cuteness and proceeds to roll over commanding more petting. He happily gives her more rubs and tummy tickles, laughing a little as she batted his fingers.

The sight does all sorts of things to Bong Hee's heart. She itches to snap a picture like a proud Omma but Intern Yoon might not appreciate that. It was nice to know though that he could be thawed.

"Isn't she the prettiest thing? She looks like a Siamese cat," Bong Hee points out.



"She's a Balinese cat. They are sometimes called long-haired siamese because of the similar markings and origins. But they have a longer coat."

"Oh, I see," Bong Hee looks at him curiously, "How do you know so much about cats?" 

"My mother is a veterinarian"

Ah, is that why, Bong Hee thinks. She smiles again at the sight of the two playing.

When Lawyer Ji makes it back a little bit later he's greeted by the sight of Choco lying lazily on Intern Yoon's desk. Once in a while she bats his pen as the Intern talks on the phone.

"Appa is back!" Eun Hyuk calls out and Choco looks up as he comes over to pet her, greeting him with noisy meows.  He smiles happily as he her fluffy fur.

Eun Hyuk had only recently gotten her after realizing how quiet his house could get when he came home at night. 
Perhaps because it was always so boisterous at the firm during the day, or maybe it was because his best friends were so obviously in love; but, Eun Hyuk had been feeling a little lonely lately. An image flashes in his mind of a woman, cheeks flushed and eyes glazed as he kissed her. But since that day Cha Yoo Jung had not taken his calls and he had his pride so he hadn't contacted her for a while, though he couldnt deny he had dropped by the Prosecutor building a little bit more than usual lately. 

Instead of mulling over the ambigous state of their relationship he had decided to get a cat. At least here was a pretty female who was always glad to see him.

"Aren't you the prettiest?" He coos, "oh yes you are, you cute little fluffy-wuffy precious kissy-wissy.." He realizes all of a sudden that everything is quiet around him. Eun Hyuk looks up and sees Bong Hee is staring at him with a huge grin on her face, trying not to laugh. The  Intern is also looking up, though he seems to be keeping his expression carefully neutral.

Eun Hyuk clears his throat, then picks up his cat.

"Everyone, as you were," he proceeds to walk away with a bundle of furry cat in his arms. Behind him he hears Bong Hee give up and break into helpless laughter. 






Introducing New Character:


Lawyer Ji's adorable Balinese cat.



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Dear Readers, I'm overdue for an update on this. But as I was writing the chapters I realized this was becoming more of a crime drama and less of a romance story. So I'm rewriting some things and redoing the plot so we can have lots of Eun Bong Hee and No Ji Wook moments. Please bear with me.


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thaciane #1
Chapter 1: Do you go continue the story??? I hope you do :D
thaciane #2
Chapter 6: A really love this fanfic, please continues!!!
rhienz #3
Chapter 6: Take your time, author-nim. Ganbatte!
Will be waiting for your new update.
Chapter 6: Chapter 6 :
New Cuties Intern : Done
Lovely Couple and Fluffy Moment : Done
Creepy Criminal on his way : done
Office Goal : Done
Cutest Pet : Done
So what is coming next ? I'm ready Author-Nim *.*
Is it normal that I find Ji Eun Hyuk and his cat way more cuter than him with Cha Yoo Jung ? X)
Chapter 6: Love the introduction of the new characters. Choco could be the cutest one yet!
Chapter 6: Awwww I love Ji Eun Hyuk's character so much. He's the best-est friend you could ever find. I love that Bong Hee asked him to be her witness. & that fluffy cat omg my heart just melts.
I cannot wait for Bong Hee & Ji Wook to get married. They're both lonely without each other. It's time to seal the deal!!! ❤️
Thank you for the two updates ❤️
Chapter 5: I'm crying!!!!! Thank you author-nim!!!
Chapter 5: Chapter 5 : I love how you put the different definition/meaning how the word who is going to represent the chapter like the drama did :) Ji Wook how can you forget and being surprised about what happened when you were even not a little bit drunk @_@ ?
77_malou_b #9
Chapter 6: Choco is so adorable.... imagine her having two men at her beck and call.... haha! Thanks for the update, dear author...
77_malou_b #10
Chapter 5: wow, dear author. that was hot ;-) thanks for updating!