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EXO SERIES: Someone Like Zhang Yixing
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A/N: I really wanted to update on Yixing's birthday; happy birthday to our Zhang Yixing!


Even though Min Hee has long gotten over Kang Won Ho whom she used to have a crush on for a while, she couldn't help her growing feelings towards a certain idol who went by the name Zhang Yixing. Won Ho, the 'doctor guy' was the boyfriend material usually seen in cliché dramas. However, Won Ho was a busy doctor and they didn't keep in touch as often as needed to develop serious feelings. If she really liked him, she would've continued liking him despite the distance. 

With Yixing, Min Hee would talk to or see him way more since they were colleagues. No matter how much Min Hee would try to avoid him, she would naturally think of Yixing as he was part of her work. Fantasies about dating Yixing were never present in Min Hee's head. Since she wasn't sure what kind of relationship he had to Jung Ha Na, she acted rather careful and wanted to find out about that first. I don't want to chase a taken or almost taken man. 

At the very beginning, Yang Min Hee almost rationalised her growing attraction for Yixing which was very unlike her. Just because of some feelings, Min Hee neither avoided him nor acted differently towards him. That was at least what she thought and planned on doing. Sure, she became aware and conscious of his presence and considered him a man instead of only a co-worker, but Min Hee came to like and admire him, knowing her feelings wouldn't be returned for the time being. This made things much easier and she wouldn't end up being disappointed by some mere fantasies or built hopes.

Min Hee was certain that one day these romantic feelings would gradually vanish as time passed like it was with her crush. When will that be? I don't know. For now, I like Yixing. Let's be careful not to get hurt emotionally. Not specifically disappointed or hopeless but hurt which was pretty normal. People do get hurt, it can't be helped. Everyone would feel pain at least once in their lives, but not everyone knew how to deal with it. Yet people can heal too, often it just takes time. It can take a long time; the wrong thing is to keep the pain all to yourself which sadly is often the case.

"So many arrangements and schedule conflicts. 2017 will be a tightly packed year." Min Hee said frustrated to herself as she scanned Yixing's plans and offers for next year. Some people have already asked for Yixing's appearance for their events and shows for next year. She made her way to the idol's office and its door was surprisingly open.   

Yixing was immersed in composing and had his earphones on. He won't hear it anyway if I knock on the door. Min Hee tapped his shoulder lightly and handed him some drafts plus a very special offer to star in a Chinese remake. Yixing quickly took off his earphones and reviewed the script. "This script arrived today and though you will likely accept the offer to film the drama, I don't know if it's the genre you prefer. What do I get in return?" Min Hee was going to give Yixing the documents either way but today she felt like teasing him.

"A drama offer? If you've read it and tell me I'll agree, you are probably right. I'll read it right away." Yixing smiled at Min Hee gently and started reading the plot with high expectations.

Min Hee sighed defeatedly. That's not the reaction I thought he will have. "You could've at least pretended to play along." 

Yixing grinned, looking up from the script and gazing Min Hee with a curious expression. "Alright, tell me. What would you like in exchange?" If it's not a new car or apartment, I can buy it.

"Nothing in particular." Min Hee attempted to playing hard-to-get which successfully made Yixing grow more curious. Playing hard-to-get wasn't her style, it'd be extremely rare if she did. It toyed with other people's emotions and might lead to confusion and frustration so she preferred not to. It's best to be honest and straightforward instead of making the other person feel insecure. Min Hee never felt that way and she honestly didn't care, but she would rather not date a man who played the hard-to-get with her.

"Please tell me and I'll think about it, maybe. As long as I can afford it, we'll see." Innocent Yixing responded and focused completely on Min Hee with big, expectant eyes. Generous, aren't we? Do you really think I'd want something material apart from food? Min Hee shook her head silently and placed the sheets on the table, ending her game. "Already giving up? That's not like you. Did you worry about my savings? Hey, I do enough for my living, don't worry about money."

"I'm not giving up, it's not money-related." Min Hee smiled at him, thankful for his offer but sad when thinking about what he couldn't give her. Even if she needed money Min Hee would refuse his offer. She knew Yixing would always lend her money and probably not even question why. She probably has her reasons, that's why he wouldn't ask. What could it be that Min Hee didn't want to say? She behaved somewhat differently today, not being as straightforward and bold as he knew her. Yixing grew concerned because it might be something serious, maybe she felt too embarrassed to tell him? 

At this point, Min Hee didn't precisely wish for Yixing to return her feelings but deep inside, she probably couldn't help it. "It's not something you can just give to me." Oh boy, how childish. That became deep very quickly. She shook her head mentally and wondered when she turned into such a shy and edgy little girl in front of the guy she liked; she wasn't a teenager anymore. "Anyways, this is for you, make sure to tell me what you think about it and I'll share my opinion with you." Min Hee got up to go back to work and maintain her composure. She genuinely thought it would be easy to control herself at least at work.

"Min Hee, wait!" Yixing called her before almost losing sight of his friend. "Something's different, right? You seem strange today." Min Hee wasn't sure what Yixing was hinting at. He always noticed the little things, every little detail. New hairstyles, new clothes or any changes with his staff members. "You must be hungry, that must be why. You could've told me you were craving for some food! Let's go, I'll buy you a nice meal!" Yixing closed his laptop lid and and smiled brightly, proud of himself for seeing through her.

Confused, Min Hee raised her eyebrow and blocked the door. "Not so fast, Yixing. It's late, what if you get caught?" If Yixing offered her some food before, she would never question it even for a second, but she was especially cautious these days. They are colleagues and friends, but let's be honest, who will believe them? If those two are out at night eating together, just by themselves, which reporters will believe they aren't a couple?

"We won't get caught if it's with the whole staff! It's better to go altogether, isn't it? Actually, I invited all staff members to a meal at a restaurant in the neighbourhood. I assumed you'd join so let's have dinner!" Yixing glanced at the time and signalled Min Hee to follow him. The rest of the crew was getting ready and heading to the van soon. The whole staff? It's about food, of course, I'll still agree to go. However, she caught herself feeling a tiny bit disappointed.

Everyone including the staff members had to move together to fit in the van. Some other staff members took their own cars and drove separately. Yixing often invited his studio to a big dinner because of everyone's hard work; it was the best way to repay them. Other times, they gathered to celebrate any kind of event. After arriving, they entered the delicious restaurant Yixing has been talking about and sat down at a long table. 

Unknowingly, Min Hee became aware of little things. She thought it wouldn't bother her or make her feel weird since it was normal, but she somehow ended up sitting next to Yixing at the table. Min Hee could'venever imagined that such a silly reason would make her feel nervous. It's just a seat, Min Hee. How many times in your life have you been sitting next to him already? 

"Order what you want and enjoy your food, tonight everything's on me." Yixing announced, standing to lift up the mood. "I'd like to thank you for your effort and hard work every day. Thanks to every single one of you, we came this far together." It was always food because he wasn't sure how else to show his gratefulness. Except, Yixing always thanked his workshop's staff at almost every meal together.

Min Hee smiled softly and thought of what to choose to eat. Her nervousness must have made her forget the appetite. If everyone chose what they wanted to eat, it might become a little expensive. I shall take something light and not expensive, it's most important that this guy eats something. When Yixing's crew started eating, It made the idol proud seeing his employees enjoy themselves. As he turned to Min Hee, he noticed the almost empty bowl. "Order some more, I've told you not to worry about the money." Yixing smiled and nudged his friend's shoulder lightly. "Wait until you taste the best dish on the menu of this place!"

As much as Min Hee loved eating, tonight she didn't have much of an appetite. Good thing I know this restaurant already, I live here after all. Yang Min Hee watched Yixing ordering more food hopelessly. He wouldn't understand. Because she won't make him understand. It's her fault and she knows, then why does she still feel upset with herself? Suddenly, there was a vibration sound coming from somewhere, obviously from a phone. It was Yixing's, and Jung Ha Na was the one calling. 

Min Hee rolled her eyes. Great timing. She considered not telling Yixing but anyhow, she tapped his shoulder while everyone was eating and talking. Instead of using Chinese, she made sure solely Yixing could understand. The young man then saw the already missed calls from Ha Na. He raised his eyebrows but didn't pay them any more attention. Yixing didn't even know how Ha Na got his contact information as he wasn't using his old phone number anymore and he couldn't recall giving it to her. One random day, Ha Na had called him out of the blue, that was how he knew. 

For Min Hee, it was harder for her than expected. She assumed if she didn't get her hopes up, fantasise about how it would be like to stay beside him as a different person, she would be fine and get over him. It's been ages since Min Hee last felt messed up over a man. She turned back to eating with a somewhat uneasy feeling.

"Oppa, is that you?" A female voice was heard near the crew's table which made Min Hee lose the rest of her appetite, recognising the voice rapidly. Yixing's eyes grew wide and he turned around to see Jung Ha Na showing up here out of all places. How? Why? What was happening? This is genuinely creepy, how did she find out where they are? Both Min Hee and Yixing were questioning the situation and stared at Ha Na confused.

The rest of the staff stopped eating as well to see who interrupted their conversations and Ms Manager got up to ask Ha Na to leave as he assumed she was a fan. "You don't know her, do you?" She asked Yixing seriously before the other employees resumed eating.

Yixing didn't know how to answer, whether he should lie and claim he didn't know her or if he should say he knew her without revealing their history. Then again, if Yixing claimed they were strangers, Ha Na might reveal everything instead. He would feel bad either way. "She is an ol

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markmeevil #1
Chapter 20: Aw, it’s finally the end. This was the last story I was keeping this account open for to finish before I deactivated. Thank you for sharing your writing and giving us xingmis a sweet story to read :)
markmeevil #2
Chapter 19: I swear I just looked at this story a few days ago to see if it had been updated and I’d missed it, and miraculously there’s an update today! Sad it’s coming to an end soon, but glad we got so much sweetness and fluff of them enjoying their relationship this chapter. Thanks for the update!
markmeevil #3
Chapter 18: Ah! Finally! It’s so funny because that’s what I’m really hoping Yixing will do at some point. Do what makes HIM happy. The man really does put literally everyone else first along with his dream, but his actual life? That comes dead last.
markmeevil #4
Chapter 17: Sloooooooooooow burn. I really hope this has a happy ending. If it just ends with Yixing letting her go I will be so bummed after reading for this long
markmeevil #5
Chapter 16: I just finished reading this before bed, but now am about to fall asleep. I’ll comment more tomorrow when my brain is on lol— thank you for updating though!
markmeevil #6
Chapter 15: Yay! You’re back! First of all, congratulations on graduating!!! As for this chapter— !!!!!!!!! FINALLY! But also, thank God Min Hee is so straightforward and will not let him hide. I feel like you may have written him and him being in his own head way too much for his own good, too accurately, lol Glad for the update and looking forward to more! Congrats again!
markmeevil #7
Chapter 14: Cute! I was wondering which song it was... I really do enjoy this story and appreciate that you always come back to give us more. Reading the blossoming feelings makes me smile. And I love the contrast between Min Hee’s certainty about her feelings and actions versus Yixing confusion and worry about his actions and interpretations of her’s. Honestly it’s all so sweet I just love it!
markmeevil #8
Chapter 13: I’m still reading! And I do still enjoy!
markmeevil #9
Chapter 12: Funny, I was just thinking about this story yesterday. I’ll need to go back and re-read the story now because the relationship change with Ha Na changes the context of things!
markmeevil #10
Chapter 11: *Deep sigh* I really enjoy this story so much. You put a lot into letting us see how they think and feel, along with actions, but leave just enough out that we’re left wondering how and where things will go. Thanks for another great chapter— I especially liked reading a bit more of Yixing’s mental processing. I am kind of surprised his manager didn’t freak out when noticing Yixing texting her, but I’m totally here for that too! Looking forward to more :)