First Part: Secrets

All of the Stars
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*Did I warn you before about secrets? Well this story has a secret as well. Other than that, it's also a secret story. And although secrets can't be kept between three people and more, I'm letting you in. Just you, and me and the main character of the story.


**I'm just kidding. I can't show you this secret chapter. I need to change the characters names into X but you know them already, right?



"Whxt wxxld yxx dx xftxr X mxkx Xxx Xxxxx mxxx?" Mxmblxd Xxxxx xxdxr hxr brxxth xx xhx xtxxd by thx xdxx xf thx xchxxl'x rxxftxp, lxkx thx trxx dxrxdxvxl xhx xlwxyx wxx. Xxxt tx hxr wxx Kxxx Mxxhyxk, whx wxx cxrrxxtly hxr bxxt frxxxd'x bxxx xxd xxxx-tx-bx-bxyfrxxxd, xxlxxx xhx dxxx xxmxthxxx xbxxt xt xf cxxrxx. "Tx bx hxxxxt, X dxx't xvxx kxxw whxt thxx xx fxr.

"X wxxld dxxxppxxr rxxht xx frxxt xf hxr, xf cxxrxx. X dxx't wxxt tx bx thx bxd xxy whx lxxvxx hxr hxxrt brxkxx xxxt bxcxxxx X cxx't cxmmxt." xtxtxd Mxxhyxk, txkxxx x dxxp xxxh. "X rxxlly lxvx hxr, bxt X'm txx xxxxcxrx xxd xhx'x txx prxcxxxx fxr mx tx rxxx. X cxx't hxrt hxr."

"Yxx cxx't hxrt hxr xx yxx'rx MXKXXX HXR FXLL FXR MX XXXTXXD XXD LXT HXR FXXL XXXLTY XLL BY HXRXXLF?"Xx xf Mxxhyxk'x crxzy, Xxxxx xcxffxd. Xxxt xxx mx

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Chapter 7: I like this easy going story