Chapter Two

His Gentle Touch: Christmas Special

Chapter Two:


(Before Christmas)


I held my coat tighter around me. The snow was pouring fast and soon I’m sure there will be a blizzard. I have to get home before it happens. This day was not a good day for me. My car broke down and to make matters worse I didn’t wear warm thermals. I was in a hurry this morning to get to SME. I didn’t want to be late. I had missed enough practices already.


How could I think about work at the moment when everything in my life is a mess?


My parents decided to get a divorce, seriously at their age their thinking of such things is simply ridiculous.  My mother claimed that she’s no longer in love with my father. She kicked him out of the house, hence my father had to take back the apartment that he gave me last year and I’m forced to live with Siwon, my best friend. It shouldn’t be a problem, right? Wrong. How can I live with him when I’m in love with him? It would be awkward between us. As if fate is trying to test me, I confessed my feelings to him and rejected it right out front.


I didn’t want to punish myself anymore so, I decided to move out. I became a temporary tenant in Kangin and Leeteuk’s apartment and I’ve definitely worn out my welcome weeks ago.


Then I met this weirdo in the park who kept telling me that I’m his true love and to make it worst he somehow became my workmate and lived in the same apartment. My life is meaningless now. It’s all in a messy state.


I have to find meaning in my life again.

Siwon is not… he should not be the end of me.


Just around the corner was YeWook’s. Finally, I could get out of the cold. I reached the restaurant and opened the door. As soon as I entered the restaurant I was filled with warmth. Though the warmth only warmed up the physical side of me. My heart was still cold as ice.


If I knew it would hurt this bad…

I would have never allowed myself to fall in love.


I saw KangTeuk, EunHae, KyuMin and of course YeWook were all gathered in one table and when they saw me they waved at me. I went to them and sat down without saying anything. I was not in a good mood and if they knew what was good for them they wouldn’t dare ask why. I silently ordered my food and took a deep breath.


“Are you okay? You seem to be in a bad mood.” Donghae asked me.


It wasn’t a surprise that the fish wouldn’t get the message that I wasn’t in the mood to talk.


I was about to tell him off when Ryeowook and Yesung arrived with our orders.  I took a bite from my food and smiled for the first time today. The food was amazing. It wasn’t the usual food that Ryeowook would cook but it had a familiar taste to it. Ryeowook asked us if the food was okay and we all agreed that it tasted good.


Better than what we would normally eat anyway.


“You really liked it? Yah! Han Kyung, they like your food!” Yesung yelled out the door of the kitchen.

“HAN KYUNG?!” We all said in surprise.


The guy that turned my life upside down, Han Kyung went out of the door carrying with him the rest of our orders. I looked at him and was speechless. The others seemed surprise as well.


“You’re working here?” I had to ask him.


We hadn’t talked in a while but my curiosity didn’t allow me to stay quiet.


“Yes, as of today.” He replied with the same stupid smile that he always wore.


The others asked him and was talking non-stop about how incredible he is and how much hard  work he did. I was pissed off for some reason.


Han Kyung is the most annoying person that I have ever met.

He says things that make me feel all warm inside.

Not to mention that we’ve had a lot of close-ual encounters.


I usually have no problems with the latter part. But Han Kyung, no matter how attracted I am to him is a mystery. There’s just so many things that he’s keeping that I can’t seem to keep up. I was in deep thought that I had missed out on what they were talking about. So I asked about his daughter, Haelin.


“Haelin’s with a friend. She’s starting school tomorrow. That’s why I was so eager to take this job. I don’t know if I could afford sending her to a special school.” Han Kyung said to me.

“Why couldn’t you afford it? SME pays you a lot of money as a trainee. That’s why you joined, right?” I started to say in an arrogant manner.


I tried to control my temper but it was no use. This guy is annoying me and I couldn’t help but snap. I hate people with secrets and Han Kyung has a lot of them.


“I didn’t become a trainee just for the money.” Han Kyung said to me in a cold manner.


I looked back at his the same way and said nothing. Leeteuk and the others saw the tension brewing between us so he got up and tried to stop the source of the tension.




“Heechul, you should apologize to him.” Leeteuk said looking at me.

“Why? It’s true.” I said now avoiding the dagger like gaze that Han Kyung was giving me.


It was as if those eyes pierced in to my very soul.


“You have no idea… how much….” Donghae said suddenly standing up.


I rarely see the Fish get angry and upset so his outburst startled me a bit.


Just how much do they know about Han Kyung that they’re willing to stand up for him in a heartbeat?


“Hae… relax…” Han Kyung said to him stopping him from saying anything further.


Donghae sat back down while the others kept staring at me. I didn’t care about them.


If this is the way it’s going to be between me and Han Kyung then I might as well forget the possibility of us getting along.


I stood up and started to leave when Han Kyung took my hand and dragged me away from the others. His mere touch made burned through my skin and made my heart beat fast. I hated that feeling. I hated feeling this weak...

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110 streak #2
This is so beautiful! :"> I really hope Heechul would get Hankyung back. :)
I loooooooove it!!!!!
So cute and sad at the same time! ; A ;<br />
<br />
I love it *o* Can't wait for an update~
It's beautiful!<br />
I can't wait for the rest of the main story :D
Absolutely adorable!!!
HellsRainbow #7
Oh yay ^^ So cute, yet depressing...but cute all the same! >:D And the pic on the last chapter was just oh so damn ADORABLE! <3
love it<br />
so sad!!!<br />
I hope hangeng will remember his true love soon